
message_ix_models.model.transport.workflow.scenario_url(context: message_ix_models.Context, label: str | None = None) str[source]

Construct a target URL for a built MESSAGEix-Transport scenario.

If the dest URL is set on context (for instance, provided via the --dest CLI option), this URL returned with label appended to the scenario name.

If not, a form is used like:

  • model = "MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM 1.1-T-{regions}". Any value of the “model” key from core.Config.dest_scenario is appended.

  • scenario = "{label}". Any value of the “scenario” key from core.Config.dest_scenario is appended; if this is not set, then either “policy” (if transport.Config.policy is set) or “baseline”.