Other code lists

These codelists correspond to sets in the generic MESSAGE IAM formulation with the same names.

Commodities (commodity.yaml)

These codes have the following annotations:

level (mandatory)

Level where this commodity typically (not exclusively) occurs.

units (mandatory)

Units typically associated with this commodity.

iea-eweb-flow (optional)

List of FLOW codes from the IEA (Extended) World Energy Balances (tools.iea.web) associated with this MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM commodity.

iea-eweb-product (optional)

List of PRODUCT codes from the IEA (Extended) World Energy Balances (tools.iea.web) associated with this MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM commodity.

  units: GWa
  report: Solids|Biomass
  ipcc-1996-name: "Solid Biomass"

  name: Coal
  units: GWa
  report: Solids|Fossil
  # NB same value as "Coking coal"; this choice is arbitrary
  # NB in message_doc, this appears as "Hard coal", but this
  #    term usually refers to anthracite, which has a higher
  #    carbon emission factor.
  ipcc-1996-name: "Other Bituminous Coal"
  - BKB
  - PEAT

  name: Crude oil
  description: >-
    For secondary energy, use 'fueloil', 'lightoil', etc.
  level: primary
  units: GWa
  report: Oil
  ipcc-1996-name: "Crude Oil"

  name: (?) District heat
  description: >-
    FIXME provide an unambiguous description of what this commodity represents.
  report: Heat

  name: Electricity
  units: GWa
  report: Electricity
  iea-eweb-product: [ELECTR]

  name: Ethanol
  units: GWa
  report: Liquids|Biomass

  name: (?) Fresh water
  description: >-
    FIXME provide an unambiguous description of what this commodity represents.

  name: Fuel oil
  description: Heavy fuel oil
  level: secondary
  units: GWa
  ipcc-1996-name: "Residual Fuel Oil"
  iea-eweb-product: [BITUMEN, PARWAX, PETCOKE, RESFUEL]

  name: Natural Gas
  units: GWa
  report: Gases
  ipcc-1996-name: "Natural Gas (Dry)"
  iea-eweb-product: [NATGAS]

  name: Gaseous hydrogen
  units: GWa

  name: Liquid hydrogen
  units: GWa

  name: Light oil
  description: Includes gasoline, diesel oil.
  # level: secondary
  units: GWa
  report: Liquids|Oil
  # NB same value as "Crude Oil" and several others; this choice is arbitrary
  ipcc-1996-name: "Other Oil"
  - LPG

  name: Lignite
  ipcc-1996-name: "Lignite"

  name: Methanol
  units: GWa
  report: Liquids|Coal
  # This does not appear in the referenced source; value is 17.4
  # ipcc-1996-name: MISSING

  name: Non-commercial biomass
  units: GWa
  report: Solids|Biomass|Traditional

  name: Residential and commercial non-substitutable fuels

  name: Residential and commercial thermal

  name: Transportation
  description: >-
    For MESSAGEix-Transport, this commodity is not used; it is replaced by a
    disaggregated set of transport service demands (representing e.g. light-
    duty vehicles, civil aviation, freight transport, etc.)
  level: useful
  units: GWa

# The following codes also appear in a recent (2020-02-28) SSP2 scenario, but
# are not currently used by model.bare.create_res.
# Aff_CO2_G4M
# Agri_CH4
# Agri_N2O
# Agri_N2O_calc
# Agricultural Demand
# Agricultural Demand|Bioenergy
# Agricultural Demand|Bioenergy|1st generation
# Agricultural Demand|Bioenergy|2nd generation
# Agricultural Demand|Feed
# Agricultural Demand|Feed|Crops
# Agricultural Demand|Food
# Agricultural Demand|Food|Crops
# Agricultural Demand|Food|Livestock
# Agricultural Demand|Non-Food
# Agricultural Demand|Non-Food|Crops
# Agricultural Demand|Non-Food|Livestock
# Agricultural Production
# Agricultural Production|Energy Crops
# Agricultural Production|Livestock
# Agricultural Production|Non-Energy Crops
# Agricultural Production|Non-Energy Crops|Cereals
# BCA_LandUseChangeEM
# BCA_SavanBurnEM
# Biodiesel_G1
# bioenergy
# Bioethanol_G1
# CalAnim
# CalCrop
# CalTot
# CH4_LandUseChangeEM
# CH4_SavanBurnEM
# CO_LandUseChangeEM
# CO_SavanBurnEM
# CO2_oil
# CO2_rem
# cooling__bio_hpl
# cooling__bio_istig
# cooling__bio_istig_ccs
# cooling__bio_ppl
# cooling__coal_adv
# cooling__coal_adv_ccs
# cooling__coal_ppl
# cooling__coal_ppl_u
# cooling__foil_hpl
# cooling__foil_ppl
# cooling__gas_cc
# cooling__gas_cc_ccs
# cooling__gas_hpl
# cooling__gas_ppl
# cooling__geo_hpl
# cooling__geo_ppl
# cooling__igcc
# cooling__igcc_ccs
# cooling__loil_cc
# cooling__loil_ppl
# cooling__nuc_hc
# cooling__nuc_lc
# cooling__solar_th_ppl
# CrpLnd
# crude_1
# crude_2
# crude_3
# crude_4
# crude_5
# crude_6
# crude_7
# crude_8
# Def_CO2_G4M
# Def_CO2_GLO
# dumagr
# dumfert
# Emissions|CH4|Land Use
# Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Agricultural Waste Burning
# Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Agriculture
# Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Agriculture|AWM
# Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Agriculture|Enteric Fermentation
# Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Agriculture|Rice
# Emissions|CH4|Land Use|Savannah Burning
# Emissions|CO2|Land Use
# Emissions|CO2|Land Use|Negative
# Emissions|CO2|Land Use|Positive
# Emissions|N2O|Land Use
# Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agricultural Waste Burning
# Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture
# Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|AWM
# Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|Cropland Soils
# Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Agriculture|Pasture
# Emissions|N2O|Land Use|Savannah Burning
# EnergyRoundwood
# exports
# Fertilizer Use|Nitrogen
# Fertilizer Use|Phosphorus
# Fmg_CO2_G4M
# Food Demand
# Food Demand|Crops
# Food Demand|Livestock
# Food Energy Demand
# Food Energy Demand|Livestock
# ForestBiomass
# ForestBiomass_G4M
# ForestHarvestDF_G4M
# ForestHarvestFM_G4M
# ForestHarvestTot_G4M
# ForestHarvestTot_GLO
# Forestry Demand|Roundwood
# Forestry Demand|Roundwood|Industrial Roundwood
# Forestry Demand|Roundwood|Wood Fuel
# Forestry Production|Forest Residues
# Forestry Production|Roundwood
# Forestry Production|Roundwood|Industrial Roundwood
# Forestry Production|Roundwood|Wood Fuel
# freshwater_instream
# FuelWood
# FuelWood_G4M
# gas
# gas_1
# gas_2
# gas_3
# gas_4
# gas_5
# gas_6
# gas_7
# gas_8
# gas_afr
# gas_cpa
# gas_eeu
# gas_nam
# gas_pao
# gas_pas
# gas_sas
# gas_weu
# GrsLnd
# i_feed
# i_spec
# i_therm
# IrriWithdrawal
# Land Cover
# Land Cover|Cropland
# Land Cover|Cropland|Cereals
# Land Cover|Cropland|Energy Crops
# Land Cover|Cropland|Irrigated
# Land Cover|Forest
# Land Cover|Forest|Afforestation and Reforestation
# Land Cover|Forest|Forestry
# Land Cover|Forest|Managed
# Land Cover|Forest|Natural Forest
# Land Cover|Other Natural Land
# Land Cover|Pasture
# LiquidTotal
# LoggingResidues
# LU_CO2
# LucGrs_CO2
# LucOth_CO2
# NewFor_G4M
# NH3_LandUseChangeEM
# NH3_ManureEM
# NH3_RiceEM
# NH3_SavanBurnEM
# NH3_SoilEM
# NOx_LandUseChangeEM
# NOx_SavanBurnEM
# NOx_SoilEM
# nucfuel
# OCA_LandUseChangeEM
# OCA_SavanBurnEM
# oil_st
# Olc_CO2_GLO
# Olc_CO2_GLO_neg
# Olc_CO2_GLO_pos
# OldFor_G4M
# OtherLnd
# OthSolidNonComm
# PlantationBiomass
# PlantationHarvest_GLO
# PltArt
# PltFor
# PltFor_gr
# Price_BIO
# Price_CO2
# Price|Agriculture|Non-Energy Crops and Livestock|Index
# Price|Agriculture|Non-Energy Crops|Index
# Price|Primary Energy|Biomass
# pu
# puq
# puq2
# saline_supply
# SawmillResidues
# SawmillResidues_G4M
# shipping
# SO2_LandUseChangeEM
# SO2_SavanBurnEM
# SolidExogenous
# SolidExogenous_G4M
# SolidTotal
# SolidTotal_G4M
# TimberIndust
# TimberIndust_G4M
# Tot_CO2_G4M
# total_cost
# TotalLnd
# TotFor_G4M
# u5
# u5q
# u5t
# upstream_landuse
# uq
# uranium
# VOC_LandUseChangeEM
# VOC_SavanBurnEM
# water_constraint
# Water|Withdrawal|Irrigation
# Yield|Cereal
# Yield|Oilcrops
# Yield|Sugarcrops

Levels (level.yaml)

This code list has no annotations and no hierarchy.

  name: Primary Energy
  description: >-
    A form found in nature that has not been subjected to any human engineered
    conversion process.

  name: Secondary Energy
  description: Forms which have been transformed from primary energy.

  name: Final Energy
  description: >-
    Represents end-use demands of the end-use sectors (e.g. industry, transport,
    residential, commercial and agriculture).

  name: Imports

  name: Useful Energy
  description: >-
    Represents energy-service demands (or activity levels) of the end-use
    sectors in non-energy units.

  name: Water Supply
  description: >-
    FIXME provide an unambiguous description of what this level represents.

# The following codes also appear in a recent (2020-02-28) SSP2 scenario, but
# are not currently used by model.bare.create_res.
# cooling
# export
# land_use_reporting
# land_use
# piped-gas
# resource
# stocks
# water_supply_constraint

Technologies (technology.yaml)


This list is only for reference; particular MESSAGE-GLOBIOM scenarios may not contain all these technologies, or may contain other technologies not listed.

Each of these codes has the following annotations:


A categorization of the technology.


(commodity, level) for input to the technology.


(commodity, level) for output from the technology.


True if the technology is subject to vintaging.


Same as output[1].

# This file describes a possible set of base technologies to be used in the
# global model. It will be usable by both model creation and reporting code.
# Each entry includes the following fields:
# - name, description: required.
# - sector: a label to group multiple technologies to a notional sector.
#   Required.
# - output (required) and input (optional): either
#   - a list of [commodity, level] giving the output generated or input used by
#     the technology; or,
#   - a list of 2 or more such lists, if the technology has multiple inputs or
#     outputs.
# - vintaged: True if the technology's properties vary by year_vintage.
#   Optional; False if omitted.
# - type: In the Excel file used to create this YAML file (see
#   https://github.com/iiasa/message_data/issues/74), 'type' appears to be
#   always the same as 'output'/level; *unless* the 'output'/commodity is a
#   dummy commodity, in which case it is 'dummy'.
#   TODO if this is the case, remove 'type' from this file, and generate 'type'
#        in tools.technologies.get_info.

  name: CF4_TCE
  description: Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) Total Carbon Emissions
  type: primary
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: CH4_TCE
  description: Methane total carbon equivalent emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: CH4g_TCE
  description: CH4 emissions from animals directly in Total Carbon Equivalent emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: CH4n_TCE
  description: CH4 emissions from anaerobic waste decomposition in Total Carbon Equivalent emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: CH4o_TCE
  description: Dummy technology converting CH4 emissions from industrial and domestic wastewater, non energy biomass burning and other CH4 emissions, to total carbon equivalent emissions (TCE)
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: CO2_TCE
  description: CO2 total carbon equivalent emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: dom_total
  description: Used in balance equation for domestic energy supply and in the equation for constraining net imports
  type: secondary
  sector: dummy
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: dummy_producer
  description: Technology added to produce dummy energy to avoid infeasibility if needed (e.g. when CO2_TCE needs to go negative)
  type: primary
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: exp_total
  description: Used in balance equation for exported energy supply and in the equation for constraining net imports
  type: secondary
  sector: dummy
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: HFC_TCE
  description: HFC total carbon equivalent emissions
  type: primary
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: HFCo_TCE
  description: Dummy technology converting HFC equiv emissions from solvents, fire extinguishers, aerosols MDI, aerosols non-MDI to total carbon equivalent emissions (TCE)
  type: primary
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: imp_total
  description: Used in balance equation for imported energy supply
  type: exports
  sector: dummy
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: N2O_TCE
  description: N2O total carbon equivalent emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy]

  name: N2OG_TCE
  description: N2O soil emissions total carbon equivalent emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy]

  name: N2On_TCE
  description: N2O adipic acid total carbon equivalent emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy]

  name: N2Oo_TCE
  description: Dummy technology converting N2O emissions from Manure Management, Human Sewage, Other Agricultural sources, Other Non Ag Sources to total carbon equivalent emissions (TCE)
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy]

  name: nica_con
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy]

  name: nitric_catalytic1
  description: Mitigation technology (catalytic converter) category 2 for N2O emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: nitric_catalytic2
  description: Mitigation technology (catalytic converter) category 1 for N2O emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: nitric_catalytic3
  description: Mitigation technology (catalytic converter) category 3 for N2O emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: nitric_catalytic4
  description: Mitigation technology (catalytic converter) category 4 for N2O emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: nitric_catalytic5
  description: Mitigation technology (catalytic converter) category 5 for N2O emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: nitric_catalytic6
  description: Mitigation technology (catalytic converter) category 6 for N2O emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: nitric_catalytic7
  description: Mitigation technology (catalytic converter) category 7 for N2O emissions
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: SF6_TCE
  description: SF6 total carbon equivalent emissions
  type: primary
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: useful_feedstock
  description: Share constraint for industry feedstocks
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy_useful, primary]

  name: useful_industry_sp
  description: Share constraint for Industry Specific
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy_useful, primary]

  name: useful_industry_th
  description: Share constraint for Industry Thermal
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy_useful, primary]

  name: useful_res/comm_sp
  description: Share constraint for Residential and Commercial Specific
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy_useful, primary]

  name: useful_res/comm_th
  description: Share constraint for Residential and Commercial Thermal
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy_useful, primary]

  name: useful_transport
  description: Share constraint for Transport
  type: dummy
  sector: dummy
  output: [dummy_useful, primary]

  name: bio_istig
  description: Advanced biomass power plant- gasified biomass is burned in gas turbine plant - modes with and without net carbon release
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [biomass, primary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: bio_istig_ccs
  description: Advanced biomass power plant with carbon capture and storage- gasified biomass is burned in gas turbine plant - modes with and without net carbon release
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [biomass, primary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: bio_ppl
  description: Bio powerplant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
    - [biomass, primary]
    - [cooling__bio_ppl, cooling]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: coal_adv
  description: Advanced coal power plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: coal_adv_ccs
  description: Advanced coal power plant with carbon capture and storage
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: coal_ppl
  description: Coal power-plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: coal_ppl_u
  description: Coal power plant without abatement measures
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: elec_exp
  description: Net export of electricity
  type: exports
  sector: electricity
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [electr, exports]

  name: elec_imp
  description: Net import of electricity
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  input: [electr, imports]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: elec_t/d
  description: Grid technology cost converted to 2005$
  type: final
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [electr, final]

  name: foil_ppl
  description: New standard oil power plant, Rankine cycle
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [fueloil, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: gas_cc
  description: Gas combined cycle power-plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [gas, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: gas_cc_ccs
  description: Gas combined cycle power-plant with carbon capture and storage
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [gas, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: gas_ct
  description: Gas combustion-turbine power plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [gas, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: gas_htfc
  description: High temperature fuel cell powered with natural gas
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [gas, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: gas_ppl
  description: Gas power plant, Rankine cycle
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [gas, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: geo_ppl
  description: Geothermal power plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: glb_elec_exp
  description: Global net export of electricity
  type: imports
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, imports]

  name: glb_elec_imp
  description: Global net import of electricity
  type: exports
  sector: electricity
  input: [electr, exports]
  output: [exports]

  name: hydro_hc
  description: High cost hydro power plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: hydro_lc
  description: Low cost hydro power plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: igcc
  description: Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: igcc_ccs
  description: Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant with carbon capture and storage
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: igcc_co2scr
  description: New coal scrubber for igcc plants
  type: exports
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: loil_cc
  description: Light oil combined cycle
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [lightoil, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: loil_ppl
  description: Existing light oil power-plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [lightoil, secondary]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: nuc_hc
  description: Nuclear power plant (~GEN III+), high cost
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [uranium, stocks]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: nuc_lc
  description: Nuclear power plant (~GEN II), low cost
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [uranium, stocks]
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: solar_curtailment1
  description: Solar PV curtailment steps
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: solar_curtailment2
  description: Solar PV curtailment steps
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: solar_curtailment3
  description: Solar PV curtailment steps
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: solar_cv1
  description: Quadratic systems integration costs added to solar PV
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: solar_cv2
  description: Quadratic systems integration costs added to solar PV
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: solar_cv3
  description: Quadratic systems integration costs added to solar PV
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: solar_cv4
  description: Quadratic systems integration costs added to solar PV
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: solar_pv_ppl
  description: Solar photovoltaic power plant (no storage)
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: solar_res1
  description: Maximum solar electricity potential 1
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: solar_res2
  description: Maximum solar electricity potential 2
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: solar_res3
  description: Maximum solar electricity potential 3
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: solar_res4
  description: Maximum solar electricity potential 4
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: solar_res5
  description: Maximum solar electricity potential 5
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: solar_res6
  description: Maximum solar electricity potential 6
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: solar_res7
  description: Maximum solar electricity potential 7
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: solar_th_ppl
  description: Solar thermal power plant with storage
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: stor_ppl
  description: Generic electric storage
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: wind_curtailment1
  description: Wind curtailment steps
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  input: [secondary, electricity]
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: wind_curtailment2
  description: Wind curtailment steps
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  input: [secondary, electricity]
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: wind_curtailment3
  description: Wind curtailment steps
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  input: [secondary, electricity]
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: wind_cv1
  description: Wind flexibility requirement and firm capacity contribution, quadratic systems integration costs added to wind
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: wind_cv2
  description: Wind flexibility requirement and firm capacity contribution, quadratic systems integration costs added to wind
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: wind_cv3
  description: Wind flexibility requirement and firm capacity contribution, quadratic systems integration costs added to wind
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: wind_cv4
  description: Wind flexibility requirement and firm capacity contribution, quadratic systems integration costs added to wind
  type: dummy
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: wind_ppl
  description: Wind power plant onshore (provides capacity only)
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: wind_res1
  description: Wind onshore potential and generation 1
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: wind_res2
  description: Wind onshore potential and generation 2
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: wind_res3
  description: Wind onshore potential and generation 3
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: wind_res4
  description: Wind onshore potential and generation 4
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: wind_ppf
  description: Wind power plant offshore (provides capacity only)
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: wind_ref1
  description: Wind offshore potential and generation 1
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: wind_ref2
  description: Wind offshore potential and generation 2
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: wind_ref3
  description: Wind offshore potential and generation 3
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: wind_ref4
  description: Wind offshore potential and generation 4
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: wind_ref5
  description: Wind offshore potential and generation 5
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm3_res
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 3 potential and generation 1
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm3_res1
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 3 potential and generation 2
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm3_res2
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 3 potential and generation 3
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm3_res3
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 3 potential and generation 4
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm3_res4
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 3 potential and generation 5
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm3_res5
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 3 potential and generation 6
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm3_res6
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 3 potential and generation 7
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm3_res7
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 3 potential and generation 8
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm3_ppl
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 3 (provides capacity only)
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: csp_sm1_res
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 1 potential and generation 1
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm1_res1
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 1 potential and generation 2
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm1_res2
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 1 potential and generation 3
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm1_res3
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 1 potential and generation 4
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm1_res4
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 1 potential and generation 5
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm1_res5
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 1 potential and generation 6
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm1_res6
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 1 potential and generation 7
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm1_res7
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 1 potential and generation 8
  type: secondary
  sector: electricity
  output: [electr, secondary]

  name: csp_sm1_ppl
  description: Concentrating solar power (CSP) with solar multiple of 1 (provides capacity only)
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: electricity
  output: [dummy renewable, secondary]

  name: bio_extr_1
  description: Biomass Extraction
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  output: [biomass, primary]

  name: bio_extr_2
  description: Biomass Extraction
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  output: [biomass, primary]

  name: bio_extr_3
  description: Biomass Extraction
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  output: [biomass, primary]

  name: bio_extr_4
  description: Biomass Extraction
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  output: [biomass, primary]

  name: bio_extr_5
  description: Biomass Extraction
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  output: [biomass, primary]

  name: bio_extr_6
  description: Biomass Extraction
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  output: [biomass, primary]

  name: coal_extr
  description: Hard coal extraction, world average grade A
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [coal, resource]
  output: [coal, primary]

  name: coal_extr_ch4
  description: Describes efforts in CH4-reduction from coal mining
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: extraction
  input: [coal, resource]
  output: [coal, primary]

  name: flaring_CO2
  description: Co2 emissions from gas flaring
  type: exports
  sector: extraction
  output: [exports, exports]

  name: gas_extr_1
  description: Natural gas extraction, Cat I = Master et al.14.WPC "Identified Reserves"
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [resource]
  output: [primary]

  name: gas_extr_2
  description: Natural gas extraction, Cat II = Master et al.14.WPC "Mode" undiscovered natural gas
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [resource]
  output: [primary]

  name: gas_extr_3
  description: Natural gas extraction, Cat III = Masters  et al.14.WPC Difference between "Mode and 5%"  undiscovered natural gas
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [resource]
  output: [primary]

  name: gas_extr_4
  description: Natural gas extraction, Cat IV = Estimated enhanced Recovery (30% of Resources I+II+III)  plus 15% of historical production
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [resource]
  output: [primary]

  name: gas_extr_5
  description: Natural gas extraction, Cat V = Non-conventional reserves (20% of Coal bed; 15% of fractured Shale; 15% of Tight formation)
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [resource]
  output: [primary]

  name: gas_extr_6
  description: Natural gas extraction, Cat VI -VII= Non-conventional resources. Rest of Coal bed (80%), fractured Shale (85%) and Tight formation (85%) were aggregated and then distributed to VI (40%) nd VII (60%)
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [resource]
  output: [primary]

  name: gas_extr_mpen
  description: Common Market penetration for all gas extraction technologies
  type: secondary
  sector: extraction
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: lignite_extr
  description: Lignite extraction, world average grade A
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [lignite, resource]
  output: [coal, primary]

  name: oil_extr_1
  description: Crude oil extraction, Cat I = Masters 14 WPC conv. oil reserves
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 1 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_1_ch4
  description: Describes efforts in CH4-reduction from oil extraction of Cat I
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 1 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_2
  description: Crude oil extraction, Cat II = Masters mode undiscovered conv. oil (incl. NGL)
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 2 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_2_ch4
  description: Describes efforts in CH4-reduction from oil extraction of Cat II
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 2 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_3
  description: Crude oil extraction, Cat III = Masters 5% - Masters 50%
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 3 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_3_ch4
  description: Describes efforts in CH4-reduction from oil extraction of Cat III
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 3 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_4
  description: Crude oil extraction, Cat IV = Recoverable "reserves" non-conventional oil
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 4 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_4_ch4
  description: Describes efforts in CH4-reduction from oil extraction of Cat IV
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 4 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_5
  description: Crude oil extraction, Cat V = Recoverable reserves of nonconventional oil = Shale, tarsands/bitumen and heavy oils
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 5 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_6
  description: Crude oil extraction, Cat VI = 20% of estimated occurrences (-reserves) of shale, heavy oils, tarsands/bitumen
  type: primary
  sector: extraction
  input: [crude 6 resource, primary]
  output: [crude oil, primary]

  name: oil_extr_mpen
  description: Common Market penetration for all oil extraction technologies
  type: secondary
  sector: extraction
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: Feeds_1
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry feedstock demand
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: Feeds_2
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry feedstock demand
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: Feeds_3
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry feedstock demand
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: Feeds_4
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry feedstock demand
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: Feeds_5
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry feedstock demand
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: Feeds_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for feedstock conservation cost curve steps
  type: primary
  sector: feedstock
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: coal_fs
  description: Coal as industry feedstock
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  input: [coal, final]
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: ethanol_fs
  description: Ethanol as industry feedstock
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  input: [ethanol, final]
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: foil_fs
  description: Fuel oil as industry feedstock
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  input: [fueloil, final]
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: gas_fs
  description: Gas as industry feedstock
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  input: [gas, final]
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: loil_fs
  description: Lightoil as industry feedstock
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  input: [lightoil, final]
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: methanol_fs
  description: Methanol as industry feedstock
  type: useful
  sector: feedstock
  input: [methanol, final]
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: coal_gas
  description: Hard coal gasification
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: gas
    - [coal, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
  output: [gas, secondary]

  name: g_ppl_co2scr
  description: CO2 scrubber for natural gas power plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: gas
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: gas_bal
  description: Link technology to stabilize gas production
  type: secondary
  sector: gas
  input: [gas, primary]
  output: [gas, secondary]

  name: gas_bio
  description: Synthesis gas production from biomass
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: gas
    - [biomass, primary]
    - [electr, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
  output: [gas, secondary]

  name: gas_imp
  description: Piped Gas imports
  type: secondary
  sector: gas
  input: [gas, exports]
  output: [gas, secondary]

  name: gas_rc
  description: Gas heating in residential/commercial sector
  type: final
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [gas, secondary]
  output: [gas, final]

  name: gas_t_d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of gas
  type: final
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: gas
  input: [gas, secondary]
  output: [gas, final]

  name: gas_t_d_ch4
  description: Transmission/Distribution of gas with CH4 mitigation
  type: final
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: gas
  input: [gas, secondary]
  output: [gas, final]

  name: gfc_co2scr
  description: New co2 scrubber for gas fuel cells
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: gas
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: glb_gas_exp
  description: Global net export of gas
  type: exports
  sector: gas
  output: [gas, exports]

  name: glb_LNG_exp
  description: Global net export of liquified natural gas
  type: imports
  sector: gas
  output: [LNG, imports]

  name: h2_mix
  description: Hydrogen injection into the natural gas system
  type: secondary
  sector: gas
  input: [hydrogen, secondary]
  output: [gas, secondary]

  name: LNG_bal
  description: Link technology to stabilize liquified natural gas production
  type: secondary
  sector: gas
  input: [LNG, primary]
  output: [LNG, secondary]

  name: LNG_imp
  description: LNG Imports
  type: imports
  sector: gas
  input: [LNG, imports]
  output: [LNG, secondary]

  name: LNG_regas
  description: LNG regasification (just link; losses are in trade)
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: gas
  input: [LNG, secondary]
  output: [gas, secondary]

  name: bio_hpl
  description: Biomass heating plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: heat
    - [biomass, primary]
    - [cooling__bio_hpl, cooling]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
  output: [d_heat, secondary]

  name: coal_hpl
  description: Coal heating plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: heat
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [d_heat, secondary]

  name: foil_hpl
  description: Fuel oil heating plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: heat
  input: [fueloil, secondary]
  output: [d_heat, secondary]

  name: gas_hpl
  description: Natural gas heating plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: heat
  input: [gas, secondary]
  output: [d_heat, secondary]

  name: geo_hpl
  description: Geothermal heat plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: heat
  output: [d_heat, secondary]

  name: heat_t/d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of district heat
  type: final
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: heat
  input: [d_heat, secondary]
  output: [d_heat, final]

  name: po_turbine
  description: Pass out turbine
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: heat
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [d_heat, secondary]

  name: glb_lh2_imp
  description: Global net import of liquid hydrogen
  type: exports
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [liquid hydrogen, exports]
  output: [exports]

  name: h2_bio
  description: Hydrogen production from biomass with C (via gasification)
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
    - [biomass, primary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [hydrogen, secondary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: h2_bio_ccs
  description: Hydrogen production from biomass with C (via gasification) with carbon capture and storage
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
    - [biomass, primary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [hydrogen, secondary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: h2_co2_scrub
  description: CO2 scrubber for h2 production from coal and gas
  type: exports
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: h2_coal
  description: Hydrogen production via coal gasification
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
    - [coal, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [hydrogen, secondary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: h2_coal_ccs
  description: Hydrogen production via coal gasification with carbon capture and storage
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
    - [coal, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [hydrogen, secondary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: h2_elec
  description: Hydrogen production via electrolysis
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [hydrogen, secondary]

  name: h2_liq
  description: Hydrogen liquefaction
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [hydrogen, primary]
  output: [liquid hydrogen, primary]

  name: h2_smr
  description: Hydrogen production via steam-methane reforming of natural gas
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
    - [gas, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [hydrogen, secondary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: h2_smr_ccs
  description: Hydrogen production via steam-methane reforming of natural gas with carbon capture and storage
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
    - [gas, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [hydrogen, secondary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: h2_t/d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of gaseous hydrogen (just linking technology)
  type: final
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [hydrogen, secondary]
  output: [hydrogen, final]

  name: h2b_co2_scrub
  description: CO2 scrubber for h2 production from biomass
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [electr, secondary]
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: lh2_bal
  description: Link technology to stabilize liquid hydrogen production
  type: secondary
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [liquid hydrogen, primary]
  output: [liquid hydrogen, secondary]

  name: lh2_exp
  description: Exports of liquid hydrogen
  type: exports
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [liquid hydrogen, primary]
  output: [liquid hydrogen, exports]

  name: lh2_imp
  description: Imports of liquid hydrogen
  type: secondary
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [liquid hydrogen, exports]
  output: [liquid hydrogen, secondary]

  name: lh2_regas
  description: Regasification of liquid hydrogen
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [liquid hydrogen, secondary]
  output: [hydrogen, secondary]

  name: lh2_t/d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of liquid hydrogen
  type: final
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: hydrogen
  input: [liquid hydrogen, secondary]
  output: [liquid hydrogen, final]

  name: back_bio_ind
  description: Backstop for diagnosing model infeasibility
  type: final
  sector: industry
  output: [biomass, useful]

  name: back_fs
  description: Backstop for diagnosing model infeasibility
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_feed, useful]

  name: back_I
  description: Backstop for diagnosing model infeasibility
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: cement_CO2
  description: Co2 emissions from cement production
  type: secondary
  sector: industry
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: cement_co2scr
  description: Cement CO2 scrubber (CCS)
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: coal_i
  description: Coal in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [coal, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: elec_i
  description: Electricity in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [electr, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: eth_i
  description: Ethanol (without C) replacement for use as liquid fuel in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [ethanol, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: foil_i
  description: Fuel oil for thermal uses in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [fueloil, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: gas_i
  description: Gas for thermal uses in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [gas, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: h2_i
  description: Gaseous hydrogen in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [hydrogen, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: heat_i
  description: District heating for thermal uses in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [d_heat, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: hp_el_i
  description: Electric heat pump in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [electr, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: hp_gas_i
  description: Natural gas heat pump in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [gas, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: loil_i
  description: Lightoil for thermal uses in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [lightoil, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: meth_i
  description: Methanol (with C) replacement for use as liquid fuel in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [methanol, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: solar_i
  description: Solar thermal in industry thermal sector
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: Ispec_1
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: Ispec_2
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: Ispec_3
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: Ispec_4
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: Ispec_5
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: Ispec_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for industry specific conservation cost curve steps
  type: primary
  sector: industry
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: Itherm_1
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: Itherm_2
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: Itherm_3
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: Itherm_4
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: Itherm_5
  description: Conservation cost curve step for industry thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: Itherm_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for industry thermal conservation cost curve steps
  type: dummy
  sector: industry
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: solar_pv_I
  description: On-site solar photovoltaic power plant (no storage) in industry specific
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: h2_fc_I
  description: Hydrogen fuel cell cogeneration system for industry specific
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: industry
  input: [hydrogen, final]
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: sp_coal_I
  description: Specific use of coal in industry
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  input: [coal, final]
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: sp_el_I
  description: Specific use of electricity in industry
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  input: [electr, final]
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: sp_eth_I
  description: Ethanol (without net C) replacement for specific use of light oil in industry
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  input: [ethanol, final]
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: sp_liq_I
  description: Specific use of light oil in industry
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  input: [lightoil, final]
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: sp_meth_I
  description: Methanol (with C) replacement for  specific use of light oil in industry
  type: useful
  sector: industry
  input: [methanol, final]
  output: [i_spec, useful]

  name: bio_extr_mpen
  description: Slack primary biomass created with new implementation of non commercial biomass
  type: secondary
  sector: land
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: forest_CO2
  description: Co2 emissions from forests
  type: secondary
  sector: land
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: sinks_1
  description: Potential for sinks (50. US$)
  type: secondary
  sector: land
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: sinks_2
  description: Potential for sinks (100. US$)
  type: secondary
  sector: land
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: sinks_3
  description: Potential for sinks (200. US$)
  type: secondary
  sector: land
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: sinks_4
  description: Potential for sinks (300. US$)
  type: secondary
  sector: land
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: eth_bal
  description: Link technology to stabilize ethanol production
  type: secondary
  sector: liquids
  input: [ethanol, primary]
  output: [ethanol, secondary]

  name: eth_bio
  description: Ethanol synthesis via biomass gasification
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [biomass, primary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [ethanol, primary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: eth_bio_ccs
  description: Ethanol synthesis via biomass gasification with carbon capture and storage
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [biomass, primary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [ethanol, primary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: eth_exp
  description: Exports of ethanol (no accounting of CO2 transferred)
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [ethanol, primary]
  output: [ethanol, exports]

  name: eth_imp
  description: Imports of ethanol (no accounting of CO2 transferred)
  type: secondary
  sector: liquids
  input: [ethanol, exports]
  output: [ethanol, secondary]

  name: eth_t/d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of methanol without net C (just linking technology)
  type: final
  sector: liquids
  input: [ethanol, secondary]
  output: [ethanol, final]

  name: foil_exp
  description: Net exports of crude oil at 95% of oil price
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [fueloil, secondary]
  output: [fueloil, exports]

  name: foil_imp
  description: Net imports of residual oil at 95% of oil price
  type: secondary
  sector: liquids
  input: [fueloil, imports]
  output: [fueloil, secondary]

  name: foil_t/d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of fueloil  (just linking technology)
  type: final
  sector: liquids
  input: [fueloil, secondary]
  output: [fueloil, final]

  name: glb_eth_imp
  description: Global net import of ethanol
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [ethanol, exports]
  output: [exports]

  name: glb_foil_exp
  description: Global net export of fuel oil
  type: imports
  sector: liquids
  output: [fueloil, imports]

  name: glb_foil_imp
  description: Global net import of fuel oil
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [fueloil, exports]
  output: [exports]

  name: glb_loil_exp
  description: Global net export of light oil
  type: imports
  sector: liquids
  output: [loil, imports]

  name: glb_loil_imp
  description: Global net import of light oil
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [loil, exports]
  output: [exports]

  name: glb_meth_imp
  description: Global net import of methanol
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [methanol, exports]
  output: [exports]

  name: glb_oil_exp
  description: Global net export of crude oil
  type: imports
  sector: liquids
  output: [oil, imports]

  name: glb_oil_imp
  description: Global net import of crude oil
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [oil, exports]
  output: [exports]

  name: liq_bio
  description: Second Generation Ethanol Production based on Biomass to FTL
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [biomass, primary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [ethanol, primary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: liq_bio_ccs
  description: Second Generation Ethanol Production with carbon capture and storage based on Biomass to FTL
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [biomass, primary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [ethanol, primary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: loil_exp
  description: Net exports of crude oil at 15% above oil price
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [lightoil, secondary]
  output: [lightoil, exports]

  name: loil_imp
  description: Net imports of light oil at 15% above crude price
  type: secondary
  sector: liquids
  input: [lightoil, imports]
  output: [lightoil, secondary]

  name: loil_std
  description: Standard light oil power-plant
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
  output: [lightoil, secondary]

  name: loil_t/d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of light oil (just linking technology)
  type: final
  sector: liquids
  input: [lightoil, secondary]
  output: [lightoil, final]

  name: meth_coal
  description: Methanol synthesis via coal gasification
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [coal, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [methanol, primary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: meth_coal_ccs
  description: Methanol synthesis via coal gasification with carbon capture and storage
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [coal, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [methanol, primary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: meth_exp
  description: Exports of methanol (no accounting of CO2 transferred)
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [methanol, primary]
  output: [methanol, exports]

  name: meth_imp
  description: Imports of methanol (no accounting of CO2 transferred)
  type: secondary
  sector: liquids
  input: [methanol, exports]
  output: [methanol, secondary]

  name: meth_ng
  description: Methanol synthesis via natural gas
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [gas, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
  output: [methanol, primary]

  name: meth_ng_ccs
  description: Methanol synthesis via natural gas with carbon capture and storage
  type: primary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [gas, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
  output: [methanol, primary]

  name: meth_t/d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of methanol with C
  type: final
  sector: liquids
  input: [methanol, secondary]
  output: [methanol, final]

  name: oil_bal
  description: Link technology to stabilize crude oil production
  type: secondary
  sector: liquids
  input: [crude oil, primary]
  output: [crude oil, secondary]

  name: oil_exp
  description: Net exports of crude oil at 100% of oil price
  type: exports
  sector: liquids
  input: [crude oil, primary]
  output: [oil, exports]

  name: oil_imp
  description: Net imports of oil
  type: secondary
  sector: liquids
  input: [oil, imports]
  output: [crude oil, secondary]

  name: plutonium_prod
  description: Plutonium production
  type: stocks
  sector: liquids
  input: [plutonium, stocks]
  output: [plutonium, stocks]

  name: ref_hil
  description: New deeply upgraded refineries
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
  input: [crude oil, secondary]
  output: [fueloil, secondary]

  name: ref_lol
  description: Existing refineries (low yield)
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
  input: [crude oil, secondary]
  output: [fueloil, secondary]

  name: SO2_scrub_ref
  description: SO2 scrubber for refineries
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: syn_liq
  description: Coal liquefaction and light oil synthesis
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [coal, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [lightoil, secondary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: syn_liq_ccs
  description: Coal liquefaction and light oil synthesis with carbon capture and storage
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: liquids
    - [coal, secondary]
    - [freshwater_supply, water_supply]
    - [lightoil, secondary]
    - [electr, secondary]

  name: adipic_thermal
  description: Thermal destruction tech for adipic acid sector
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: ammonia_secloop
  description: Ammonia Secondary Loop Systems
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: enre_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for enteric fermentation mitigation technologies
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: ent_red1
  description: Mitigation for CH4 emissions from animals directly
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: ent_red2
  description: Mitigation for CH4 emissions from animals directly
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: ent_red3
  description: Mitigation for CH4 emissions from animals directly
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: landfill_compost1
  description: Landfill mitigation technology (composting) technology 1 for CH4 mitigation
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: landfill_compost2
  description: Landfill mitigation technology (composting) technology 2 for CH4 mitigation
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: landfill_direct1
  description: Landfill mitigation technology (direct) 1 for CH4 mitigation
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: landfill_direct2
  description: Landfill mitigation technology (direct) 1 for CH4 mitigation
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: landfill_ele
  description: Landfill mitigation technology (ele) 1 for CH4 mitigation
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: landfill_flaring
  description: Landfill mitigation technology (flaring) 1 for CH4 mitigation
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: landfill_heatprdn
  description: Landfill mitigation technology (heat production) 1 for CH4 mitigation
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: landfill_oxdn
  description: Landfill mitigation technology (oxidation) 1 for CH4 mitigation
  type: dummy
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: leak_repair
  description: Leak-repairs, HFC-134a from refrigeration & AC(SR)
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: leak_repairsf6
  description: Recycling gas carts for SF6 recovery during assembly of gas insulated equipment
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: lfil_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for landfill mitigation technologies
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: manu_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for manure management+B249 mitigation technologies
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: meth_bal
  description: Link technology to stabilize methanol production
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  input: [methanol, primary]
  output: [methanol, secondary]

  name: mvac_co2
  description: Transcritical vapor cycle CO2 systems for mobile vehicle air conditioners
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy]

  name: recycling_gas1
  description: Recycling gas carts for SF6 recovery during maintenance of gas insulated equipment(SR)
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: refrigerant_recover
  description: Recovery of refrigerant, HFC-134a from refrigeration and AC (SR)
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: repl_hc
  description: Replacement with HC for foams
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: replacement_so2
  description: Replacing SF6 by SO2(SR)
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: rice_red1
  description: Mitigation for CH4 emissions from rice
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: rice_red2
  description: Mitigation for CH4 emissions from rice
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: rice_red3
  description: Mitigation for CH4 emissions from rice
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: rire_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for rice cultivation mitigation technologies
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy  agriculture, primary]

  name: soil_red1
  description: Mitigation for N2Oemissions from soil
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: soil_red2
  description: Mitigation for N2Oemissions from soil
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: soil_red3
  description: Mitigation for N2Oemissions from soil
  type: primary
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: vertical_stud
  description: Soderberg process for CF4 from aluminum (SR)
  type: dummy
  sector: non-co2
  output: [dummy, primary]

  name: u5-reproc
  description: Uranium reprocessing
  type: stocks
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: nuclear
  input: [uranium, stocks]
  output: [uranium, stocks]

  name: Uran_extr
  description: Uranium extraction, milling for FBR blanket
  type: stocks
  sector: nuclear
  input: [uranium, resource]
  output: [uranium, stocks]

  name: uran2u5
  description: Uranium extraction, milling, fluorination and enrichment per t U5
  type: stocks
  sector: nuclear
  input: [uranium, resource]
  output: [uranium, stocks]

  name: bco2_tr_dis
  description: Technology for co2 transportation and disposal from biomass technologies
  type: secondary
  sector: other conversion
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: co2_tr_dis
  description: Technology for co2 transportation and disposal
  type: secondary
  sector: other conversion
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: back_RC
  description: Backstop for diagnosing model infeasibility
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [rc_spec, useful]

  name: solar_rc
  description: Solar thermal in residential/commercial sector
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: biomass_rc
  description: Biomass with C for heating in residential/commercial sector
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [biomass, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: coal_rc
  description: Coal heating in residential/commercial sector
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [coal, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: elec_rc
  description: Electricity heating in residential/commercial sector
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [electr, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: eth_rc
  description: Ethanol (without C) replacement for use as liquid fuel in residential/commercial
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [ethanol, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: foil_rc
  description: Fuel oil heating in residential/commercial sector
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [fueloil, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: h2_rc
  description: Hydrogen (gaseous) catalytic heating in the residential/commercial sector
  type: secondary
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [hydrogen, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: heat_rc
  description: District heating in residential/commercial sector
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [d_heat, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: hp_el_rc
  description: Electric heat pump in residential/commercial sector
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [electr, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: hp_gas_rc
  description: Natural gas heat pump in residential/commercial sector
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [gas, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: loil_rc
  description: Lightoil heating in residential/commercial sector
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [lightoil, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: meth_rc
  description: Methanol (with C) replacement for use as liquid fuel in residential/commercial
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [methanol, final]
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: RCspec_1
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [useful]

  name: RCspec_2
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [useful]

  name: RCspec_3
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [useful]

  name: RCspec_4
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [useful]

  name: RCspec_5
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial specific demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [useful]

  name: RCspec_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for residential/commercial specific conservation cost curve steps
  type: dummy
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: RCtherm_1
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: RCtherm_2
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: RCtherm_3
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: RCtherm_4
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: RCtherm_5
  description: Conservation cost curve step for residential/commercial thermal demand
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [rc_therm, useful]

  name: RCtherm_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for residential/commercial thermal conservation cost curve steps
  type: dummy
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: solar_pv_RC
  description: Specific use of on-site solar photovoltaic power plant (no storage) in residential/commercial
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: residential/commercial
  output: [rc_spec, useful]

  name: sp_el_RC
  description: Specific use of electricity in residential/commercial
  type: useful
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [electr, final]
  output: [rc_spec, useful]

  name: h2_fc_RC
  description: Specific use of hydrogen fuel cell cogeneration system in res/comm
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: residential/commercial
  input: [hydrogen, final]
  output: [rc_spec, useful]

  name: bio_extr_chp
  description: Supply of biomass without net C emissions;  defined here as agricultural wastes, and other crops with cycle of 1 year or less
  type: primary
  sector: solids
  output: [biomass, primary]

  name: bio_ppl_co2scr
  description: New coal scrubber for power plants
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: solids
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: biomass_i
  description: Biomass with C in industry thermal
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: solids
  input: [biomass, final]
  output: [i_therm, useful]

  name: biomass_nc
  description: Non-commercial biomass with C
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: solids
  input: [biomass, primary]
  output: [non-comm, useful]

  name: biomass_t/d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of biomass with C
  type: useful
  sector: solids
  input: [biomass, primary]
  output: [biomass, final]

  name: c_ppl_co2scr
  description: New coal scrubber for coal power plants
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: solids
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: cfc_co2scr
  description: Co2 scrubber for coal fuel cells (CCS)
  type: secondary
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: solids
  output: [exports, secondary]

  name: coal_bal
  description: Link technology to stabilize coal production
  type: secondary
  sector: solids
  input: [coal, primary]
  output: [coal, secondary]

  name: coal_exp
  description: Net exports of coal at fixed price of about US$ 42/tce
  type: exports
  sector: solids
  input: [coal, primary]
  output: [coal, exports]

  name: coal_imp
  description: Net imports of coal
  type: secondary
  sector: solids
  input: [coal, imports]
  output: [coal, secondary]

  name: coal_t/d
  description: Transmission/Distribution of coal
  type: final
  sector: solids
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [coal, final]

  name: coal_t/d-in-06%
  description: Transmission/Distribution of coal industry like coal_t/d but imported coal  with 0.6% S content
  type: final
  sector: solids
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [coal, final]

  name: coal_t/d-in-SO2
  description: Transmission/Distribution of coal industry like coal_t/d but processed coal
  type: final
  sector: solids
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [coal, final]

  name: coal_t/d-rc-06%
  description: Transmission/Distribution of coal residential/commercial like coal_t/d but imported coal with 0.6% S content
  type: final
  sector: solids
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [coal, final]

  name: coal_t/d-rc-SO2
  description: Transmission/Distribution of coal like coal_t/d but processed coal
  type: final
  sector: solids
  input: [coal, secondary]
  output: [coal, final]

  name: glb_coal_exp
  description: Global net export of coal
  type: imports
  sector: solids
  output: [coal, imports]

  name: glb_coal_imp
  description: Global net import of coal
  type: exports
  sector: solids
  input: [electr, exports]
  output: [exports]

  name: back_trp
  description: Backstop for diagnosing model infeasibility
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: coal_trp
  description: Coal-based transport
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  input: [coal, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: elec_trp
  description: Electricity-based transport
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  input: [electr, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: eth_fc_trp
  description: Ethanol (without net C) fuel cell-based transport
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  input: [ethanol, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: eth_ic_trp
  description: Ethanol (without net C) ic-engine-based transport
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  input: [ethanol, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: foil_trp
  description: Fueloil-based transport
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  input: [fueloil, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: gas_trp
  description: Gas-based transport
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  input: [gas, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: h2_fc_trp
  description: Hydrogen fuel cell-based transport (plus off-hours electricity generation)
  type: useful
  vintaged: TRUE
  sector: transport
  input: [liquid hydrogen, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: loil_trp
  description: Lightoil-based transport
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  input: [lightoil, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: meth_fc_trp
  description: Methanol (with C) fuel cell-based transport
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  input: [methanol, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: meth_ic_trp
  description: Methanol (with C) ic-engine-based transport
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  input: [methanol, final]
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: Trans_1
  description: Conservation cost curve step for transport demand
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: Trans_2
  description: Conservation cost curve step for transport demand
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: Trans_3
  description: Conservation cost curve step for transport demand
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: Trans_4
  description: Conservation cost curve step for transport demand
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: Trans_5
  description: Conservation cost curve step for transport demand
  type: useful
  sector: transport
  output: [transport, useful]

  name: Trans_con
  description: Joint diffusion constraint for transport conservation cost curve steps
  type: primary
  sector: transport
  output: [dummy agriculture, primary]

  name: foil_bunker
  description: Fuel oil demand for international shipping bunkers (global trade)
  type: useful
  sector: shipping
  input: [fueloil, final]
  output: [shipping, useful]

  name: loil_bunker
  description: Light oil demand for international shipping bunkers (global trade)
  type: useful
  sector: shipping
  input: [lightoil, final]
  output: [shipping, useful]

  name: meth_bunker
  description: Methanol demand for international shipping bunkers (global trade)
  type: useful
  sector: shipping
  input: [methanol, final]
  output: [shipping, useful]

  name: eth_bunker
  description: Ethanol demand for international shipping bunkers (global trade)
  type: useful
  sector: shipping
  input: [ethanol, final]
  output: [shipping, useful]

  name: LNG_bunker
  description: Liquified natural gas demand for international shipping bunkers (global trade)
  type: useful
  sector: shipping
  input: [LNG, final]
  output: [shipping, useful]

  name: LH2_bunker
  description: Liquified hydrogen  demand for international shipping bunkers (global trade)
  type: useful
  sector: shipping
  input: [lh2, final]
  output: [shipping, useful]


<mes:Structure xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:com="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/common" xmlns:data="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/data/structurespecific" xmlns:str="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/structure" xmlns:mes="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/message" xmlns:gen="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/data/generic" xmlns:footer="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/message/footer">
    <mes:Source xml:lang="en">Generated by message_ix_models 2023.5.32.dev20+g8d51636</mes:Source>
      <str:Codelist version="2017" isExternalReference="none" isFinal="none" agencyID="ICONICS" id="SSP" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Codelist=ICONICS:SSP(2017)">
        <com:Name xml:lang="en">Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (2017 edition)</com:Name>
        <com:Description xml:lang="en">This code list is *not* officially published by ICONICS; rather, it is a rendering into SDMX of structural information that is provided by ICONICS participants. It may change or be superseded at any time.  Each code has a single digit ID like "1"; the "original-id" annotation (and the start of the name) give a string like "SSP1". These original IDs are *only* unique if using data enumerated by solely by one code list or the other; if mixing the two, then they will be ambiguous. The URNs of the codes or parts thereof (for instance, "ICONICS:SSP(2017).1") are, by construction, unique.

This is the original set of SSPs as described in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.05.009.</com:Description>
        <str:Code id="1" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2017).1">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP1</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP1: Sustainability</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP1: Sustainability &#8211; Taking the Green Road

Low challenges to mitigation and adaptation.

The world shifts gradually, but pervasively, toward a more sustainable path, emphasizing
more inclusive development that respects perceived environmental boundaries. Management
of the global commons slowly improves, educational and health investments accelerate the
demographic transition, and the emphasis on economic growth shifts toward a broader
emphasis on human well-being. Driven by an increasing commitment to achieving
development goals, inequality is reduced both across and within countries. Consumption
is oriented toward low material growth and lower resource and energy intensity.</com:Description>
        <str:Code id="2" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2017).2">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP2</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP2: Middle of the Road</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP2: Middle of the Road

Medium challenges to mitigation and adaptation.

The world follows a path in which social, economic, and technological trends do not
shift markedly from historical patterns. Development and income growth proceeds
unevenly, with some countries making relatively good progress while others fall short of
expectations. Global and national institutions work toward but make slow progress in
achieving sustainable development goals. Environmental systems experience degradation,
although there are some improvements and overall the intensity of resource and energy
use declines. Global population growth is moderate and levels off in the second half of
the century. Income inequality persists or improves only slowly and challenges to
reducing vulnerability to societal and environmental changes remain.</com:Description>
        <str:Code id="3" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2017).3">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP3</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP3: Regional Rivalry</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP3: Regional Rivalry &#8211; A Rocky Road

High challenges to mitigation and adaptation.

A resurgent nationalism, concerns about competitiveness and security, and regional
conflicts push countries to increasingly focus on domestic or, at most, regional issues.
Policies shift over time to become increasingly oriented toward national and regional
security issues. Countries focus on achieving energy and food security goals within
their own regions at the expense of broader-based development. Investments in education
and technological development decline. Economic development is slow, consumption is
material-intensive, and inequalities persist or worsen over time. Population growth is
low in industrialized and high in developing countries. A low international priority for
addressing environmental concerns leads to strong environmental degradation in some
        <str:Code id="4" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2017).4">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP4</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP4: Inequality</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP4: Inequality &#8211; A Road Divided

Low challenges to mitigation, high challenges to adaptation.

Highly unequal investments in human capital, combined with increasing disparities in
economic opportunity and political power, lead to increasing inequalities and
stratification both across and within countries. Over time, a gap widens between an
internationally-connected society that contributes to knowledge- and capital-intensive
sectors of the global economy, and a fragmented collection of lower-income, poorly
educated societies that work in a labor intensive, low-tech economy. Social cohesion
degrades and conflict and unrest become increasingly common. Technology development is
high in the high-tech economy and sectors. The globally connected energy sector
diversifies, with investments in both carbon-intensive fuels like coal and
unconventional oil, but also low-carbon energy sources. Environmental policies focus on
local issues around middle and high income areas.</com:Description>
        <str:Code id="5" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2017).5">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP5</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP5: Fossil-fueled Development</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP5: Fossil-fueled Development &#8211; Taking the Highway

High challenges to mitigation, low challenges to adaptation.

This world places increasing faith in competitive markets, innovation and participatory
societies to produce rapid technological progress and development of human capital as
the path to sustainable development. Global markets are increasingly integrated. There
are also strong investments in health, education, and institutions to enhance human and
social capital. At the same time, the push for economic and social development is
coupled with the exploitation of abundant fossil fuel resources and the adoption of
resource and energy intensive lifestyles around the world. All these factors lead to
rapid growth of the global economy, while global population peaks and declines in the
21st century. Local environmental problems like air pollution are successfully managed.
There is faith in the ability to effectively manage social and ecological systems,
including by geo-engineering if necessary.</com:Description>
<mes:Structure xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:com="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/common" xmlns:data="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/data/structurespecific" xmlns:str="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/structure" xmlns:mes="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/message" xmlns:gen="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/data/generic" xmlns:footer="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/message/footer">
    <mes:Source xml:lang="en">Generated by message_ix_models 2023.5.32.dev20+g8d51636</mes:Source>
      <str:Codelist version="2024" isExternalReference="none" isFinal="none" agencyID="ICONICS" id="SSP" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Codelist=ICONICS:SSP(2024)">
        <com:Name xml:lang="en">Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (2024 edition)</com:Name>
        <com:Description xml:lang="en">This code list is *not* officially published by ICONICS; rather, it is a rendering into SDMX of structural information that is provided by ICONICS participants. It may change or be superseded at any time.  Each code has a single digit ID like "1"; the "original-id" annotation (and the start of the name) give a string like "SSP1". These original IDs are *only* unique if using data enumerated by solely by one code list or the other; if mixing the two, then they will be ambiguous. The URNs of the codes or parts thereof (for instance, "ICONICS:SSP(2017).1") are, by construction, unique.

This set of SSPs is currently under development; for details, see https://depts.washington.edu/iconics/.</com:Description>
        <str:Code id="1" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2024).1">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP1</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP1: Sustainability</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP1: Sustainability &#8211; Taking the Green Road

Low challenges to mitigation and adaptation.

The world shifts gradually, but pervasively, toward a more sustainable path, emphasizing
more inclusive development that respects perceived environmental boundaries. Management
of the global commons slowly improves, educational and health investments accelerate the
demographic transition, and the emphasis on economic growth shifts toward a broader
emphasis on human well-being. Driven by an increasing commitment to achieving
development goals, inequality is reduced both across and within countries. Consumption
is oriented toward low material growth and lower resource and energy intensity.</com:Description>
        <str:Code id="2" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2024).2">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP2</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP2: Middle of the Road</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP2: Middle of the Road

Medium challenges to mitigation and adaptation.

The world follows a path in which social, economic, and technological trends do not
shift markedly from historical patterns. Development and income growth proceeds
unevenly, with some countries making relatively good progress while others fall short of
expectations. Global and national institutions work toward but make slow progress in
achieving sustainable development goals. Environmental systems experience degradation,
although there are some improvements and overall the intensity of resource and energy
use declines. Global population growth is moderate and levels off in the second half of
the century. Income inequality persists or improves only slowly and challenges to
reducing vulnerability to societal and environmental changes remain.</com:Description>
        <str:Code id="3" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2024).3">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP3</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP3: Regional Rivalry</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP3: Regional Rivalry &#8211; A Rocky Road

High challenges to mitigation and adaptation.

A resurgent nationalism, concerns about competitiveness and security, and regional
conflicts push countries to increasingly focus on domestic or, at most, regional issues.
Policies shift over time to become increasingly oriented toward national and regional
security issues. Countries focus on achieving energy and food security goals within
their own regions at the expense of broader-based development. Investments in education
and technological development decline. Economic development is slow, consumption is
material-intensive, and inequalities persist or worsen over time. Population growth is
low in industrialized and high in developing countries. A low international priority for
addressing environmental concerns leads to strong environmental degradation in some
        <str:Code id="4" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2024).4">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP4</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP4: Inequality</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP4: Inequality &#8211; A Road Divided

Low challenges to mitigation, high challenges to adaptation.

Highly unequal investments in human capital, combined with increasing disparities in
economic opportunity and political power, lead to increasing inequalities and
stratification both across and within countries. Over time, a gap widens between an
internationally-connected society that contributes to knowledge- and capital-intensive
sectors of the global economy, and a fragmented collection of lower-income, poorly
educated societies that work in a labor intensive, low-tech economy. Social cohesion
degrades and conflict and unrest become increasingly common. Technology development is
high in the high-tech economy and sectors. The globally connected energy sector
diversifies, with investments in both carbon-intensive fuels like coal and
unconventional oil, but also low-carbon energy sources. Environmental policies focus on
local issues around middle and high income areas.</com:Description>
        <str:Code id="5" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.codelist.Code=ICONICS:SSP(2024).5">
            <com:Annotation id="original-id">
              <com:AnnotationText xml:lang="en">SSP5</com:AnnotationText>
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">SSP5: Fossil-fueled Development</com:Name>
          <com:Description xml:lang="en">SSP5: Fossil-fueled Development &#8211; Taking the Highway

High challenges to mitigation, low challenges to adaptation.

This world places increasing faith in competitive markets, innovation and participatory
societies to produce rapid technological progress and development of human capital as
the path to sustainable development. Global markets are increasingly integrated. There
are also strong investments in health, education, and institutions to enhance human and
social capital. At the same time, the push for economic and social development is
coupled with the exploitation of abundant fossil fuel resources and the adoption of
resource and energy intensive lifestyles around the world. All these factors lead to
rapid growth of the global economy, while global population peaks and declines in the
21st century. Local environmental problems like air pollution are successfully managed.
There is faith in the ability to effectively manage social and ecological systems,
including by geo-engineering if necessary.</com:Description>
<mes:Structure xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:com="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/common" xmlns:data="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/data/structurespecific" xmlns:str="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/structure" xmlns:mes="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/message" xmlns:gen="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/data/generic" xmlns:footer="http://www.sdmx.org/resources/sdmxml/schemas/v2_1/message/footer">
    <mes:Source xml:lang="en">Generated by message_ix_models 2023.5.32.dev20+g8d51636</mes:Source>
      <str:AgencyScheme version="0.1" isExternalReference="false" isFinal="false" agencyID="IIASA_ECE" id="AGENCIES" urn="urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.base.AgencyScheme=IIASA_ECE:AGENCIES(0.1)">
        <com:Description xml:lang="en">Agencies referenced by data structures in message_ix_models</com:Description>
        <str:Agency id="IIASA_ECE">
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program</com:Name>
        <str:Agency id="ICONICS">
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">International Committee on New Integrated Climate Change Assessment Scenarios</com:Name>
        <str:Agency id="IEA">
          <com:Name xml:lang="en">International Energy Agency</com:Name>