“Sustainable development pathways achieving Human well-being while safeguarding the climate And Planet Earth”

The SHAPE project introduces the new term Sustainable Development Pathway or SDP for its scenarios, roughly analogous to SSPs. The SDPs simultaneously achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030, maintain sustainable development thereafter, and meet the climate targets set out in the Paris Agreement.


  • m-data:/model/buildings

  • m-data:/reference/model/material

  • m-data:/reference/model/transport

Project information

  • Website:

  • Part of AXIS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate and funded by DLR/BMBF (DE, Grant No. 01LS1907A-B-C), Formas (SE), FFG/BMWFW (AT), NWO (NL) and RCN (NO) with co-funding by the European Union (Grant No. 776608).

  • Project period: 2019-09 to 2022-08.


data/shape/ contains common data for constructing scenarios. These data quantify the SDP narratives (see link above) as future projections for certain quantities. Modeling tools [1] should use exo_data.prepare_computer() to configure SHAPE to retrieve these quantities and select an appropriate scenario’s data for model setup calculations.

The files include:

gdp_v*.mif, gdp_v*.xlsx

Gross Domestic Product.

Generated by Bjoern Soergel at PIK, using stylized GDP/capita growth rate modifications to represent three narratives from the “Economic paradigm, growth, inequality and finance” section of the SHAPE description. The narratives are identified by codes for the IAMC “Scenario” dimension:

  • “innovation”: “Cornucopia (market-driven innovation)”

  • “service”: “Human Service Economy (managing the global commons)”

  • “society”: “A New Public Economy (resilient communities)”

The files have multiple versions:

  • “v1p0” version 1.0.

  • “v1p1” version 1.1.

The extension .mif apparently means “modeling interchange file”; this is a CSV file with semicolon (;) delimiters.

population_v*.mif, population_v*.xlsx


The values are the same across all SDPs; the single code “all_SHAPE_SDPs” is used for the “Scenario” dimension.

The values are identical to the SSP1 population projection.


This is may not be true, because the data differ in some (unspecified) way between version 1.0 and 1.1. Locate an accurate description for these data.


If true, this would imply that the same population data could be retrieved with SSPOriginal and underlying files, also stored in the message_data repository; so the files data/shape/population_* are duplicates.


Gini coefficients. Generated by Jihoon Min.

  • Normative Gini trajectories that will achieve SDG1 (No poverty) and SDG11 (Reduced inequalities) for most countries under the corresponding GDP projections (above), also in a stylized way.

  • Same dimensions as the GDP data.

  • v1.1 uses a slower rate of maximum Gini decrease to alleviate concerns about feasibility.


Generated by Alessio Mastrucci.

Three different codes are used for the “Scenario” dimension:

  • “urb_distr”

  • “urb_green”

  • “urb_tech”


Describe what these values represent.

Code reference

Handle data from the SHAPE project. = {'gdp': {'latest': '1.2', 'suffix': '.mif', 'variable': 'GDP|PPP'}, 'gini': {'drop': ['tgt.achieved', 'Base gini imputed', 'Share of final consumption among GDP imputed'], 'latest': '1.1', 'suffix': '.csv', 'variable': 'Gini'}, 'population': {'latest': '1.2', 'suffix': '.mif', 'variable': 'Population'}, 'urbanisation': {'drop': ['Notes'], 'latest': '1.0', 'suffix': '.csv', 'variable': 'Population|Urban|Share'}}

Information about data file version, suffixes, “variable” codes, and extra columns to drop.

class, source_kw)[source]

Provider of exogenous data from the SHAPE project data source.

To use data from this source, call exo_data.prepare_computer() with the arguments:

  • source: “SHAPE”.

  • source_kw including:

    • measure: one of the keys of INFO.

    • version (optional): “latest” (default) or a version string like “1.2”.

    • scenario: one of the SHAPE “SDP” scenario names.

    • aggregate, interpolate: see ExoDataSource.transform().

id: str = 'SHAPE'

Identifier for this particular source. = {'%': '', 'NA': 'dimensionless', 'billion $2005/yr': 'GUSD_2005 / year'}

Convert unit forms appearing in files to pint-compatible expressions.