Relations (relation/*.yaml)

These lists provide codes (ID, optional name and description) for the relation MESSAGEix set. See the MESSAGEix documentation sections on:

The codes in these lists have the following annotations:


1 or more strings identifying (a) group(s) to which the relations belong(s).


1 or more strings indicating relation parameters for which there should be entries corresponding to this relation ID. For example, “activity, lower” indicates there should be relation_activity and relation_lower values for this relation ID.



Describe the meaning of this annotation.

List A

# Relation codes
# This set includes all those expected by code in message_data as of 2023-02-04.
# It is the union of entries from:
# - data/buildings/set.yaml
# - data/transport/set.yaml
# The descriptions are derived from CD-LINKS.yaml

  description: >-
    Emissions of BCA.

    Weight as BCA, kg BCA per kW·a.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Emissions of CH4

    Weight as CH4, kg CH4 per kW·a.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower, upper
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Emissions of CO (weight as CO, kg CO per kWyr)
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Used by to constrain global total CO₂ emissions
    to be non-negative.

  description: CO₂ emissions of residential and commercial buildings sector.

  description: CO₂ emissions of transport sector.

  description: >-
    Emissions of HFC (weight as HFC, kg HFC-134a-equivalent per kWyr)
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower, upper
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Constraint to link HFC emissions from insulation foams to reduction
    efficiency of abatement technologies.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Constraint to link HFC emissions from mobile air conditioning to reduction
    efficiency of abatement technologies.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Constraint to link HFC emissions from residential & commercial refrigeration
    & AC to reduction efficiency of abatement technologies.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Emissions of N₂O

    Weight as N₂O, kg N₂O per kW·a.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower, upper
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Emissions of NH₃

    Weight as NH₃, kg NH₃ per kW·a.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Emissions of nitrous oxides (NOx)

    Weight as NOx, kg NOx per kW·a.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Emissions of OCA

    Weight as OCA, kg OCA per kW·a.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: Operating reserve equation for electricity systems integration.
  technology-entry: 1
  parameters: activity, lower
  group: renewable formulation

  description: >-
    Emissions of SF₆

    Weight as SF₆, kg SF₆ per kW·a.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower, upper
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Constraint to link SF₆ emissions from electrical equipment to reduction
    efficiency of abatement technologies.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: >-
    Emissions of SO₂

    Weight as SO₂, kg SO₂ per kW·a.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

  description: Solar thermal potential
  technology-entry: 1
  parameters: activity, upper
  group: renewable formulation

  description: >-
    Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

    Weight as VOC, kg VOC per kW·a.
  group: emission_factor
  parameters: activity, lower
  technology-entry: 1

List B

# Relation codes
# This set includes all values appearing in:
# ixmp://ixmp-dev/MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM 1.1-BMT-R12 (NAVIGATE)/NPi-ref#2

- BCA_Emission
- BCA_Emission_bunkers
- CF4_Emission
- CF4_alm_red
- CH4_Emission
- CH4_Emission_bunkers
- CH4_RemainingLink
- CH4_new_Emission
- CH4_nonenergy
- CH4n_landfills_red
- CO2_Emission
- CO2_Emission_Global_Total
- CO2_cc
- CO2_feedstocks
- CO2_ind
- CO2_r_c
- CO2_shipping
- CO2_trade
- CO2_trp
- CO_Emission
- CO_Emission_bunkers
- CO_nonenergy
- FE_coal
- FE_electricity+dh
- FE_feedstock
- FE_final_energy
- FE_gaseous
- FE_industry                                                                                                 [266/1626]
- FE_liquids
- FE_new_biomass
- FE_old_biomass
- FE_resid_comm
- FE_transport
- HFC_Emission
- HFC_foam_red
- HFC_mobile_red
- HFC_rescom_red
- HFCequivOther
- IndGDPAdLink
- IndGDPNiLink
- IndThermDemLink
- N2O_Emission
- N2O_Emission_bunkers
- N2O_nonenergy
- N2On_adipic_red
- N2On_nitric_red
- N2Oother
- NH3_Emission
- NOx_Emission
- NOx_Emission_bunkers
- NOx_nonenergy
- OCA_Emission
- OCA_Emission_bunkers                                                                                        [241/1626]
- OilPrices
- PE_coal
- PE_domestic_total
- PE_export_total
- PE_gas
- PE_hydro
- PE_import_share
- PE_import_total
- PE_new_renewables
- PE_nuclear
- PE_oil
- PE_old_renewables
- PE_synliquids
- PE_total_direct
- PE_total_engineering
- PE_total_traditional
- PM2_Emission
- POPtoAeroNonMDILink
- POPtoAerosolMDILink
- POPtoDomWasteWaLink
- POPtoFireExtLink
- POPtoHuSewageLink
- POPtoSolvent
- RES_variable_limt
- SF6_Emission
- SF6_elec_red                                                                                                [214/1626]
- SF6_mag_red
- SO2_Emission
- SO2_Emission_bunkers
- SO2_elec
- SO2_import
- SO2_ind
- SO2_r_c
- SO2_red_ref
- SO2_red_synf
- SolWaPOPLink
- TCE_Emission
- TCE_Emission_FSU_MEA
- TCE_regional
- TCE_rel2020
- TCE_trade
- TCEl
- TCF4_Emission
- TCH4_Emission
- TCO2_Emission
- THFC_Emission
- TN2O_Emission
- TSF6_Emission
- UE_feedstock
- UE_feedstock_coal                                                                                           [187/1626]
- UE_feedstock_foil
- UE_feedstock_gas
- UE_feedstock_liquid
- UE_industry_sp
- UE_industry_sp_fc
- UE_industry_sp_liquid
- UE_industry_sp_solar
- UE_industry_th
- UE_industry_th_electric
- UE_industry_th_foil
- UE_industry_th_gas
- UE_industry_th_hydrogen
- UE_industry_th_liquid
- UE_industry_th_low_temp_heat
- UE_industry_th_solar
- UE_industry_th_solid
- UE_res_comm_sp
- UE_res_comm_sp_fc
- UE_res_comm_sp_solar
- UE_res_comm_th
- UE_res_comm_th_biomass
- UE_res_comm_th_electric
- UE_res_comm_th_foil
- UE_res_comm_th_gas
- UE_res_comm_th_heat
- UE_res_comm_th_hp
- UE_res_comm_th_hydrogen                                                                                     [160/1626]
- UE_res_comm_th_liquid
- UE_res_comm_th_solar
- UE_res_comm_th_solids
- UE_transport
- UE_transport_electric
- UE_transport_electric_Minimum
- UE_transport_fc
- UE_transport_foil
- UE_transport_gas
- UE_transport_liquid
- VOC_Emission
- VOC_Emission_bunkers
- VOC_IndThermLink
- VOC_nonenergy
- WasteGenToBCALink
- WasteGenToCH4Link
- WasteGenToCOLink
- WasteGenToNOxLink
- WasteGenToOCALink
- WasteGenToPM2Link
- WasteGenToSO2Link
- WasteGenToVOCLink
- bco2_trans_disp
- bio_extr_mpen_c                                                                                             [136/1626]
- bio_scrub_lim
- co2_trans_disp
- co_gen_limit
- coal-exp
- coal_extr
- coal_extr_mpen_c
- coal_scrub_lim
- csp_japan_limit
- demF_limit
- demI_limit
- demR_limit
- demb_limit
- demp_limit
- demt_limit
- domestic_coal
- domestic_gas
- ele_nuc
- elec_coal
- elec_gas
- elec_hydro
- elec_nuclear
- elec_relations2_coal
- elec_relations2_gas
- elec_relations2_hydro
- elec_relations2_nuclear
- elec_relations2_oil
- elec_relations2_renewable                                                                                   [109/1626]
- extraction_coal
- extraction_gas
- extraction_oil
- foil_prod
- gas_export
- gas_extr_mpen_c
- gas_mix_lim
- gas_prod
- gas_scrub_lim
- gas_util
- global_GCO2
- global_GSO2
- h2_exp_limit
- h2_scrub_limit
- h2mix_direct
- hydro_min
- hydro_pot
- import_dependence
- lfil_limit
- lim_exp_afr_LNG
- lim_exp_afr_coal
- lim_exp_afr_eth
- lim_exp_afr_meth
- lim_exp_cpa_oil
- lim_exp_eeu_eth
- lim_exp_eeu_meth
- lim_exp_fsu_LNG                                                                                              [82/1626]
- lim_exp_fsu_coal
- lim_exp_fsu_eth
- lim_exp_fsu_meth
- lim_exp_fsu_oil
- lim_exp_lam_LNG
- lim_exp_lam_oil
- lim_exp_mea_LNG
- lim_exp_mea_oil
- lim_exp_nam_LNG
- lim_exp_nam_coal
- lim_exp_pao_coal
- lim_exp_pao_eth
- lim_exp_pao_meth
- lim_exp_pas_LNG
- lim_exp_weu_eth
- lim_exp_weu_meth
- limit_tot_BECCS
- max_coal_ind
- meth_exp_limit
- min-liquids_industry
- min-liquids_res-com
- minimum_recycling_aluminum
- minimum_recycling_steel
- nica_limit
- nuc_lc_in_el
- oil_based_elec_gen
- oil_extr_mpen_c                                                                                              [55/1626]
- oil_imp_c
- oil_prod
- oil_trd
- oper_res
- pass_out_trb
- prod_low_lim_BIEL
- prod_low_lim_BIFU
- prod_low_lim_BIHE
- prod_low_lim_COEL
- prod_low_lim_GAEL
- prod_low_lim_GEEL
- prod_low_lim_HYEL
- prod_low_lim_NUEL
- prod_low_lim_OIEL
- prod_low_lim_SOEL
- prod_low_lim_WIEL
- res_japan_limit
- res_marg
- share_low_lim_NFEG
- share_low_lim_NFPE
- share_low_lim_PEGas
- share_low_lim_REEG
- share_low_lim_REFE
- share_low_lim_REPE
- sm1_ppl_res
- sm3_ppl_res
- solar_csp_pot
- solar_csp_pot1                                                                                               [27/1626]
- solar_csp_pot2
- solar_csp_pot3
- solar_csp_pot4
- solar_csp_pot5
- solar_csp_pot6
- solar_csp_pot7
- solar_curtailment_1
- solar_curtailment_2
- solar_curtailment_3
- solar_pot
- solar_pot2
- solar_pot3
- solar_pot4
- solar_pot5
- solar_pot6
- solar_pot7
- solar_pot8
- solar_pot_hist_2010
- solar_pot_hist_2015
- solar_pot_hist_2020
- solar_ppl_res
- solar_res_cv
- solar_step
- solar_step2
- solar_step3
- solar_th_pot'
- syn_liq_exp
- total_TCO2
- trp_energy
- unabated_coal_lim
- wind_curtailment_1
- wind_curtailment_2
- wind_curtailment_3
- wind_pof
- wind_pof2
- wind_pof3
- wind_pof4
- wind_pof5
- wind_pot
- wind_pot2
- wind_pot3
- wind_pot4
- wind_pot_hist_2005
- wind_pot_hist_2010
- wind_pot_hist_2015
- wind_pot_hist_2020
- wind_ppl_offshore_res
- wind_ppl_res
- wind_res_cv
- wind_step
- wind_step2
- wind_step3