Source code for message_ix_models.model.transport.workflow

import json
import logging
from hashlib import blake2s
from itertools import product
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, Optional

from genno import KeyExistsError

from message_ix_models.model.workflow import Config
from message_ix_models.project.ssp import SSP_2024
from message_ix_models.util import package_data_path

    import message_ix

    import message_ix_models

    from .config import Config

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Use lpmethod=4, scaind=1 to overcome LP status 5 (optimal with unscaled
# infeasibilities) when running on SSP(2024) base scenarios

[docs]def base_scenario_url( context: "message_ix_models.Context", method: Literal["auto", "bare"] = "bare" ) -> str: """Identify the base MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM scenario. If :attr:`.scenario_info` is set on `context` (for instance, provided via the :program:`--url` CLI option), nothing is done, and the URL corresponding to that scenario is returned. If not, then the behaviour depends on `method`: :py:`method = "auto"` Automatically identify the base scenario URL from the contents of :file:`base-scenario-url.json`. The settings :attr:`.Config.ssp <.transport.config.Config.ssp>` and :attr:`.Config.policy` are used to match an entry in the file. :py:`method = "bare"` Construct bare RES scenario using :mod:`.model.bare.create_res` and the settings on `context` such as :attr:`.Config.regions`. Return the URL to this scenario. """ if context.scenario_info: return context.core.url config: "Config" = context.transport if method == "auto": # Load URL info from file with open(package_data_path("transport", "base-scenario-url.json")) as f: info = json.load(f) # Identify a key that matches the settings on `config` key = (str(config.ssp), config.policy) for item in info: if (item["ssp"], item["policy"]) == key: return item["url"] raise ValueError(f"No base URL for ({key!r})") # pragma: no cover elif method == "bare": # Use a 'bare' RES or empty scenario if context.platform_info["name"] in (__name__, "message-ix-models"): # Temporary platform or testing → use the bare RES from message_ix_models.model import bare"No --model/--scenario/--url; use the bare RES as base") # Build a bare RES scenario given .model.Config settings s = bare.create_res(context) return f"ixmp://{context.platform_info['name']}/{s.url}" else: log.warning("No --model/--scenario/--url; some workflow steps may not work") return f"ixmp://{context.platform_info.get('name', 'NONE')}/NONE/NONE"
[docs]def maybe_use_temporary_platform(context: "message_ix_models.Context") -> None: """Set up a temporary, in-memory platform. .. todo:: Move upstream, to :mod:`message_ix_models`. """ if context.platform_info: return from ixmp import config as ixmp_config ixmp_config.add_platform( __name__, "jdbc", "hsqldb", url=f"jdbc:hsqldb:mem:{__name__}" ) context.platform_info.update(name=__name__)"No --platform/--url; using temporary, in-memory database")
[docs]def scenario_url( context: "message_ix_models.Context", label: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """Construct a target URL for a built MESSAGEix-Transport scenario. If the :attr:`.dest` URL is set on `context` (for instance, provided via the :program:`--dest` CLI option), this URL returned with `label` appended to the scenario name. If not, a form is used like: - :py:`model = "MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM 1.1-T-{regions}"`. Any value of the "model" key from :attr:`.core.Config.dest_scenario` is appended. - :py:`scenario = "{label}"`. Any value of the "scenario" key from :attr:`.core.Config.dest_scenario` is appended; if this is not set, then either "policy" (if :attr:`.transport.Config.policy` is set) or "baseline". """ # Construct a URL template for MESSAGEix-Transport scenarios if context.core.dest: # Value from --dest CLI option # TODO Check that this works if a version # is specified return f"{context.dest} {label or ''}".strip() else: # Values from --model-extra, --scenario-extra CLI options m_extra = context.core.dest_scenario.get("model", "") s_extra = context.core.dest_scenario.get("scenario") or ( "policy" if context.transport.policy else "baseline" ) return "/".join( ( f"MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM 1.1-T-{context.model.regions} {m_extra}".rstrip(), f"{label or ''} {s_extra}".strip(), ) )
[docs]def short_hash(value: str) -> str: """Return a short (length 3) hash of `value`.""" return blake2s(value.encode()).hexdigest()[:3]
[docs]def tax_emission( context: "message_ix_models.Context", scenario: "message_ix.Scenario", price: float ) -> "message_ix.Scenario": """Add emission tax. This function calls code from :mod:`message_data.projects.navigate.workflow`, :mod:``, and other non-public locations. It cannot be used without access to those codes. """ from message_ix import make_df from message_ix_models.util import broadcast try: from message_data.projects.engage import workflow as engage_workflow from message_data.projects.navigate import workflow as navigate_workflow except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("Requires non-public code from message_data") # Add ENGAGE-style emissions accounting scenario = engage_workflow.step_0(context, scenario) # Add values for the MACRO 'drate' parameter. # refers to this parameter, rather # than the MESSAGE 'interestrate' parameter, to compute nominal future values of the # tax. The parameter is not present if MACRO has not been set up on the scenario. name = "drate" df = make_df(name, value=0.05, unit="-").pipe(broadcast, node=scenario.set("node")) with scenario.transact(f"Add values for {name}"): scenario.add_par(name, df) return navigate_workflow.tax_emission(context, scenario, price)
[docs]def generate( context: "message_ix_models.Context", *, report_key="transport all", dry_run: bool = False, **options, ): from message_ix_models import Workflow from message_ix_models.model.workflow import solve from import register, report from . import build from .config import Config from .report import multi # Handle CLI options # TODO respect quiet options.pop("target_model_name") # Stored on context.core.dest_scenario options.pop("target_scenario_name") # Stored on context.core.dest_scenario base_scenario_method = options.pop("base_scenario") maybe_use_temporary_platform(context) # Prepare transport configuration, passing the remaining `options` Config.from_context(context, options=options) # Set the default .report.Config key for ".* reported" steps register("model.transport") = report_key # Create the workflow wf = Workflow(context) # Collections of step names debug, reported, targets = [], [], [] # Iterate over all (ssp, policy) combinations for ssp, policy in product(SSP_2024, (False, True)): # Store settings on the context context.transport.ssp = ssp context.transport.policy = policy # Construct labels including the SSP code and policy identifier label = f"SSP{}{' policy' if policy else ''}" # For step name label_full = f"SSP_2024.{}" # For the scenario name # Identify the base scenario base_url = base_scenario_url(context, base_scenario_method)"{label_full} {policy = }: {base_url = }") # Name of the base step base = f"base {short_hash(base_url)}" try: # Load the base model scenario wf.add_step(base, None, target=base_url) except KeyExistsError: # Base scenario URL is identical to another (ssp, policy) combination; use # the scenario returned by that step pass # Identify the target of the build step target_url = scenario_url(context, label_full) targets.append(target_url) # Build MESSAGEix-Transport on the scenario name = wf.add_step( f"{label} built", base, build.main, target=target_url, clone=True, ssp=ssp ) # This block copied from message_data.projects.navigate.workflow if policy: # Add a carbon tax name = wf.add_step(f"{label} with tax", name, tax_emission, price=1000.0) # 'Simulate' build and produce debug outputs debug.append(f"{label} debug build") wf.add_step(debug[-1], base, build.main, ssp=ssp, dry_run=True) # Solve wf.add_step(f"{label} solved", name, solve, config=SOLVE_CONFIG) # Report reported.append(f"{label} reported") wf.add_step(reported[-1], f"{label} solved", report) # NB the following use genno.Computer.add(), not .Workflow.add_step(). This is # because the operations are not WorkflowSteps that receive, modify, and return # Scenario objects—only ordinary Python functions. # Compare debug outputs from multiple simulated builds wf.add("debug build", build.debug_multi, "context", *debug) # Report (including plot) using data from multiple, solved scenarios wf.add("report multi", multi, "context", targets=targets) # Report all the scenarios wf.add("all reported", reported) wf.default_key = "all reported" return wf