List[str], techs: List[Code], t_groups, years: List[int], config) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]

Return constraint data for ScenarioFlags.ELE.

The text reads as follows as of 2023-02-15:

  1. Land-based transport: Fuel/technology mandates ensure full electrification (BEV and/or FCEV) of passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks by 2040.

  2. Because there are much larger hurdles for full electrification of heavy-duty vehicles (Gray et al., 2021; Mulholland et al., 2018), we only assume a phase-out of diesel engines in the fleet of heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) by 2040.

  3. We assume that electric short-haul planes become available after 2050 (based on Barzkar & Ghassemi, 2020).

  4. Further, we assume full electrification of ports (and a reduction of auxiliary engines needed in ships) by 2030. In alignment with this, vessels are adapted to zero-emission berth standards by 2040. This timeline for port electrification is loosely based on Gillingham & Huang (2020) and the Global EV Outlook (IEA, 2020a). Assuming that ships spend approximately 15% of the time at berth and that 15% of their total fuel consumption is related to the auxiliary engine, we assume that 2.3% of the total fuel consumption can be saved by cold ironing (in line with Bauman et al., 2017).

  5. Fuels standards/mandates, infrastructure development and removing blending restrictions increase the use of alternative fuels (biofuels/electrofuels). Following the Sustainable Development Scenario (IEA, 2020b) the share of hydrogen in final energy demand grows to 40% in the aviation sector and to 50% in the shipping sector by 2070. The share of biofuels increases to 15% for both the aviation and shipping sector.

Currently only items (1) and (2) are implemented.