"""Compute MESSAGEix-compatible input data for MESSAGEix-Transport."""
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from operator import le
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple
import pandas as pd
from genno import Computer, Key, Quantity
from genno.core.key import single_key
from message_ix import make_df
from message_ix_models import ScenarioInfo
from message_ix_models.tools.exo_data import ExoDataSource, register_source
from message_ix_models.util import (
from message_ix_models.util.ixmp import rename_dims
from sdmx.model.v21 import Code
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def prepare_computer(c: Computer):
"""Add miscellaneous transport data."""
# Data-generating calculations
n, y = "n::ex world", "y::model"
for comp in (
(conversion, n, y, "config"),
(misc, "info", n, y),
(dummy_supply, "t::transport", "info", "config"),
(navigate_ele, n, "t::transport", "t::transport agg", y, "config"),
# Add 2 computations: one to generate the data
name = getattr(comp[0], "__name__")
k1 = c.add(f"{name}::ixmp", *comp)
# …one to add it to `scenario`
c.add("transport_data", f"transport {name}", key=k1)
[docs]def conversion(
nodes: List[str], years: List[int], config: dict
) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Input and output data for conversion technologies:
The technologies are named 'transport {service} load factor'.
common = dict(
# No subannual detail
service_info = [
# ("freight", config["transport"].load_factor["freight"], "Gt km"),
("pax", 1.0, "Gp km / a"),
data0: Mapping[str, List] = defaultdict(list)
for service, factor, output_unit in service_info:
i_o = make_io(
(f"transport {service} vehicle", "useful", "Gv km"),
(f"transport {service}", "useful", output_unit),
technology=f"transport {service} load factor",
for par, df in i_o.items():
data0[par].append(df.pipe(broadcast, node_loc=nodes).pipe(same_node))
data1 = {par: pd.concat(dfs) for par, dfs in data0.items()}
return data1
[docs]def dummy_supply(technologies: List["Code"], info, config) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Dummy fuel supply for the bare RES."""
if not config["transport"].dummy_supply:
return dict()
# Identify (level, commodity) from `technologies`
level_commodity = set()
for input_info in map(lambda t: t.eval_annotation(id="input"), technologies):
if input_info is None or input_info.get("level", None) == "useful":
continue # No `input` annotation, or an LDV usage pseudo-technology
level_commodity.add(("final", input_info["commodity"]))
result: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = dict()
common = dict(mode="all", time="year", time_dest="year", unit="GWa")
values = dict(output=1.0, var_cost=1.0)
# Make one source technology for each (level, commodity)
for level, c in sorted(level_commodity):
t = f"DUMMY supply of {c}"
info, dict(commodity=c, level=level, technology=t) | common, **values
return result
[docs]def misc(info: ScenarioInfo, nodes: List[str], y: List[int]):
"""Miscellaneous bounds for calibration/vetting."""
# Limit activity of methanol LDVs in the model base year
# TODO investigate the cause of the underlying behaviour; then remove this
name = "bound_activity_up"
data = {
name: make_df(
# unit=info.units_for("technology", "ICAm_ptrp"),
unit="Gv km",
).pipe(broadcast, node_loc=nodes)
log.info("Miscellaneous bounds for calibration/vetting")
return data
[docs]def navigate_ele(
nodes: List[str], techs: List["Code"], t_groups, years: List[int], config
) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Return constraint data for :attr:`ScenarioFlags.ELE`.
The text reads as follows as of 2023-02-15:
1. Land-based transport: Fuel/technology mandates ensure full electrification (BEV
and/or FCEV) of passenger vehicles and light-duty trucks by 2040.
2. Because there are much larger hurdles for full electrification of heavy-duty
vehicles (Gray et al., 2021; Mulholland et al., 2018), we only assume a phase-out
of diesel engines in the fleet of heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) by 2040.
3. We assume that electric short-haul planes become available after 2050 (based on
Barzkar & Ghassemi, 2020).
4. Further, we assume full electrification of ports (and a reduction of auxiliary
engines needed in ships) by 2030. In alignment with this, vessels are adapted to
zero-emission berth standards by 2040. This timeline for port electrification is
loosely based on Gillingham & Huang (2020) and the Global EV Outlook (IEA,
2020a). Assuming that ships spend approximately 15% of the time at berth and that
15% of their total fuel consumption is related to the auxiliary engine, we assume
that 2.3% of the total fuel consumption can be saved by cold ironing (in line
with Bauman et al., 2017).
5. Fuels standards/mandates, infrastructure development and removing blending
restrictions increase the use of alternative fuels (biofuels/electrofuels).
Following the Sustainable Development Scenario (IEA, 2020b) the share of hydrogen
in final energy demand grows to 40% in the aviation sector and to 50% in the
shipping sector by 2070. The share of biofuels increases to 15% for both the
aviation and shipping sector.
Currently only items (1) and (2) are implemented.
from message_ix_models.project.navigate import T35_POLICY
if not (T35_POLICY.ELE & config["transport"].project["navigate"]):
return dict()
# Technologies to constrain for items (1) and (2)
to_constrain = []
# Item (1): identify LDV technologies with inputs other than electricity or hydrogen
for code in map(lambda t: techs[techs.index(t)], t_groups["t"]["LDV"]):
input_info = code.eval_annotation("input")
if input_info.get("commodity") not in ("electr", "hydrogen"):
# Item (2): identify diesel-fueled freight truck technologies
for code in map(lambda t: techs[techs.index(t)], t_groups["t"]["freight truck"]):
if "diesel" in str(code.description):
# Create data
name = "bound_new_capacity_up"
data = make_df(name, value=0, unit="Gv km").pipe(
year_vtg=list(filter(partial(le, 2040), years)),
return {name: data}
[docs]class IEA_Future_of_Trucks(ExoDataSource):
"""Retrieve IEA “Future of Trucks” data.
measure : int
One of:
1. energy intensity of vehicle distance travelled
2. load
3. energy intensity of freight service (mass × distance)
id = "iea-future-of-trucks"
convert_units: Optional[str] = None
_name_unit = {
1: ("energy intensity of VDT", "GWa / (Gv km)"),
2: ("load factor", None),
3: ("energy intensity of FV", None),
[docs] def __init__(self, source, source_kw):
if not source == "IEA Future of Trucks":
raise ValueError
self.measure = source_kw.pop("measure")
self.name, self._unit = self._name_unit[self.measure]
self.path = package_data_path("transport", f"iea-2017-t4-{self.measure}.csv")
def __call__(self):
from genno.operator import load_file
return load_file(self.path, dims=rename_dims())
[docs]class MaybeAdaptR11Source(ExoDataSource):
"""Source of transport data, possibly adapted from R11 for other node code lists.
source_kw :
Must include exactly the keys "measure", "nodes", and "scenario".
#: Set of measures recognized by a subclass.
measures: Set[str] = set()
#: Mapping from :attr:`.measures` entries to file names.
filename: Mapping[str, str] = dict()
_adapter: Optional[Callable] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, source, source_kw):
from .util import path_fallback
# Check that the given measure is supported by the current class
if not source == self.id:
raise ValueError(source)
measure = source_kw.pop("measure", None)
if measure not in self.measures:
raise ValueError(measure)
self.measure = measure
# ID of the node code list
nodes = source_kw.pop("nodes")
# Scenario identifier
self.scenario = source_kw.pop("scenario", None)
# Dimensions for loaded data
self.dims = deepcopy(rename_dims())
self.dims["scenario"] = "scenario"
filename = self.filename[measure]
self.path = path_fallback(nodes, filename)
self._repr = f"Load {self.path}"
except FileNotFoundError:
log.info(f"Fall back to R11 data for {self.measure}")
self.path = path_fallback("R11", filename)
# Identify an adapter that can convert data from R11 to `nodes`
self._adapter = {"R12": adapt_R11_R12, "R14": adapt_R11_R14}.get(nodes)
self._repr = f"Load {self.path} and adapt R11 → {nodes}"
if self._adapter is None:
f"Not implemented: transform {self.id} data from 'R11' to {nodes!r}"
raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self):
from genno.operator import load_file
return load_file(self.path, dims=self.dims, name=self.measure)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self._repr
[docs] def get_keys(self) -> Tuple[Key, Key]:
"""Return the target keys for the (1) raw and (2) transformed data."""
k = self.key or Key(
self.name or self.measure.lower(), ("n", "y") + self.extra_dims
return (k * "scenario" + self.id, k)
[docs]class MERtoPPP(MaybeAdaptR11Source):
"""Provider of exogenous MERtoPPP data.
source_kw :
Must include exactly the keys "measure" (must be "MERtoPPP") and "nodes" (the ID
of the node code list).
id = "transport MERtoPPP"
measures = {"MERtoPPP"}
filename = {"MERtoPPP": "mer-to-ppp.csv"}
# Attempt to register each source; tolerate exceptions if the model is re-imported
# FIXME Should not be necessary; improve register_source upstream
for cls in IEA_Future_of_Trucks, MERtoPPP:
register_source(cls) # type: ignore [type-abstract]
except ValueError as e: