
message_ix_models.model.transport.roadmap.get_roadmap_data(context, region=('Africa', 'R11_AFR'), years=None, plot=False) DataFrame[source]

Read transport activity data for Africa.

The data is read from RoadmapResults_2017.xlsx, which is already aggregated into total values for the Africa region -including the countries mentioned above. It is then processed into a DataFrame format compatible with the IEA’s EEI datasets, to be ultimately used for MESSAGEix-Transport scenario calibration.

The region name returned is Context dependent. However, it is just relevant for R11, `R12 or R14 regional aggregations, since the country-level aggregation is the same in both cases.

By default, it processes the historical years from the Roadmap model, up to 2015. The source file also contains projections up to 2050 (in 5-year time steps), and can be retrieved through the years argument.

  • context (Context) – Information about target Scenario.

  • region (tuple) – (Roadmap region, MESSAGEix region). Info about the target region. At the moment, default values are set to Africa and R11 since these are of relevance for the current research of MESSAGEix-Transport.

  • years (list) – Default: None, implies that it retrieves exclusively the historical time steps from the Roadmap model. It can provide projections up to 2050 if other lists of time steps are provided.

  • plot (bool, optional) – If True, plots per mode will be generated in folder /debug.


DataFrame – Same format as returned by get_eei_data().

Return type:
