Computer, base_key) Key[source]

Write base_key to CSV, XLSX, and/or both; and/or store on “scenario”.

If base_key is, for instance, “foo::iamc”, this function adds the following keys:

  • “foo::iamc+all”: both of:

    • “foo::iamc+file”: both of:

      • “foo::iamc+csv”: write the data in base_key to a file named foo.csv.

      • “foo::iamc+xlsx”: write the data in base_key to a file named foo.xlsx.

      The files are created in a subdirectory using make_output_path()—that is, including a path component given by the scenario URL.

    • “foo::iamc+store” store the data in base_key as time series data on the scenario identified by the key “scenario”.


Move upstream, to message_ix_models.