
message_ix_models.model.transport.groups.cg_shares(ursu_ru: AttrSeries, su_share: AttrSeries, ma3t_attitude: AttrSeries, ma3t_driver: AttrSeries, ma3t_pop: AttrSeries, n_cd_indexers: Dict[str, DataArray], cg_indexers: Dict[str, DataArray]) AttrSeries[source]

Return shares of transport consumer groups.

  • ursu_ru (Quantity) – Population shares with “UR+SU” and “RU” on the area_type dimension.

  • su_share (Quantity) – Share of suburban (“SU”) population within “UR+SU”.

  • ma3t_attitude (Quantity) –

  • ma3t_driver (Quantity) –

  • ma3t_pop (Quantity) –

    Population shares between urban, suburban, and rural.

    DLM: “Values from MA3T are based on 2001 NHTS survey and some more recent calculations done in 2008 timeframe. Therefore, I assume that the numbers here are applicable to the US in 2005.”

    NB in the spreadsheet, the data are also filled forward to 2110.

    Currently not used.

  • n_cd_indexers (dict) –

  • cg_indexers (dict) –


Dimensions: n, y, cg. Units.dimensionless.

Return type:
