
message_ix_models.model.transport.base.format_share_constraints(qty: AnyQuantity, config: dict, *, kind: str, groupby: List[str] = []) DataFrame[source]

Produce values for ue_share_constraints.xlsx.

This file is used by some code in message_data (unclear where) to produce values for the sets shares, map_shares_commodity_*, and share_commodity_{lo,up}, but has a different structure from any of these. In particular, it has the columns:

  • share_name e.g. “UE_transport_electric”

  • share_tec e.g. “elec_trp” or a comma-separated list of technology codes.

  • commodity e.g. “transport”

  • level e.g. “useful”

  • node: either “all” or values like “CPA”, “RCPA” which are taken to correspond to “R11_CPA”, “R12_CPA”, etc.

  • SSP: either “all”, “LED”, or possibly other values.

  • share_type: either “lower” or “upper” corresponding respectively to share_commodity_lo or share_commodity_up.

  • target_value: either a value, “baseline”, or “TS”.

  • 2025 through 2110 (following the “B” list of periods). If “target_value” is “TS”, these are filled, otherwise empty.