"""Demand calculation for MESSAGEix-Transport."""
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import genno
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from dask.core import literal
from genno import Computer, KeySeq
from message_ix import make_df
from message_ix_models.util import broadcast
from . import files as exo
from .key import (
from genno.types import AnyQuantity
from .config import Config
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def dummy(
commodities: list, nodes: list[str], y: list[int], config: dict
) -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Dummy demands.
info : .ScenarioInfo
if not config["transport"].dummy_demand:
# No dummy data → return nothing
return dict()
common = dict(level="useful", time="year", value=10 + np.arange(len(y)), year=y)
dfs = []
for commodity in commodities:
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
continue # Not a demand commodity
unit = "t km" if "freight" in commodity.id else "km"
dfs.append(make_df("demand", commodity=commodity.id, unit=unit, **common))
# # Dummy demand for light oil
# common["level"] = "final"
# dfs.append(make_df("demand", commodity="lightoil", **common))
return dict(demand=pd.concat(dfs).pipe(broadcast, node=nodes))
# Common keyword args to as_message_df()
_DEMAND_KW = dict(
dims=dict(commodity="c", node="n", year="y"),
common=dict(level="useful", time="year"),
#: Task for computing and adding demand data; inputs to :meth:`.Computer.add_queue`.
# Values based on configuration
# Disabled for #551
# (("speed:t", "quantity_from_config", "config"), dict(name="speeds")),
(("whour:", "quantity_from_config", "config"), dict(name="work_hours")),
(("lambda:", "quantity_from_config", "config"), dict(name="lamda")),
(("y::conv", "quantity_from_config", "config"), dict(name="year_convergence")),
# Base passenger mode share (exogenous/reference data)
(ms + "base", "base_shares", "mode share:n-t:exo", n, t_modes, y),
# GDP expressed in PPP. The in the SSP(2024) input files, this conversion is already
# applied, so no need to multiply by a mer_to_ppp factor here → simple alias.
(gdp_ppp, gdp),
# GDP PPP per capita
(gdp_cap, "div", gdp_ppp, pop),
# Total PDT (n, y) = product of PDT / capita and population. See pdt_per_capita()
# that sets up the calculation of `pdt_cap + "adj"`
(pdt_ny, "mul", pdt_cap + "adj", pop),
# Value-of-time multiplier
# ("votm:n-y", "votm", gdp_cap + "adj"),
# use the original GDP path for votm calculations
("votm:n-y", "votm", gdp_cap),
# Select only the price of transport services
# FIXME should be the full set of prices
((price_sel0, "select", price_full), dict(indexers=dict(c="transport"), drop=True)),
(price_sel1, "price_units", price_sel0),
# Smooth prices to avoid zig-zag in share projections
(price, "smooth", price_sel1),
# Interpolate speed data
("speed:scenario-n-t-y:0", "interpolate", exo.speed, "y::coords"),
# Select speed data
("speed:n-t-y", "select", "speed:scenario-n-t-y:0", "indexers:scenario"),
# Cost of transport (n, t, y)
(cost, "cost", price, gdp_cap, "whour:", "speed:n-t-y", "votm:n-y", y),
# Share weights (n, t, y)
ms + "base",
# Mode shares
((ms, "logit", cost, sw, "lambda:", y), dict(dim="t")),
# Total PDT (n, t, y), with modes for the 't' dimension
(pdt_nyt + "0", "mul", pdt_ny, ms),
# Scenario-specific adjustment factors
("pdt factor:n-y-t", "factor_pdt", n, y, t_modes, "config"),
# Only the LDV values
("ldv pdt factor:n-y", "select", "pdt factor:n-y-t"),
dict(indexers=dict(t="LDV"), drop=True),
(pdt_nyt, "mul", pdt_nyt + "0", "pdt factor:n-y-t"),
# Per capita (for validation)
(pdt_nyt + "capita+post", "div", pdt_nyt, pop),
# LDV PDT only (n, y)
((ldv_ny + "ref", "select", pdt_nyt), dict(indexers=dict(t="LDV"), drop=True)),
# commented: The following computes LDV PDT as base-year values from the ADVANCE
# database × an index of the top-down (Schäfer) LDV PDT versus base-year values
# # Indexed to base year
# (ldv_ny + "index", "index_to", ldv_ny + "ref", literal("y"), "y0"),
# # Compute LDV PDT as ADVANCE base-year values indexed to overall growth
# (ldv_ny + "total+0", "mul", ldv_ny + "index", "pdt ldv:n:advance"),
# # Apply the scenario-specific adjustment factor
# (ldv_ny + "total", "mul", ldv_ny + "total+0", "ldv pdt factor:n-y"),
# Apply the scenario-specific adjustment factor
(ldv_ny + "total", "mul", ldv_ny + "ref", "ldv pdt factor:n-y"),
# LDV PDT shared out by consumer group (cg, n, y)
(ldv_nycg, "mul", ldv_ny + "total", cg),
# # Base freight activity from IEA EEI
# ("iea_eei_fv", "fv:n-y:historical", quote("tonne-kilometres"), "config"),
# Base year freight activity from file (n, t), with modes for the 't' dimension
("fv:n-t:historical", "mul", exo.mode_share_freight, exo.activity_freight),
# …indexed to base-year values
(gdp_index, "index_to", gdp_ppp, literal("y"), "y0"),
(fv + "0", "mul", "fv:n-t:historical", gdp_index),
# Scenario-specific adjustment factor for freight activity
("fv factor:n-t-y", "factor_fv", n, y, "config"),
# Apply the adjustment factor
(fv + "1", "mul", fv + "0", "fv factor:n-t-y"),
# Select only the ROAD data. NB Do not drop so 't' labels can be used for 'c', next.
((fv + "2", "select", fv + "1"), dict(indexers=dict(t=["RAIL", "ROAD"]))),
# Relabel
((fv_cny, "relabel2", fv + "2"), dict(new_dims={"c": "transport F {t}"})),
# Convert to ixmp format
(("demand::F+ixmp", "as_message_df", fv_cny), _DEMAND_KW),
# Select only non-LDV PDT
((pdt_nyt + "1", "select", pdt_nyt), dict(indexers=dict(t=["LDV"]), inverse=True)),
# Relabel PDT
(pdt_cny + "0", "relabel2", pdt_nyt + "1"),
dict(new_dims={"c": "transport pax {t.lower()}"}),
(pdt_cny, "convert_units", pdt_cny + "0", "Gp km / a"),
# Convert to ixmp format
(("demand::P+ixmp", "as_message_df", pdt_cny), _DEMAND_KW),
# Relabel ldv pdt:n-y-cg
((ldv_cny + "0", "relabel2", ldv_nycg), dict(new_dims={"c": "transport pax {cg}"})),
(ldv_cny, "convert_units", ldv_cny + "0", "Gp km / a"),
(("demand::LDV+ixmp", "as_message_df", ldv_cny), _DEMAND_KW),
# Dummy demands, if these are configured
("demand::dummy+ixmp", dummy, "c::transport", "nodes::ex world", y, "config"),
# Merge all data together
"transport demand::ixmp",
def pdt_per_capita(c: Computer) -> None:
"""Set up calculation of :data:`~.key.pdt_cap`.
Per Schäfer et al. (2009) Figure 2.5: linear interpolation between log GDP PPP per
capita and log PDT per capita, specifically between the observed (GDP, PDT) point in
|y0| and (:attr:`.Config.fixed_GDP`, :attr:`.Config.fixed_pdt`), which give a future
“fixed point” towards which all regions converge.
Values from the file :file:`pdt-elasticity.csv` are selected according to
:attr:`.Config.ssp <.transport.config.Config.ssp>` and used to scale the difference
between projected, log GDP in each future period and the log GDP in the reference
from . import key
gdp = KeySeq(key.gdp)
pdt = KeySeq("_pdt:n-y")
# GDP expressed in PPP. In the SSP(2024) input files, this conversion is already
# applied, so no need to multiply by a mer_to_ppp factor here → simple alias.
c.add(gdp["PPP"], gdp.base)
# GDP PPP per capita
c.add(gdp["capita"], "div", gdp["PPP"], pop)
# Add `y` dimension. Here for the future fixed point we use y=2 * max(y), e.g.
# 4220 for y=2110. The value doesn't matter, we just need to avoid overlap with y
# in the model.
def _future(qty: "AnyQuantity", years: list[int]) -> "AnyQuantity":
return qty.expand_dims(y=[years[-1] * 2])
# Same, but adding y0
c.add(pdt["ref"], lambda q, y: q.expand_dims(y=[y]), "pdt:n:capita+ref", "y0")
def _delta(qty: "AnyQuantity", y0: int) -> "AnyQuantity":
"""Compute slope of `qty` between the last |y|-index and `y0`."""
ym1 = sorted(qty.coords["y"].values)[-1]
return qty.sel(y=ym1) - qty.sel(y=y0)
# Same transformation for both quantities
for x, reference_values in ((gdp, gdp["capita"]), (pdt, pdt["ref"])):
# Retrieve value from configuration
k = KeySeq(f"{x.name}::fixed")
c.add(k[0], "quantity_from_config", "config", name=f"fixed_{x.name.strip('_')}")
# Broadcast on `n` dimension
c.add(k[1] * "n", "mul", k[0], "n:n:ex world")
# Add dimension y=4220 (see _future, above)
c.add(x["fixed"], _future, k[1] * "n", "y")
# Concatenate with reference values
# TODO Ensure units are consistent
c.add(x["ext"], "concat", reference_values, x["fixed"])
# Log X
c.add(x["log"], np.log, x["ext"])
# Log X indexed to values at y=y0. By construction the values for y=y0 are 1.0.
c.add(x[0], "index_to", x["log"], literal("y"), "y0")
# Delta log X minus y=y0 value. By construction the values for y=y0 are 0.0.
c.add(x[1], "sub", x[0], genno.Quantity(1.0))
# Difference between the fixed point and y0 values
# TODO Maybe simplify this. Isn't the slope equal to the fixed-point values
# by construction?
c.add(x["delta"] / "y", _delta, x[1], "y0")
# Compute slope of PDT w.r.t. GDP after transformation
c.add("pdt slope:n", "div", pdt["delta"] / "y", gdp["delta"] / "y")
# Select 'elasticity' from "pdt elasticity:scenario-n:exo"
c.add("pdt elasticity:n", "select", exo.pdt_elasticity, "indexers:scenario")
# Adjust GDP by multiplying by 'elasticity'
c.add(gdp[2], "mul", gdp[1], "pdt elasticity:n")
# Projected PDT = m × adjusted GDP
c.add(pdt["proj"], "mul", gdp[2], "pdt slope:n")
# Reverse the transform for the adjusted GDP and projected PDT
# TODO Derive `units` the inputs, __ and pdt["ref"]
for x, start, units in (
(gdp, gdp[2], "kUSD_2017 / passenger / year"),
(pdt, pdt["proj"], "km/year"),
# Reverse transform
c.add(x[3], "add", start, genno.Quantity(1.0))
c.add("y::y0", lambda v: dict(y=v), "y0")
c.add(x["log"] + "y0", "select", x["log"], "y::y0")
c.add(x[4], "mul", x[3], x["log"] + "y0")
c.add(x[5], np.exp, x[4])
c.add(x[6], "assign_units", x[5], units=units)
# Alias the last step to the target key
c.add(pdt_cap, pdt[6])
# Provide a key for the adjusted GDP
c.add(gdp_cap + "adj", gdp[6])
def prepare_computer(c: Computer) -> None:
"""Prepare `c` to calculate and add transport demand data.
See also
from . import factor
config: "Config" = c.graph["context"].transport
if config.project.get("LED", False):
# Select from the file input
c.add(pdt_cap, "select", exo.pdt_cap_proj, indexers=dict(scenario="LED"))
# Insert a scaling factor that varies according to SSP setting
c.apply(factor.insert, pdt_cap, name="pdt non-active", target=pdt_cap + "adj")
c.add("transport_data", __name__, key="transport demand::ixmp")