""":class:`.ScenarioInfo` class."""
import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from itertools import product
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import pandas as pd
import pint
import sdmx.model.v21 as sdmx_model
from .ixmp import parse_url
from message_ix import Scenario
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO: use kw_only=True once python 3.10 is oldest supported version
# FIXME the .. autosummary part does not render correctly in VSCode preview
class ScenarioInfo:
"""Information about a :class:`.Scenario` object.
Code that prepares data for a target Scenario can accept a ScenarioInfo instance.
This avoids the need to create or load an actual Scenario or its data, which can be
a performance-limiting step.
ScenarioInfo objects can also be used (for instance, by :func:`.apply_spec`) to
describe the contents of a Scenario *before* it is created.
ScenarioInfo objects have the following convenience attributes:
.. autosummary::
scenario_obj : message_ix.Scenario
If given, :attr:`.set` is initialized from this existing scenario.
Iterating over an instance gives "model", "scenario", "version" and the values of
the respective attributes:
>>> si = ScenarioInfo.from_url("model name/scenario name#123")
>>> dict(si)
{'model': 'model name', 'scenario': 'scenario name', 'version': 123}
See also
# TODO: give this field kw_only=False once python 3.10 is the minimum version
# Parameters for initialization only
scenario_obj: InitVar[Optional["Scenario"]] = field(default=None)
empty: InitVar[bool] = False
platform_name: Optional[str] = None
#: Model name; equivalent to :attr:`.TimeSeries.model`.
model: Optional[str] = None
#: Scenario name; equivalent to :attr:`.TimeSeries.scenario`.
scenario: Optional[str] = None
#: Scenario version; equivalent to :attr:`.TimeSeries.version`.
version: Optional[int] = None
#: Elements of :mod:`ixmp`/:mod:`message_ix` sets.
set: dict[str, list] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(list))
#: Elements of :mod:`ixmp`/:mod:`message_ix` parameters.
par: dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = field(default_factory=dict)
#: First model year, if set, else ``Y[0]``.
y0: int = -1
#: :obj:`True` if a MESSAGE-MACRO scenario.
is_message_macro: bool = False
_yv_ya: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None
def __post_init__(self, scenario_obj: Optional["Scenario"], empty: bool):
if not scenario_obj:
self.model = scenario_obj.model
self.scenario = scenario_obj.scenario
self.version = (
None if scenario_obj.version is None else int(scenario_obj.version)
if empty:
# Copy structure (set contents)
for name in scenario_obj.set_list():
value = scenario_obj.set(name)
self.set[name] = value.tolist()
except AttributeError:
self.set[name] = value # pd.DataFrame for ≥2-D set; don't convert
# Copy data for a limited set of parameters
for name in ("duration_period",):
self.par[name] = scenario_obj.par(name)
self.is_message_macro = "PRICE_COMMODITY" in scenario_obj.par_list()
# Computed once
fmy = scenario_obj.cat("year", "firstmodelyear")
self.y0 = int(fmy[0]) if len(fmy) else self.set["year"][0]
self._yv_ya = scenario_obj.vintage_and_active_years()
def from_url(cls, url: str) -> "ScenarioInfo":
"""Create an instance using only an :attr:`url`."""
result = cls()
result.url = url
return result
def yv_ya(self):
""":class:`pandas.DataFrame` with valid ``year_vtg``, ``year_act`` pairs."""
if self._yv_ya is None:
# - Cartesian product of all yv and ya.
# - Convert to data frame.
# - Filter only valid years.
self._yv_ya = (
product(self.set["year"], self.set["year"]),
columns=["year_vtg", "year_act"],
.query("@self.y0 <= year_vtg <= year_act")
return self._yv_ya
def N(self):
"""Elements of the set 'node'.
See also
return list(map(str, self.set["node"]))
def Y(self) -> list[int]:
"""Elements of the set 'year' that are >= the first model year."""
return list(filter(lambda y: y >= self.y0, self.set["year"]))
def url(self) -> str:
"""Identical to :attr:`.TimeSeries.url`."""
return f"{self.model}/{self.scenario}#{self.version}"
def url(self, value):
p, s = parse_url(value)
self.platform_name = p.get("name")
for k in "model", "scenario", "version":
setattr(self, k, s.get(k))
_path_re = [
(re.compile(r"[/<>:\"\\\|\?\*]+"), "_"),
(re.compile("#"), "_v"),
(re.compile("__+"), "_"),
def path(self) -> str:
"""A valid file system path name similar to :attr:`url`.
Characters invalid in Windows paths are replaced with "_".
from functools import reduce
return reduce(lambda s, e: e[0].sub(e[1], s), self._path_re, self.url)
def update(self, other: "ScenarioInfo"):
"""Update with the set elements of `other`."""
for name, data_list in other.set.items():
filter(lambda id: id not in self.set[name], data_list)
for name, data_frame in other.par.items():
log.warning(f"Not implemented: merging parameter data for {name!r}")
def __iter__(self):
for k in "model", "scenario", "version":
yield (k, getattr(self, k))
def __or__(self, other) -> "ScenarioInfo":
if not isinstance(other, ScenarioInfo):
return NotImplemented
result = ScenarioInfo()
return result
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"<ScenarioInfo: {sum(len(v) for v in self.set.values())} code(s) in "
f"{len(self.set)} set(s)>"
def units_for(self, set_name: str, id: str) -> pint.Unit:
"""Return the units associated with code `id` in MESSAGE set `set_name`.
:mod:`ixmp` (or the sole :class:`~ixmp.backend.base.JDBCBackend`, as of v3.5.0)
does not handle unit information for variables and equations (unlike parameter
values), such as MESSAGE decision variables ``ACT``, ``CAP``, etc. In
:mod:`message_ix_models` and :mod:`message_data`, the following conventions are
(generally) followed:
- The units of ``ACT`` and others are consistent for each ``technology``.
- The units of ``COMMODITY_BALANCE``, ``STOCK``, ``commodity_stock``, etc. are
consistent for each ``commodity``.
Thus, codes for elements of these sets (e.g. :ref:`commodity-yaml`) can be used
to carry the standard units for the corresponding quantities. :func:`units_for`
retrieves these units, for use in model-building and reporting.
.. todo:: Expand this discussion and transfer to the :mod:`message_ix` docs.
See also
idx = self.set[set_name].index(id)
except ValueError:
code = self.set[set_name][idx]
return code.eval_annotation(
id="units", globals=dict(registry=pint.get_application_registry())
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(f"{set_name!s} element {code!r} is str, not Code")
def io_units(
self, technology: str, commodity: str, level: Optional[str] = None
) -> pint.Unit:
"""Return units for the MESSAGE ``input`` or ``output`` parameter.
These are implicitly determined as the ratio of:
- The units for the origin (for ``input``) or destination `commodity`, per
- The units of activity for the `technology`.
level : str
Placeholder for future functionality, i.e. to use different units per
(commodity, level). Currently ignored. If given, a debug message is logged.
if either `technology` or `commodity` lack defined units.
if level is not None:
log.debug(f"{level = } ignored")
c = self.units_for("commodity", commodity)
t = self.units_for("technology", technology)
if None in (c, t):
raise ValueError(
"Cannot compute input/output units for: "
f"commodity={commodity!r} [{c}] / technology={technology!r} [{t}]"
return c / t
def substitute_codes(self) -> None:
"""Update the members of :attr:`set` using :func:`.get_codelist`.
Members of the following set(s) that are :class:`str` are replaced with codes
loaded from the corresponding code list(s), including all annotations:
- ``commodity``
.. todo:: Extend for other sets and cases where there are multiple code lists
(for instance ``year``, ``region``).
from message_ix_models.model.structure import get_codelist
for cl_id in ("commodity",):
cl = get_codelist(cl_id)
for i, value in enumerate(self.set[cl_id]):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.set[cl_id][i] = cl[value]
except KeyError:
def year_from_codes(self, codes: list[sdmx_model.Code]):
"""Update using a list of `codes`.
The following are updated:
- :attr:`.set` ``year``
- :attr:`.set` ``cat_year``, with the first model year.
- :attr:`.par` ``duration_period``
Any existing values are discarded.
After this, the attributes :attr:`.y0` and :attr:`.Y` give the first model year
and model years, respectively.
Get a particular code list, create a ScenarioInfo instance, and update using
the codes:
>>> years = get_codes("year/A")
>>> info = ScenarioInfo()
>>> info.year_from_codes(years)
Use populated values:
>>> info.y0
>>> info.Y[:3]
[2020, 2030, 2040]
>>> info.Y[-3:]
[2090, 2100, 2110]
# Clear existing values
if len(self.set["year"]):
log.debug(f"Discard existing 'year' elements: {repr(self.set['year'])}")
self.set["year"] = []
if len(self.set["cat_year"]):
f"Discard existing 'cat_year' elements: {repr(self.set['cat_year'])}"
self.set["cat_year"] = []
if "duration_period" in self.par:
log.debug("Discard existing 'duration_period' elements")
fmy_set = False
duration_period: list[dict] = []
# TODO use sorted() here once supported by sdmx
for code in codes:
year = int(code.id)
# Store the year
# Check for an annotation 'firstmodelyear: true'
if code.eval_annotation(id="firstmodelyear"):
if fmy_set:
# No coverage: data that triggers this should not be committed
raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover
"≥2 periods are annotated firstmodelyear: true"
self.y0 = year
self.set["cat_year"].append(("firstmodelyear", year))
fmy_set = True
# Store the duration_period: either from an annotation, or computed vs. the
# prior period
or (year - duration_period[-1]["year"]),
# Store
self.par["duration_period"] = pd.DataFrame(duration_period)
class Spec:
"""A specification for the structure of a model or variant.
A Spec collects 3 :class:`.ScenarioInfo` instances at the attributes :attr:`.add`,
:attr:`.remove`, and :attr:`.require`. This is the type that is accepted by
:func:`.apply_spec`; :doc:`model-build` describes how a Spec is used to modify a
:class:`.Scenario`. A Spec may also be used to express information about the target
structure of data to be prepared; like ScenarioInfo, this can happen before the
target Scenario exists.
Spec also provides:
- Dictionary-style access, e.g. ``s["add"]`` is equivalent to ``s.add.``.
- Error checking; setting keys other than add/remove/require results in an error.
- :meth:`.merge`, a helper method.
#: Structure to be added to a base scenario.
add: ScenarioInfo = field(default_factory=ScenarioInfo)
#: Structure to be removed from a base scenario.
remove: ScenarioInfo = field(default_factory=ScenarioInfo)
#: Structure that must be present in a base scenario.
require: ScenarioInfo = field(default_factory=ScenarioInfo)
# Dict-like features
def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self, key)
except AttributeError:
raise KeyError(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value: ScenarioInfo):
if not hasattr(self, key):
raise KeyError(key)
setattr(self, key, value)
def values(self):
yield self.add
yield self.remove
yield self.require
# Static methods
def merge(a: "Spec", b: "Spec") -> "Spec":
"""Merge Specs `a` and `b` together.
Returns a new Spec where each member is a union of the respective members of
`a` and `b`.
result = Spec()
for key in {"add", "remove", "require"}:
return result