Source code for message_ix_models.util.genno

"""Utilities for working with :mod:`.genno`.

Most code appearing here **should** be migrated upstream, to genno itself.

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from genno import Computer

    from message_ix_models.types import KeyLike

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def insert(c: "Computer", key: "KeyLike", operation, tag: str = "pre") -> "KeyLike": """Insert a task that performs `operation` on `key`. 1. The existing task at `key` is moved to a new key, ``{key}+{tag}``. 2. A new task is inserted at `key` that performs `operation` on the output of the original task. One way to use :func:`insert` is with a ‘pass-through’ `operation` that, for instance, performs logging, assertions, or other steps, then returns its input unchanged. In this way, all other tasks in the graph referring to `key` receive exactly the same input as they would have previously, prior to the :func:`insert` call. It is also possible to insert `operation` that mutates its input in certain ways. .. todo:: Migrate to :py:`genno.Computer.insert()` or similar. Returns ------- KeyLike same as the `key` parameter. """ import genno # Determine a key for the task that to be shifted k_pre = genno.Key(key) + tag assert k_pre not in c # Move the existing task at `key` to `k_pre` c.graph[k_pre] = c.graph.pop(key)"Move {key!r} to {k_pre!r}") # Add `operation` at `key`, operating on the output of the original task c.graph[key] = (operation, k_pre) return key