Source code for message_ix_models.tests.model.transport.test_config

import pytest

from message_ix_models.model.transport.config import Config, get_cl_scenario
from message_ix_models.project.navigate import T35_POLICY
from message_ix_models.project.ssp import SSP_2017, SSP_2024
from message_ix_models.project.transport_futures import SCENARIO as TF_SCENARIO

    ("base", TF_SCENARIO.BASE),
    ("A---", TF_SCENARIO.A___),
    ("debug", TF_SCENARIO.DEBUG),
    pytest.param("foo", None, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(raises=ValueError)),

    ("", T35_POLICY.REF),
    ("act", T35_POLICY.ACT),
    ("ele", T35_POLICY.ELE),
    ("tec", T35_POLICY.TEC),
    ("act+ele+tec", T35_POLICY.ALL),
    pytest.param("foo+act+tec", None, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(raises=ValueError)),

SSP = (
    ("1", SSP_2017["1"]),
    ("2", SSP_2017["2"]),
    ("3", SSP_2017["3"]),
    ("4", SSP_2017["4"]),
    ("5", SSP_2017["5"]),
    (SSP_2024["2"], SSP_2024["2"]),

[docs] class TestConfig: @pytest.fixture def c(self): yield Config()
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expected", SSP) def test_ssp0(self, input, expected): """Set SSP through the constructor.""" c = Config(ssp=input) # Call succeeds assert expected == c.ssp # The expected enum value is stored
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expected", SSP) def test_ssp1(self, c, input, expected): """Set SSP on an existing instance.""" c.ssp = input assert expected == c.ssp
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expected", FUTURES) def test_futures_scenario0(self, input, expected): """Set Transport Futures scenario through the constructor.""" c = Config(futures_scenario=input) # Call succeeds assert expected == c.project["futures"] # The expected enum value is set
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expected", FUTURES) def test_futures_scenario1(self, c, input, expected): """Set Transport Futures scenario on an existing instance.""" c.set_futures_scenario(input) assert expected == c.project["futures"]
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expected", NAVIGATE) def test_navigate_scenario0(self, input, expected): """Set NAVIGATE scenario through the constructor.""" c = Config(navigate_scenario=input) assert expected == c.project["navigate"]
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expected", NAVIGATE) def test_navigate_scenario1(self, c, input, expected): """Set NAVIGATE scenario on an existing instance.""" c.set_navigate_scenario(input) assert expected == c.project["navigate"]
def test_scenario_conflict(self): # Giving both raises an exception at = "(ACT|TEC)" # Order differs in Python 3.9 expr = rf"SCENARIO.A___ and T35_POLICY.{at}\|{at} are not compatible" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=expr): c = Config(futures_scenario="A---", navigate_scenario="act+tec") # Also a conflict c = Config(navigate_scenario="act+tec") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=expr): c.set_futures_scenario("A---")
[docs] def test_get_cl_scenario() -> None: result = get_cl_scenario() # Code lists contains codes with the expected IDs assert { "SSP1", "SSP2", "SSP3", "SSP4", "SSP5", "LED-SSP1", "LED-SSP2", "EDITS-CA", "EDITS-HA", } == set(result.items.keys())