import message_ix
import pytest
from message_ix_models import testing
from message_ix_models.model.bare import Config
#: Number of items in the respective YAML files.
SET_SIZE = dict(
node=14 + 1, # R14 is default, and 'World' exists automatically
year=28, # YB is default: 1950, ..., 2020, 2025, ..., 2055, 2060, ..., 2110
"settings, expected",
# Defaults per bare.SETTINGS
(dict(), dict()),
# Different regional aggregations
(dict(regions="R11"), dict(node=11 + 1)),
(dict(regions="RCP"), dict(node=5 + 1)),
(dict(regions="ISR"), dict(node=1 + 1)),
# Different time periods
(dict(years="A"), dict(year=16)), # ..., 2010, 2020, ..., 2110
# Option to add a dummy technology/commodity so the model solves
commodity=SET_SIZE["commodity"] + 1,
technology=SET_SIZE["technology"] + 2,
def test_create_res(request, test_context, settings, expected):
# Apply settings to the temporary context
test_context.model = Config(**settings)
# Call bare.create_res() via testing.bare_res(). This ensures the slow step of
# creating the scenario occurs only once per test session. If it fails, it will
# either fail within this test, or in some other test function that calls
# testing.bare_res() with the same arguments.
scenario = testing.bare_res(request, test_context, solved=False)
# Returns a Scenario object
assert isinstance(scenario, message_ix.Scenario)
# Sets contain the expected number of elements
sets = SET_SIZE.copy()
for name, size in sets.items():
values = scenario.set(name)
assert size == len(values), (name, values)
[docs]class TestConfig:
def test_init(self):
c = Config()
c.regions = "R999"
# TODO expand