Source code for message_ix_models.testing

import logging
import os
import shutil

    from base64 import b32hexencode as b32encode
except ImportError:
    from base64 import b32encode
from import Generator
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from random import randbytes
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

import message_ix
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from ixmp import config as ixmp_config

from message_ix_models import util
from message_ix_models.model import snapshot
from message_ix_models.util._logging import mark_time
from message_ix_models.util.context import Context

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# pytest hooks

[docs] def pytest_addoption(parser): """Add two command-line options to pytest: ``--local-cache`` Use existing, local cache files in tests. This option can speed up tests that *use* the results of slow data loading/parsing. However, if cached values are not up to date with the current code, unexpected failure may occur. ``--jvmargs`` Additional arguments to give for the Java Virtual Machine used by :mod:`ixmp`'s :class:`.JDBCBackend`. Used by :func:`session_context`. """ parser.addoption( "--local-cache", action="store_true", help="Use existing local cache files in tests", ) parser.addoption( "--jvmargs", action="store", default="", help="Arguments for Java VM used by ixmp JDBCBackend", )
# Fixtures
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def session_context(pytestconfig, tmp_env): """A :class:`.Context` connected to a temporary, in-memory database. This Context is suitable for modifying and running test code that does not affect the user/developer's filesystem and configured :mod:`ixmp` databases. Uses the :func:`.tmp_env` fixture from ixmp. This fixture also sets: - :attr:`.Config.cache_path`, depending on whether the :program:`--local-cache` CLI option was given: - If not given: pytest's :doc:`standard cache directory <pytest:how-to/cache>`. - If given: the :file:`/cache/` directory under the user's "message local data" directory. - the "message local data" config key to a temporary directory :file:`/data/` under the :ref:`pytest tmp_path directory <pytest:tmp_path>`. """ from platformdirs import user_cache_path ctx = Context.only() # Temporary, empty local directory for local data session_tmp_dir = Path(pytestconfig._tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data")) # Set the cache path according to whether pytest --local-cache was given. If True, # pick up the existing setting from the user environment. If False, use a pytest- # managed cache directory that persists across test sessions. ctx.cache_path = ( user_cache_path("message-ix-models", ensure_exists=True) if pytestconfig.option.local_cache # TODO use pytestconfig.cache.mkdir() when pytest >= 6.3 is available else Path(pytestconfig.cache.makedir("cache")) ) # Store current .util.config.Config.local_data setting from the user's configuration pytestconfig.user_local_data = ctx.core.local_data # Other local data in the temporary directory for this session only ctx.core.local_data = session_tmp_dir # Also set the "message local data" key in the ixmp config ixmp_config.set("message local data", session_tmp_dir) # If message_data is not installed, use a temporary path for private_data_path() message_data_path = util.MESSAGE_DATA_PATH if util.MESSAGE_DATA_PATH is None: util.MESSAGE_DATA_PATH = session_tmp_dir.joinpath("message_data") # Create some subdirectories util.MESSAGE_DATA_PATH.joinpath("data", "tests").mkdir(parents=True) # Add a platform connected to an in-memory database platform_name = "message-ix-models" ixmp_config.add_platform( platform_name, "jdbc", "hsqldb", url=f"jdbc:hsqldb:mem://{platform_name}", jvmargs=pytestconfig.option.jvmargs, ) ctx.platform_info["name"] = platform_name try: yield ctx finally: ctx.close_db() ixmp_config.remove_platform(platform_name) # Restore prior value util.MESSAGE_DATA_PATH = message_data_path
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def test_context(request, session_context): """A copy of :func:`session_context` scoped to one test function.""" try: ctx = deepcopy(session_context) except Exception: print(repr(session_context._values)) raise yield ctx ctx.delete()
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def user_context(request): # pragma: no cover """Context which can access user's configuration, e.g. platform names.""" # Disabled; this is bad practice raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @pytest.fixture def mix_models_cli(session_context, tmp_env): """A :class:`.CliRunner` object that invokes the :program:`mix-models` CLI. NB this requires: - The :mod:`ixmp` :func:`.tmp_env` fixture. This sets ``IXMP_DATA`` to a temporary directory managed by :mod:`pytest`. - The :func:`session_context` fixture. This (a) sets :attr:`.Config.local_data` to a temporary directory within ``IXMP_DATA`` and (b) ensures changes to :class:`.Context` made by invoked commands do not reach other tests. """ from message_ix_models import cli from import CliRunner yield CliRunner(cli.main, cli.__name__, env=tmp_env)
# Testing utility functions
[docs] def bare_res(request, context: Context, solved: bool = False) -> message_ix.Scenario: """Return or create a :class:`.Scenario` containing the bare RES for use in testing. The Scenario has a model name like "MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM [regions] Y[years]", for instance "MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM R14 YB" (see :func:``) and a scenario name either from :py:`` or "baseline" plus a random string. This function should: - only be called from within test code, i.e. in :mod:`message_data.tests`. - be called once for each test function, so that each test receives a fresh copy of the RES scenario. Parameters ---------- request : .FixtureRequest or None The pytest :fixture:`pytest:request` fixture. If provided the pytest test node name is used for the scenario name of the returned Scenario. context : .Context Passed to :func:`.testing.bare_res`. solved : bool, optional Return a solved Scenario. Returns ------- Scenario The scenario is a fresh clone, so can be modified freely without disturbing other tests. """ from message_ix_models.model import bare # Model name: standard "MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM R12 YB" plus a suffix"bare_res: {context.model.regions = }") model_name =, unique=True) mp = context.get_platform() try: base = message_ix.Scenario(mp, model_name, "baseline") except ValueError:"Create '{model_name}/baseline' for testing") context.scenario_info.update(model=model_name, scenario="baseline") base = bare.create_res(context)"base.set('node') = {' '.join(sorted(base.set('node')))}") if solved and not base.has_solution():"Solve") base.solve(solve_options=dict(lpmethod=4), quiet=True) try: new_name = except AttributeError: # Generate a new scenario name with a random part new_name = f"baseline {b32encode(randbytes(3)).decode().rstrip('=').lower()}""Clone to '{model_name}/{new_name}'") return base.clone(scenario=new_name, keep_solution=solved)
#: Items with names that match (partially or fully) these names are omitted by #: :func:`export_test_data`. EXPORT_OMIT = [ "aeei", "cost_MESSAGE", "demand_MESSAGE", "demand", "depr", "esub", "gdp_calibrate", "grow", "historical_gdp", "kgdp", "kpvs", "lakl", "land", "lotol", "mapping_macro_sector", "MERtoPPP", "prfconst", "price_MESSAGE", "ref_", "sector", ]
[docs] def export_test_data(context: Context): """Export a subset of data from a scenario, for use in tests. The context settings ``export_nodes`` (default: "R11_AFR" and "R11_CPA") and ``export_techs`` (default: "coal_ppl") are used to filter the data exported. In addition, any item (set, parameter, variable, or equation) with a name matching :data:`EXPORT_OMIT` *or* the context setting ``export_exclude`` is discarded. The output is stored at :file:`data/tests/{model name}_{scenario name}_{techs}.xlsx` in :mod:`message_data`. See also -------- :ref:`export-test-data` """ from message_ix_models.util import private_data_path # Load the scenario to be exported scen = context.get_scenario() # Retrieve the context settings giving the nodes and technologies to export nodes = context.get("export_nodes", ["R11_AFR", "R11_CPA"]) technology = context.get("export_techs", ["coal_ppl"]) # Construct the destination file name dest_file = private_data_path( "tests", f"{scen.model}_{scen.scenario}_{'_'.join(technology)}.xlsx" ) # Temporary file name td = TemporaryDirectory() tmp_file = Path("export_test_data.xlsx") # Ensure the target directory exists dest_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Dump data to temporary Excel file"Export test data to {dest_file}") scen.to_excel( tmp_file, filters={ "technology": technology, "node": nodes, "node_dest": nodes, "node_loc": nodes, "node_origin": nodes, "node_parent": nodes, "node_rel": nodes, "node_share": nodes, }, ) mark_time()"Reduce test data") # Read from temporary file and write to final file, omitting unnecessary sheets reader = pd.ExcelFile(tmp_file) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(dest_file) # Retrieve the type mapping first, to be modified as sheets are discarded ix_type_mapping = reader.parse("ix_type_mapping").set_index("item") for name in map(str, reader.sheet_names): # Check if this sheet is to be included if name == "ix_type_mapping": # Already handled continue elif any(i in name for i in (EXPORT_OMIT + context.get("export_exclude", []))):"Discard sheet '{name}'") # Remove from the mapping ix_type_mapping.drop(name, inplace=True) continue # Copy the sheet from temporary to final file reader.parse(name).to_excel(writer, sheet_name=name, index=False) # Close the temporary file reader.close() # Write the mapping ix_type_mapping.reset_index().to_excel( writer, sheet_name="ix_type_mapping", index=False ) # Close the final file writer.close() mark_time()
#: Shorthand for marking a parametrized test case that is expected to fail because it is #: not implemented. NIE = pytest.mark.xfail(raises=NotImplementedError) #: :data:`True` if tests occur on GitHub Actions. GHA = "GITHUB_ACTIONS" in os.environ
[docs] def not_ci(reason=None, action="skip"): """Mark a test as xfail or skipif if on CI infrastructure. Checks the ``GITHUB_ACTIONS`` environment variable; returns a pytest mark. """ action = "skipif" if action == "skip" else action return getattr(pytest.mark, action)(condition=GHA, reason=reason)
[docs] def unpack_snapshot_data(context: Context, snapshot_id: int): """Already-unpacked data for a snapshot. This copies the .csv.gz files from message_ix_models/data/test/… to the directory where they *would* be unpacked by .model.snapshot._unpack. This causes the code to skip unpacking them, which can be very slow. """ if snapshot_id not in (0, 1):"No unpacked data for snapshot {snapshot_id}") return parts = (f"snapshot-{snapshot_id}", "MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM_1.1_R11_no-policy_baseline") dest = context.get_cache_path(*parts) log.debug(f"{dest = }") snapshot_data_path = util.package_data_path("test", *parts) log.debug(f"{snapshot_data_path = }") shutil.copytree(snapshot_data_path, dest, dirs_exist_ok=True)
@pytest.fixture( scope="session", params=[ int(k.split("-")[1]) for k in util.pooch.SOURCE if k.startswith("snapshot") ], ) def loaded_snapshot( request, session_context, solved: bool = False ) -> Generator[message_ix.Scenario, None, None]: snapshot_id: int = request.param assert snapshot_id is not None unpack_snapshot_data(context=session_context, snapshot_id=snapshot_id) model_name = "MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM_1.1_R11_no-policy" scenario_name = f"baseline_v{snapshot_id}" mp = session_context.get_platform() # The following code roughly parallels bare_res() try: base = message_ix.Scenario(mp, model=model_name, scenario=scenario_name) except ValueError:"Create '{model_name}/{scenario_name}' for testing") session_context.scenario_info.update(model=model_name, scenario=scenario_name) base = message_ix.Scenario( mp, model=model_name, scenario=scenario_name, version="new" ) snapshot.load( scenario=base, snapshot_id=snapshot_id, extra_cache_path=f"snapshot-{snapshot_id}", ) if solved and not base.has_solution():"Solve") base.solve(solve_options=dict(lpmethod=4), quiet=True) try: new_name = except AttributeError: # Generate a new scenario name with a random part new_name = f"baseline {b32encode(randbytes(3)).decode().rstrip('=').lower()}""Clone to '{model_name}/{new_name}'") yield base.clone(scenario=new_name, keep_solution=solved)