Source code for message_ix_models.project.ssp.transport

"""Postprocess aviation emissions for SSP 2024."""

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Hashable

import genno
import xarray as xr

from import iamc_like_data_for_query
from message_ix_models.util import minimum_version

    import pathlib

    from genno.types import AnyQuantity

[docs] def aviation_share(ref: "AnyQuantity") -> "AnyQuantity": """Return (dummy) data for the share of aviation in emissions. Currently this returns exactly the value `0.2`. Parameters ---------- ref : Reference quantity. The dimensions and coordinates :math:`(n, e, y)` of the returned value exactly match `ref`. Returns ------- genno.Quantity with dimensions :math:`(n, e, y)`. """ return ( genno.Quantity(0.2, units="dimensionless") .expand_dims({"e": sorted(ref.coords["e"].data)}) .expand_dims({"n": sorted(ref.coords["n"].data)}) .expand_dims({"y": sorted(ref.coords["y"].data)}) )
[docs] def finalize( q_all: "AnyQuantity", q_update: "AnyQuantity", model_name: str, scenario_name: str, path_out: "pathlib.Path", ) -> None: """Finalize output. 1. Reattach "Model" and "Scenario" labels. 2. Reassemble the "Variable" dimension/coords of `q_update`; drop "e" and "t". 3. Convert both `q_all` and `q_update` to :class:`pandas.Series`; update the former with the contents of the latter. 4. Adjust to IAMC ‘wide’ structure and write to `path_out`. Parameters ---------- q_all : All data. q_update : Revised data to overwrite corresponding values in `q_all`. """ def _expand(qty): return qty.expand_dims( {"Model": [model_name], "Scenario": [scenario_name]} ).rename({"n": "Region", "UNIT": "Unit", "VARIABLE": "Variable"}) s_all = q_all.pipe(_expand).to_series() s_all.update( q_update.pipe(_expand) .to_frame() .reset_index() .assign( Variable=lambda df: ( "Emissions|" + df["e"] + "|Energy|Demand|Transportation|" + df["t"] ).str.replace("|_T", "") ) .drop(["e", "t"], axis=1) .set_index(s_all.index.names)[0] ) ( s_all.unstack("y") .reorder_levels(["Model", "Scenario", "Region", "Variable", "Unit"]) .reset_index() .to_csv(path_out, index=False) )
[docs] def extract_dims( qty: "AnyQuantity", dim_expr: dict, *, drop: bool = True, fillna: str = "_T" ) -> "AnyQuantity": """Extract dimensions from IAMC-like ‘variable’ names using regular expressions.""" import pandas as pd dims = list(qty.dims) dfs = [qty.to_frame().reset_index()] for dim, expr in dim_expr.items(): pattern = re.compile(expr) dfs.append(dfs[0][dim].str.extract(pattern).fillna(fillna)) dims.extend(pattern.groupindex) if drop: dims.remove(dim) return genno.Quantity(pd.concat(dfs, axis=1).set_index(dims)["value"])
[docs] def extract_dims1(qty: "AnyQuantity", dim: dict) -> "AnyQuantity": # pragma: no cover """Extract dimensions from IAMC-like ‘variable’ names expressions. .. note:: This incomplete, non-working version of :func:`extract_dims` uses :mod:`xarray` semantics. """ from collections import defaultdict result = qty for d0, expr in dim.items(): d0_new = f"{d0}_new" pattern = re.compile(expr) indexers: dict[Hashable, list[Hashable]] = {g: [] for g in pattern.groupindex} indexers[d0_new] = [] coords = qty.coords[d0].data.astype(str) for coord in coords: if match := pattern.match(coord): groupdict = match.groupdict() coord_new = coord[match.span()[1] :] else: groupdict = defaultdict(None) coord_new = coord for g in pattern.groupindex: indexers[g].append(groupdict[g]) indexers[d0_new].append(coord_new) for d1, labels in indexers.items(): i2 = {d0: xr.DataArray(coords, coords={d1: labels})} result = result.sel(i2) return result
[docs] def select_re(qty: "AnyQuantity", indexers: dict) -> "AnyQuantity": """Select using regular expressions for each dimension.""" new_indexers = dict() for dim, expr in indexers.items(): new_indexers[dim] = list( map(str, filter(re.compile(expr).match, qty.coords[dim].data.astype(str))) ) return qty.sel(new_indexers)
#: Expression for IAMC ‘variable’ names used in :func:`main`. EXPR = r"^Emissions\|(?P<e>[^\|]+)\|Energy\|Demand\|Transportation(?:\|(?P<t>.*))?$"
[docs] @minimum_version("genno 1.25") def main(path_in: "pathlib.Path", path_out: "pathlib.Path"): """Postprocess aviation emissions for SSP 2024. 1. Read input data from `path_in`. 2. Select data with variable names matching :data:`EXPR`. 3. Calculate (identical) values for: - ``Emissions|*|Energy|Demand|Transportation|Aviation`` - ``Emissions|*|Energy|Demand|Transportation|Aviation|International`` These are currently calculated as the product of :func:`aviation_share` and ``Emissions|*|Energy|Demand|Transportation``. 4. Subtract (3) from: ``Emissions|*|Energy|Demand|Transportation|Road Rail and Domestic Shipping`` 5. Recombine with all other, unmodified data. 6. Write to `path_out`. Parameters ---------- path_in : Input data path. path_out : Output data path. """ import pandas as pd # Shorthand e_t = ("e", "t") t = "t" k_input = genno.Key("input", ("n", "y", "VARIABLE", "UNIT")) k = genno.KeySeq("result", ("n", "y", "UNIT") + e_t) c = genno.Computer() # Read the data from `path` c.add( k_input, iamc_like_data_for_query, path=path_in, query="Model != ''", unique="MODEL SCENARIO", ) # Peek at `path` to identify the model and scenario names df = pd.read_csv(path_in, nrows=1) c.add("model name", genno.quote(df["Model"].iloc[0])) c.add("scenario name", genno.quote(df["Scenario"].iloc[0])) # Filter on "VARIABLE" c.add(k[0] / e_t, select_re, k_input, indexers={"VARIABLE": EXPR}) # Extract the "e" and "t" dimensions from "VARIABLE" c.add(k[1], extract_dims, k[0] / e_t, dim_expr={"VARIABLE": EXPR}) # Select the total c.add(k[2] / t, "select", k[1], indexers={t: "_T"}, drop=True) # Share from aviation # TODO Compute this using an emission factor and the energy use totals k_share = genno.Key("AIR emission share", tuple("eny")) c.add(k_share, aviation_share, k[2] / "t") # Product of the total and aviation share → aviation emissions c.add(k[3] / t, "mul", k[2] / t, k_share) # Re-add the "t" dimension: # - +1 for labels with missing data # - -1 for labels with existing data from which the aviation total is subtracted c.add( "broadcast:t:AIR emissions", genno.Quantity( [1, 1, -1], coords={ "t": [ "Aviation", "Aviation|International", "Road Rail and Domestic Shipping", ] }, ), ) c.add(k[4], "mul", k[3] / t, "broadcast:t:AIR emissions") # Add to the input data c.add(k[5], "add", k[1], k[4]) # - Collapse to IAMC "VARIABLE" dimension name # - Recombine with other data # - Write back to the file c.add( "target", finalize, k_input, k[5], "model name", "scenario name", path_out=path_out, ) # Execute c.get("target")