Source code for

import logging
from functools import lru_cache, partial
from typing import Mapping

import pandas as pd
from sdmx.model.v21 import Code

from message_ix_models import ScenarioInfo
from message_ix_models.model import build
from message_ix_models.model.structure import get_codes
from message_ix_models.util import package_data_path

from .utils import read_config

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_spec(context) -> Mapping[str, ScenarioInfo]: """Return the specification for nexus implementation Parameters ---------- context : .Context The key ``regions`` determines the regional aggregation used. """ context = read_config() require = ScenarioInfo() remove = ScenarioInfo() add = ScenarioInfo() if context.nexus_set == "nexus": # Merge technology.yaml with set.yaml context["water set"]["nexus"]["technology"]["add"] = context[ "water technology" ]["nexus"] # Update the ScenarioInfo objects with required and new set elements for set_name, config in context["water set"]["nexus"].items(): # Required elements require.set[set_name].extend(config.get("require", [])) # Elements to remove remove.set[set_name].extend(config.get("remove", [])) # Elements to add add.set[set_name].extend(config.get("add", [])) # The set of required nodes varies according to context.regions n_codes = get_codes(f"node/{context.regions}") nodes = list(map(str, n_codes[n_codes.index(Code(id="World"))].child)) require.set["node"].extend(nodes) # Share commodity for groundwater results = {} df_node = context.all_nodes n = len(df_node.values) d = { "shares": ["share_low_lim_GWat"] * n, "node_share": df_node, "node": df_node, "type_tec": ["share_low_lim_GWat_share"] * n, "mode": ["M1"] * n, "commodity": ["groundwater_basin"] * n, "level": ["water_avail_basin"] * n, } df_share = pd.DataFrame(data=d) df_list = df_share.values.tolist() results["map_shares_commodity_share"] = df_list d = { "shares": ["share_low_lim_GWat"] * n, "node_share": df_node, "node": df_node, "type_tec": ["share_low_lim_GWat_total"] * n, "mode": ["M1"] * n, "commodity": ["surfacewater_basin"] * n, "level": ["water_avail_basin"] * n, } df_share = pd.DataFrame(data=d) d2 = { "shares": ["share_low_lim_GWat"] * n, "node_share": df_node, "node": df_node, "type_tec": ["share_low_lim_GWat_total"] * n, "mode": ["M1"] * n, "commodity": ["groundwater_basin"] * n, "level": ["water_avail_basin"] * n, } df_share2 = pd.DataFrame(data=d2) df_share = df_share.append(df_share2) df_list = df_share.values.tolist() results["map_shares_commodity_total"] = df_list for set_name, config in results.items(): # Sets to add add.set[set_name].extend(config) results = {} # Share commodity for urban water recycling d = { "shares": ["share_wat_recycle"] * n, "node_share": df_node, "node": df_node, "type_tec": ["share_wat_recycle_share"] * n, "mode": ["M1"] * n, "commodity": ["urban_collected_wst"] * n, "level": ["water_treat"] * n, } df_share = pd.DataFrame(data=d) df_list = df_share.values.tolist() results["map_shares_commodity_share"] = df_list d = { "shares": ["share_wat_recycle"] * n, "node_share": df_node, "node": df_node, "type_tec": ["share_wat_recycle_total"] * n, "mode": ["M1"] * n, "commodity": ["urban_collected_wst"] * n, "level": ["water_treat"] * n, } df_share = pd.DataFrame(data=d) d2 = { "shares": ["share_wat_recycle"] * n, "node_share": df_node, "node": df_node, "type_tec": ["share_wat_recycle_total"] * n, "mode": ["M1"] * n, "commodity": ["urban_collected_wst"] * n, "level": ["water_treat"] * n, } df_share2 = pd.DataFrame(data=d2) df_share = df_share.append(df_share2) df_list = df_share.values.tolist() results["map_shares_commodity_total"] = df_list for set_name, config in results.items(): # Sets to add add.set[set_name].extend(config) elif context.nexus_set == "cooling": # Merge technology.yaml with set.yaml context["water set"]["cooling"]["technology"]["add"] = context[ "water technology" ]["cooling"] # Update the ScenarioInfo objects with required and new set elements for set_name, config in context["water set"]["cooling"].items(): # Required elements require.set[set_name].extend(config.get("require", [])) # Elements to remove remove.set[set_name].extend(config.get("remove", [])) # Elements to add add.set[set_name].extend(config.get("add", [])) return dict(require=require, remove=remove, add=add) return dict(require=require, remove=remove, add=add)
@lru_cache() def generate_set_elements(set_name, match=None): codes = read_config()["water set"][set_name].get("add", []) hierarchical = set_name in {"technology"} results = [] for code in codes: if match and != match: continue elif hierarchical: results.extend(code) return results
[docs]def map_basin(context) -> Mapping[str, ScenarioInfo]: """Return specification for mapping basins to regions The basins are spatially consolidated from HydroSHEDS basins delineation database.This delineation is then intersected with MESSAGE regions to form new water sector regions for the nexus module. The nomenclature for basin names is <basin_id>|<MESSAGEregion> such as R1|AFR """ context = read_config() add = ScenarioInfo() require = ScenarioInfo() remove = ScenarioInfo() # define an empty dictionary results = {} # read csv file for basin names and region mapping # reading basin_delineation FILE = f"basins_by_region_simpl_{context.regions}.csv" PATH = package_data_path("water", "delineation", FILE) df = pd.read_csv(PATH) # Assigning proper nomenclature df["node"] = "B" + df["BCU_name"].astype(str) df["mode"] = "M" + df["BCU_name"].astype(str) if context.type_reg == "country": df["region"] = context.map_ISO_c[context.regions] else: df["region"] = f"{context.regions}_" + df["REGION"].astype(str) results["node"] = df["node"] results["mode"] = df["mode"] # map nodes as per dimensions df1 = pd.DataFrame({"node_parent": df["region"], "node": df["node"]}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({"node_parent": df["node"], "node": df["node"]}) frame = [df1, df2] df_node = pd.concat(frame) nodes = df_node.values.tolist() results["map_node"] = nodes context.all_nodes = df["node"] for set_name, config in results.items(): # Sets to add add.set[set_name].extend(config) return dict(require=require, remove=remove, add=add)
[docs]def main(context, scenario, **options): """Set up MESSAGEix-Nexus on `scenario`. See also -------- add_data apply_spec get_spec """ from .data import add_data"Set up MESSAGEix-Nexus") if context.nexus_set == "nexus": # Add water balance spec = map_basin(context) # Apply the structural changes AND add the data build.apply_spec(scenario, spec, **options) # Core water structure spec1 = get_spec(context) # Apply the structural changes AND add the data build.apply_spec(scenario, spec1, partial(add_data, context=context), **options)
# Uncomment to dump for debugging # scenario.to_excel('debug.xlsx')