import logging
import re
from collections import ChainMap
from import Mapping, MutableMapping
from copy import copy
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import product
import click
import pandas as pd
import pycountry
import xarray as xr
from iam_units import registry
from sdmx.model.v21 import Annotation, Code, Codelist
from message_ix_models.util import load_package_data, package_data_path
from message_ix_models.util.sdmx import as_codes
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def codelists(kind: str) -> list[str]:
"""Return a valid IDs for code lists of `kind`.
kind : str
"node" or "year".
return sorted(path.stem for path in package_data_path(kind).glob("*.yaml"))
def get_codes(name: str) -> list[Code]:
"""Return codes for the dimension/set `name` in MESSAGE-GLOBIOM scenarios.
The information is read from :file:`data/{name}.yaml`, e.g.
When `name` includes "node", then child codes are automatically populated from the
ISO 3166 database via :mod:`pycountry`. For instance:
.. code-block:: yaml
name: Custom region
child: [AUT, SCG]
…results in a region with child codes for Austria (a current country) and the
formerly-existing country Serbia and Montenegro.
name : :class:`str`
Any :file:`.yaml` file in the folder :file:`message_ix_models/data/`.
list of :class:`~sdmx.model.Code`
Every Code has :attr:`id`, :attr:`name`, :attr:`description`, and
:attr:`annotations` attributes. Calling :func:`str` on a code returns its
# Raw contents of the config file
config = load_package_data(name)
if "node" in name:
# Automatically add information for countries within regions in the node
# codelists. Use a ChainMap to combine a the `config` loaded from file and then
# fall back to contents of the pycountry databases.
config = ChainMap(
# Create codes using the ISO database via pycountry
{c.alpha_3: dict(id=c.alpha_3, for c in pycountry.countries},
# Also include historic countries
c.alpha_3: dict(id=c.alpha_3,
for c in pycountry.historic_countries
# Convert to codes
data = as_codes(config)
# Fill in additional data, defaults, etc.
if name == "commodity":
elif name == "technology":
return data
def get_codelist(name: str) -> Codelist:
"""Return a :class:`.Codelist` for `name` in MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM scenarios."""
cl = Codelist(id=name.replace("/", "_").upper())
return cl
def get_region_codes(codelist: str) -> list[Code]:
"""Return the codes that are children of "World" in the specified `codelist`."""
nodes = get_codes(f"node/{codelist}")
return nodes[nodes.index(Code(id="World"))].child
def generate_product(
data: Mapping, name: str, template: Code
) -> tuple[list[Code], dict[str, xr.DataArray]]:
"""Generates codes using a `template` by Cartesian product along ≥1 dimensions.
:func:`generate_set_elements` is called for each of the `dims`, and these values
are used to format `base`.
Mapping from dimension IDs to lists of codes.
name : str
Name of the set.
template : Code
Must have Python format strings for its its :attr:`id` and :attr:`name`
# eval() and remove the original annotation
dims = template.eval_annotation(id="_generate")
def _base(dim, match):
"""Return codes along dimension `dim`.
If `match` is given, only children matching an expression."""
dim_codes = data[dim]["add"]
i = dim_codes.index(match)
except ValueError:
if isinstance(match, str):
expr = re.compile(match)
dim_codes = list(filter(lambda c: expr.match(, dim_codes))
dim_codes = dim_codes[i].child
return dim_codes
codes = [] # Accumulate codes and indices
indices = []
# Iterate over the product of filtered codes for each dimension in
for item in product(*[_base(*dm) for dm in dims.items()]):
result = copy(template) # Duplicate the template
fmt = dict(zip(dims.keys(), item)) # Format the ID and name =**fmt) = str(**fmt) # type: ignore [assignment]
codes.append(result) # Store code and indices
indices.append(tuple(map(str, item)))
# - Convert length-N sequence of D-tuples to D iterables each of length N.
# - Convert to D × 1-dimensional xr.DataArrays, each of length N.
tmp = zip(*indices)
indexers = {d: xr.DataArray(list(i), dims=name) for d, i in zip(dims.keys(), tmp)}
# Corresponding indexer with the full code IDs
indexers[name] = xr.DataArray([ for c in codes], dims=name)
return codes, indexers
def generate_set_elements(data: MutableMapping, name) -> None:
"""Generate elements for set `name`.
This function converts lists of codes in `data`, calling :func:`generate_product`
and :func:`process_units_anno` as appropriate.
Mapping from dimension IDs to lists of codes.
name : str
Name of the set for which to generate elements e.g. "commodity" or "technology".
hierarchical = name in {"technology"}
codes = [] # Accumulate codes
deferred = []
for code in as_codes(data[name].get("add", [])):
if name in {"commodity", "technology"}:
process_units_anno(name, code, quiet=True)
if code.eval_annotation(id="_generate"):
# Requires a call to generate_product(); do these last
if hierarchical:
# Store the children of `code`
codes.extend(filter(lambda c: c not in codes, code.child))
# Store codes processed so far, in case used recursively by generate_product()
data[name]["add"] = codes
# Use generate_product() to generate codes and indexers based on other sets
for code in deferred:
generated, indexers = generate_product(data, name, code)
# Store
# NB if there are >=2 generated groups, only indexers for the last are kept
data[name]["indexers"] = indexers
def process_units_anno(set_name: str, code: Code, quiet: bool = False) -> None:
"""Process an annotation on `code` with id="units".
The annotation text is wrapped as ``'registry.Unit("{text}")'``, such that it can
be retrieved with :func:`.eval_anno` or :meth:`.ScenarioInfo.units_for`. If `code`
has direct children, the annotation is also copied to those codes.
set_name : str
Used in logged messages when `quiet` is :data:`False`.
quiet : bool, optional
If :data:`False` (the default), log on level :ref:`WARNING <python:levels>` if:
- the annotation is missing, or
- its text is not parseable with the :mod:`pint` application registry, i.e.
Otherwise, log on :ref:`DEBUG <python:levels>`.
level = logging.NOTSET if quiet else logging.WARNING
# Convert a "units" annotation to a code snippet that will return a pint.Unit
# via eval_anno()
units_anno = code.get_annotation(id="units")
except KeyError:
log.log(level, f"{set_name.title()} {code} lacks defined units")
# First try the expression as-is, in case already processed
expr = None
for candidate in (str(units_anno.text), f'registry.Unit("{units_anno.text}")'):
# Check that the unit can be parsed by the pint.UnitRegistry
result = eval(candidate)
except Exception:
if isinstance(result, registry.Unit):
expr = candidate
if not expr: # pragma: no cover
# No coverage: code that triggers this exception should never be committed
f"Unit '{units_anno.text}' for {set_name} {code} not pint compatible",
# Modify the annotation so eval_anno() can be used
units_anno.text = expr
# Also annotate child codes
for c in code.child:
def process_commodity_codes(codes):
"""Process a list of codes for ``commodity``.
The function warns for commodities missing units or with non-:mod:`pint`-compatible
for code in codes:
# FIXME remove quiet=True; instead improve commodity.yaml with units
process_units_anno("commodity", code, quiet=True)
def process_technology_codes(codes):
"""Process a list of codes for ``technology``.
This function ensures every code has an annotation with id "vintaged", default
for code in codes:
# FIXME remove quiet=True; instead improve technology.yaml with units
process_units_anno("technology", code, quiet=True)
anno = code.pop_annotation(id="vintaged")
except KeyError:
# Default value for 'vintaged'
anno = Annotation(id="vintaged", text=repr(False))
def cli(ctx):
"""Export metadata to technology.csv.
This command transforms the technology metadata from the YAML file to CSV format.
# Convert each code to a pd.Series
data = []
for code in get_codes("technology"):
# Base attributes
d = dict(, name=str(, description=str(code.description))
# Annotations
for anno in ("type", "vintaged", "sector", "input", "output"):
d[anno] = str(code.get_annotation(id=anno).text)
except KeyError:
# Combine series to a data frame
techs = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Write to file
dest = ctx.get_local_path("technology.csv")
print(f"Write to {dest}")
techs.to_csv(dest, index=None, header=True)
# Print the first few items of the data frame