Version 1.1.0 (August 27, 2024)

This is a release of MESSAGEix-Materials and includes model additions and enhancements. There are also a few of changes in the command line interface.

Model changes

Iron & steel sector

This release introduces the following low-emission options:

  • Direct reduction of iron with hydrogen

  • Direct reduction of iron with natural gas

  • Direct reduction of iron with natural gas and CCS

  • Blast furnace with CCS

  • Blast furnace using charcoal

  • Basic oxygen furnace with top gas recirculation

Global trade of finished steel has been calibrated according to wordsteel Association.

Shared input data file Global_steel_cement_MESSAGE.xlsx has been separated for steel and cement data.

Non metallic minerals sector

Shared input data file has been separated for steel and cement data.

CCS addon reformulated to prohibit wet CCS addon on dry clinker kiln and vice versa.

Non ferrous metals sector

Global trade of aluminum has been calibrated according to IAI MFA model.

Power sector

Material intensity of hydro power plants updated (reference?)

Demand generator

GDP and population projections are read from scenarios by default by retrieving the parametrization of bound_activity_up for the technologies GDP, GDP_PPP and Population. If the data cannot be retrieved from the scenario parameters, default projections from an exogenous data file are used.


MESSAGEix-Materials can be built on the model-bare now.

Convenience function data_util.calculate_ini_new_cap() to calculate initial_new_capacity_up/lo based on demand parameter.

MACRO calibration is now available for non-IIASA users who did not have access to the previously required MACRO calibration file. See CLI Changes

An option has been added to shift the first model year of a scenario to a desired year before solving. See CLI Changes

CLI changes

The build_scen() command uses the mix-models CLI parameter --nodes now. Currently R12 is the only supported option.

Scenarios can now be calibrated with MACRO by setting --add_calibration=True and setting --macro-file to an existing filename located in data/material/macro/.

Solving a scenario with a different first model year is possible with e.g.:

mix-models --url="ixmp://ixmp_dev/MESSAGEix-Materials/scenario_name" material-ix \
  SSP2 solve --shift_model_year=2025


The material-ix commands add-buildings-ts, report-2 and create-bare have been removed.

New features

Bug Fixes
