"""Context and settings for :mod:`message_ix_models` code."""
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import fields
from pathlib import Path
import ixmp
import message_ix
from click import BadOptionUsage
from .config import Config
from .ixmp import parse_url
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#: List of Context instances, from first created to last.
_CONTEXTS: list["Context"] = []
# Configuration keys which can be accessed directly on Context.
_ALIAS = dict()
_ALIAS.update({f.name: "core" for f in fields(Config)})
def _dealiased(base: str, data: dict) -> dict:
"""Separate values from `data` which belong on `base` according to `_ALIAS`."""
result = {}
for name, path in filter(lambda ap: ap[1] == base, _ALIAS.items()):
result[name] = data.pop(name)
except KeyError:
if len(result):
f"Create a Config instance instead of passing {list(result.keys())} to"
" Context()"
return result
[docs]class Context(dict):
"""Context and settings for :mod:`message_ix_models` code."""
# NB the docs contain a table of settings
[docs] @classmethod
def get_instance(cls, index=0) -> "Context":
"""Return a Context instance; by default, the first created.
index : int, optional
Index of the Context instance to return, e.g. ``-1`` for the most recently
return _CONTEXTS[index]
[docs] @classmethod
def only(cls) -> "Context":
"""Return the only :class:`.Context` instance.
If there is more than one instance.
if len(_CONTEXTS) > 1:
raise IndexError(f"ambiguous: {len(_CONTEXTS)} Context instances")
return _CONTEXTS[0]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
from message_ix_models.model import Config as ModelConfig
from message_ix_models.report import Config as ReportConfig
if len(_CONTEXTS) == 0:
log.info("Create root Context")
# Handle keyword arguments going to known config dataclasses
kwargs["core"] = Config(**_dealiased("core", kwargs))
kwargs["model"] = ModelConfig(**_dealiased("model", kwargs))
kwargs["report"] = ReportConfig()
# Store any keyword arguments
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Store a reference for get_instance()
def _dealias(self, name):
base = _ALIAS[name]
# Warn about direct reference to aliased attributes
if base not in {"core", "model"}: # pragma: no cover
log.warnings(f"Use Context.{base}.{name} instead of Context.{name}")
return getattr(self, base), name
# Item access
def __getitem__(self, name):
return getattr(*self._dealias(name))
except KeyError:
return super().__getitem__(name)
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
return setattr(*self._dealias(name), value)
except KeyError:
super().__setitem__(name, value)
[docs] def update(self, arg=None, **kwargs):
# Force update() to use the __setitem__ above
for k, v in dict(*filter(None, [arg]), **kwargs).items():
self.__setitem__(k, v)
# Attribute access
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self[name] = value
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self[name]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(name) from None
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
mp = self.pop("_mp", None)
result = deepcopy(super(), memo)
if mp is not None:
self._mp = mp
return result
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
# Don't compare contents, only identity, for _CONTEXTS.index()
if not isinstance(other, Context):
return NotImplemented
return id(self) == id(other)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} object at {id(self)} with {len(self)} keys>"
[docs] def delete(self):
"""Hide the current Context from future :meth:`.get_instance` calls."""
# Index of the *last* matching instance
index = len(_CONTEXTS) - 1 - list(reversed(_CONTEXTS)).index(self)
if index > 0:
else: # pragma: no cover
# The `session_context` fixture means this won't occur during tests
log.warning("Won't delete the only Context instance")
[docs] def write_debug_archive(self) -> None:
"""Write an archive containing the files listed in :attr:`.debug_paths`.
The archive file name is constructed using :func:`.unique_id` and appears in a
:file:`debug` subdirectory under the :ref:`local data path <local-data>`.
The archive also contains a file :file:`command.txt` that gives the full
command-line used to invoke :program:`mix-models`.
from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZipFile
from .click import format_sys_argv, unique_id
# Output file
target = self.core.local_data.joinpath("debug", f"{unique_id()}.zip")
log.info(f"Write to: {target}")
target.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with ZipFile(target, mode="w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
# Write a file that contains the CLI invocation
zf.writestr("command.txt", format_sys_argv())
# Write the identified files
for dp in self.core.debug_paths:
if not dp.exists():
log.info(f"Not found: {dp}")
zf.write(dp, arcname=dp.relative_to(self.core.local_data))
# log.info(debug_path)
[docs] def clone_to_dest(self, create=True) -> message_ix.Scenario:
"""Return a scenario based on the ``--dest`` command-line option.
create : bool, optional
If :obj:`True` (the default) and the base scenario does not exist, a bare
RES scenario is created. Otherwise, an exception is raised.
To prevent the scenario from being garbage collected, keep a reference to
its Platform:
.. code-block: python
s = context.clone_to_dest()
mp = s.platform
See also
cfg = self.core
if not cfg.dest_scenario:
# No information on the destination; try to parse a URL, storing the keys
# dest_platform and dest_scenario.
url=cfg.dest, _store_as=("dest_platform", "dest_scenario")
# Get the base scenario, e.g. from the --url CLI argument
scenario_base = self.get_scenario()
# By default, clone to the same platform
mp_dest = scenario_base.platform
if cfg.dest_platform["name"] != mp_dest.name:
# Different platform
# Not tested; current test fixtures make it difficult to create
# *two* temporary platforms simultaneously
mp_dest = ixmp.Platform(**cfg.dest_platform) # pragma: no cover
except KeyError:
except Exception as e:
log.info("Base scenario not given or found")
log.debug(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}")
if not create:
log.error("and create=False")
# Create a bare RES to be the base scenario
from message_ix_models.model.bare import create_res
# Create on the destination platform
ctx = deepcopy(self)
scenario_base = create_res(ctx)
# Clone to the same platform
mp_dest = scenario_base.platform
# Clone
log.info(f"Clone to {repr(cfg.dest_scenario)}")
return scenario_base.clone(platform=mp_dest, **cfg.dest_scenario)
def close_db(self):
mp = self.pop("_mp")
except KeyError:
[docs] def get_cache_path(self, *parts) -> Path:
"""Return a path to a local cache file, i.e. within :attr:`.Config.cache_path`.
The directory containing the resulting path is created if it does not already
result = self.core.cache_path.joinpath(*parts)
result.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Ensure the directory exists
return result
[docs] def get_local_path(self, *parts: str, suffix=None) -> Path:
"""Return a path under :attr:`.Config.local_data`.
parts :
Path fragments, for instance directories, passed to
suffix :
File name suffix including a "."—for instance, ".csv"—passed to
result = self.core.local_data.joinpath(*parts)
return result.with_suffix(suffix) if suffix else result
[docs] def get_platform(self, reload=False) -> ixmp.Platform:
"""Return a :class:`.Platform` from :attr:`.Config.platform_info`.
When used through the CLI, :attr:`.Config.platform_info` is a 'base' platform as
indicated by the --url or --platform options.
If a Platform has previously been instantiated with :meth:`get_platform`, the
same object is returned unless `reload=True`.
if not reload:
# Return an existing Platform, if any
return self["_mp"]
except KeyError:
# Close any existing Platform, e.g. to reload it
del self["_mp"]
except KeyError:
# Create a Platform
self["_mp"] = ixmp.Platform(**self.core.platform_info)
return self["_mp"]
[docs] def get_scenario(self) -> message_ix.Scenario:
"""Return a :class:`.Scenario` from :attr:`~.Config.scenario_info`.
When used through the CLI, :attr:`~.Config.scenario_info` is a ‘base’ scenario
for an operation, indicated by the ``--url`` or
``--platform/--model/--scenario`` options.
return message_ix.Scenario(self.get_platform(), **self.core.scenario_info)
[docs] def set_scenario(self, scenario: message_ix.Scenario) -> None:
"""Update :attr:`.Config.scenario_info` to match an existing `scenario`.
:attr:`.Config.url` is also updated.
model=scenario.model, scenario=scenario.scenario, version=scenario.version
url = scenario.url
except AttributeError:
# Compatibility with ixmp <3.5
url = f"{scenario.model}/{scenario.scenario}/{scenario.version}"
self.core.url = f"ixmp://{scenario.platform.name}/{url}"
[docs] def handle_cli_args(
_store_as=("platform_info", "scenario_info"),
"""Handle command-line arguments.
May update the :attr:`.Config.local_data`, :attr:`~.Config.platform_info`,
:attr:`~.Config.scenario_info`, and/or :attr:`~.Config.url` settings.
self.core.verbose = verbose
# Store the path to command-specific data and metadata
if local_data:
self.core.local_data = local_data
# References to the Context settings to be updated
platform_info = getattr(self.core, _store_as[0])
scenario_info = getattr(self.core, _store_as[1])
# Store information for the target Platform
if url:
if platform or model_name or scenario_name or version:
raise BadOptionUsage(
"--platform --model --scenario and/or --version",
" redundant with --url",
self.core.url = url
urlinfo = parse_url(url)
elif platform:
platform_info["name"] = platform
# Store information about the target Scenario
if model_name:
scenario_info["model"] = model_name
if scenario_name:
scenario_info["scenario"] = scenario_name
if version:
scenario_info["version"] = version
[docs] def use_defaults(self, settings):
"""Update from `settings`."""
for setting, info in settings.items():
if setting not in self:
log.info(f"Use default {setting}={info[0]}")
value = self.setdefault(setting, info[0])
if value not in info:
raise ValueError(f"{setting} must be in {info}; got {value}")