Source code for message_ix_models.util.config

import logging
import os
import pickle
from import Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields, is_dataclass, replace
from hashlib import blake2s
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Hashable, Optional, Union

import ixmp

from ._dataclasses import asdict
from .scenarioinfo import ScenarioInfo

    import message_ix

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ixmp.config.register("no message_data", bool, False)
ixmp.config.register("message local data", Path, Path.cwd())

def _local_data_factory():
    """Default values for :attr:`.Config.local_data."""
    return (
            os.environ.get("MESSAGE_LOCAL_DATA", None)
            or ixmp.config.get("message local data")

[docs] @dataclass class ConfigHelper: """Mix-in for :class:`dataclass`-based configuration classes. This provides methods :meth:`read_file`, :meth:`replace`, and :meth:`from_dict` that help to use :class:`dataclass` classes for handling :mod:`message_ix_models` configuration. All 3 methods take advantage of name manipulations: the characters "-" and " " are replaced with underscores ("_"). This allows to write the names of attributes in legible ways—e.g. "attribute name" or “attribute-name” instead of "attribute_name"— in configuration files and/or code. It also add :meth:`hexdigest`. """ @classmethod def _fields(cls) -> set[str]: """Names of fields in `cls`.""" result = set(dir(cls)) if is_dataclass(cls): result |= set(map(lambda f:, fields(cls))) return result @classmethod def _canonical_name(cls, name: Hashable) -> Optional[str]: """Canonicalize a name into a valid Python attribute name.""" _name = str(name).replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_") return _name if _name in cls._fields() else None @classmethod def _munge_dict(cls, data: Mapping[Hashable, Any], fail: str, kind: str): for key, value in data.items(): name = cls._canonical_name(key) if name: yield name, value else: msg = f"{cls.__name__} has no attribute for {kind} {key!r}" if fail == "raise": raise ValueError(msg) else:"{msg}; ignored")
[docs] def read_file(self, path: Path, fail="raise") -> None: """Update configuration from file. Parameters ---------- path to a :file:`.yaml` file containing a top-level mapping. fail : str if "raise" (the default), any names in `path` which do not match attributes of the dataclass raise a ValueError. Ottherwise, a message is logged. """ if path.suffix == ".yaml": import yaml with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = yaml.safe_load(f) elif path.suffix == ".json": import json with open(path) as f: data = json.load(f) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Read from {path.suffix}") for key, value in self._munge_dict(data, fail, "file section"): existing = getattr(self, key, None) if is_dataclass(existing) and not isinstance(existing, type): # Attribute value is also a dataclass; update it recursively if isinstance(existing, ConfigHelper): # Use name manipulation on the attribute value also value = existing.replace(**value) elif not isinstance(existing, type): # # TODO Check that fix is available in mypy 1.7.x; remove value = replace(existing, **value) # type: ignore [misc] setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def replace(self, **kwargs): """Like :func:`dataclasses.replace` with name manipulation.""" return replace( self, **{k: v for k, v in self._munge_dict(kwargs, "raise", "keyword argument")}, )
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """Update attributes in-place. Raises ------ AttributeError Any of the `kwargs` are not fields in the data class. """ # TODO use _munge_dict(); allow a positional argument for k, v in kwargs.items(): if not hasattr(self, k): raise AttributeError(k) setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: Mapping): """Construct an instance from `data` with name manipulation.""" return cls(**{k: v for k, v in cls._munge_dict(data, "raise", "mapping key")})
[docs] def hexdigest(self, length: int = -1) -> str: """Return a hex digest that is unique for distinct settings on the instance. Returns ------- str If `length` is non-zero, a string of this length; otherwise a 32-character string from :meth:`.blake2s.hexdigest`. """ # - Dump the dataclass instance to nested, sorted tuples. This is used instead # of dataclass.astuple() which allows e.g. units to pass as a (possibly # unsorted) dict. # - Pickle this collection. # - Hash. h = blake2s( pickle.dumps(asdict(self, dict_factory=lambda kv: tuple(sorted(kv)))) ) # Return the whole digest or a part return h.hexdigest()[0 : length if length > 0 else h.digest_size]
[docs] @dataclass class Config: """Core/top-level settings for :mod:`message_ix_models` and :mod:`message_data`.""" #: Base path for cached data, e.g. as given by the :program:`--cache-path` CLI #: option. Default: the directory :file:`message-ix-models` within the directory #: given by :func:`.platformdirs.user_cache_path`. cache_path: Optional[Path] = None #: Paths of files containing debug outputs. See #: :meth:`.Context.write_debug_archive`. debug_paths: Sequence[Path] = field(default_factory=list) #: Like :attr:`url`, used by e.g. :meth:`.clone_to_dest`. dest: Optional[str] = None #: Like :attr:`platform_info`, used by e.g. :meth:`.clone_to_dest`. dest_platform: MutableMapping[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) #: Like :attr:`scenario_info`, used by e.g. :meth:`.clone_to_dest`. dest_scenario: MutableMapping[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) #: Whether an operation should be carried out, or only previewed. Different modules #: will respect :attr:`dry_run` in distinct ways, if at all, and **should** document #: behaviour. dry_run: bool = False #: Base path for :ref:`system-specific data <local-data>`, i.e. as given by the #: :program:`--local-data` CLI option or `message local data` key in the ixmp #: configuration file. local_data: Path = field(default_factory=_local_data_factory) #: Keyword arguments—especially `name`—for the :class:`ixmp.Platform` constructor, #: from the :program:`--platform` or :program:`--url` CLI option. platform_info: MutableMapping[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) # Private reference to an ixmp.Platform _mp: Optional["ixmp.Platform"] = None #: Keyword arguments—`model`, `scenario`, and optionally `version`—for the #: :class:`ixmp.Scenario` constructor, as given by the :program:`--model`/ #: :program:`--scenario` or :program:`--url` CLI options. scenario_info: MutableMapping[str, Optional[Union[int, str]]] = field( default_factory=dict ) #: Like `scenario_info`, but a list for operations affecting multiple scenarios. scenarios: list[ScenarioInfo] = field(default_factory=list) #: A scenario URL, e.g. as given by the :program:`--url` CLI option. url: Optional[str] = None #: Flag for causing verbose output to logs or stdout. Different modules will respect #: :attr:`verbose` in distinct ways. verbose: bool = False def __post_init__(self): if self.cache_path is None: from platformdirs import user_cache_path self.cache_path = user_cache_path("message-ix-models", ensure_exists=True) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # Hide "_mp" from the copy mp = self._mp self._mp = None # Create a copy of other field values; invokes deepcopy() on each data = asdict(self) # Restore reference self._mp = mp # Create the copy return type(self)(**data)
[docs] def close_db(self) -> None: """Close the database connection for the Platform given by :meth:`get_platform`. If no such Platform exists or the connection is already closed, does nothing. """ if self._mp: self._mp.close_db() self._mp = None
[docs] def get_cache_path(self, *parts) -> Path: """Return a path to a local cache file, i.e. within :attr:`cache_path`. The directory containing the resulting path is created if it does not already exist. """ assert self.cache_path result = self.cache_path.joinpath(*parts) result.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Ensure the directory exists return result
[docs] def get_local_path(self, *parts: str, suffix=None) -> Path: """Return a path under :attr:`local_data`. Parameters ========== parts : Path fragments, for instance directories, passed to :meth:`~.pathlib.PurePath.joinpath`. suffix : File name suffix including a "."—for instance, ".csv"—passed to :meth:`~.pathlib.PurePath.with_suffix`. """ result = self.local_data.joinpath(*parts) return result.with_suffix(suffix) if suffix else result
[docs] def get_platform(self, reload: bool = False) -> "ixmp.Platform": """Return a :class:`.Platform` from :attr:`platform_info`. When used through the CLI, :attr:`platform_info` is a 'base' platform as indicated by the --url or --platform options. If a Platform has previously been instantiated with :meth:`get_platform`, the same object is returned unless `reload` is :any:`True`. """ # Return an existing Platform, if any if not reload and self._mp: return self._mp # Close any existing Platform, e.g. to reload it if self._mp: self._mp.close_db() self._mp = None # Create a Platform self._mp = ixmp.Platform(**self.platform_info) return self._mp
[docs] def get_scenario(self) -> "message_ix.Scenario": """Return a :class:`.Scenario` from :attr:`scenario_info`. When used through the CLI, :attr:`scenario_info` is a ‘base’ scenario for an operation, indicated by the ``--url`` or ``--platform/--model/--scenario`` options. """ import message_ix return message_ix.Scenario(self.get_platform(), **self.scenario_info)
[docs] def handle_cli_args( self, url: Optional[str] = None, platform: Optional[str] = None, model_name: Optional[str] = None, scenario_name: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, local_data: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False, _store_as: tuple[str, str] = ("platform_info", "scenario_info"), ): """Handle command-line arguments. May update the :attr:`local_data`, :attr:`platform_info`, :attr:`scenario_info`, and/or :attr:`url` settings. """ from click import BadOptionUsage from .ixmp import parse_url self.verbose = verbose # Store the path to command-specific data and metadata if local_data: self.local_data = Path(local_data) # References to the Context settings to be updated platform_info = getattr(self, _store_as[0]) scenario_info = getattr(self, _store_as[1]) # Store information for the target Platform if url: if platform or model_name or scenario_name or version: raise BadOptionUsage( "--platform --model --scenario and/or --version", " redundant with --url", ) self.url = url urlinfo = parse_url(url) platform_info.update(urlinfo[0]) scenario_info.update(urlinfo[1]) elif platform: platform_info["name"] = platform # Store information about the target Scenario if model_name: scenario_info["model"] = model_name if scenario_name: scenario_info["scenario"] = scenario_name if version: scenario_info["version"] = version
[docs] def set_scenario(self, scenario: "message_ix.Scenario") -> None: """Update :attr:`scenario_info` to match an existing `scenario`. :attr:`url` is also updated. """ self.scenario_info.update( model=scenario.model, scenario=scenario.scenario, version=scenario.version ) try: url = scenario.url except AttributeError: # Compatibility with ixmp <3.5 url = f"{scenario.model}/{scenario.scenario}/{scenario.version}" self.url = f"ixmp://{}/{url}"
[docs] def write_debug_archive(self) -> None: """Write an archive containing the files listed in :attr:`debug_paths`. The archive file name is constructed using :func:`.unique_id` and appears in a :file:`debug` subdirectory under the :ref:`local data path <local-data>`. The archive also contains a file :file:`command.txt` that gives the full command-line used to invoke :program:`mix-models`. """ from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZipFile from .click import format_sys_argv, unique_id # Output file target = self.local_data.joinpath("debug", f"{unique_id()}.zip")"Write to: {target}") target.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with ZipFile(target, mode="w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: # Write a file that contains the CLI invocation zf.writestr("command.txt", format_sys_argv()) # Write the identified files for dp in self.debug_paths: if not dp.exists():"Not found: {dp}") continue zf.write(dp, arcname=dp.relative_to(self.local_data))