Source code for message_ix_models.util.cache

"""Cache data for expensive operations.

This module extends :class:`genno.caching.Encoder` to handle classes common in
:mod:`message_ix_models`, so these can be used as arguments to cached functions and
included in the computed cache key:

- :class:`sdmx.model.IdentifiableArtefact`, including :class:`.Code`: hashed as their
  string representation / ID.
- :class:`ixmp.Platform`, :class:`xarray.Dataset`: ignored, with a warning logged.
- :class:`.ScenarioInfo`: only the :attr:`~ScenarioInfo.set` entries are hashed.

import json
import logging
from import Callable
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from enum import Enum
from types import FunctionType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import genno.caching
import ixmp
import sdmx.model
import xarray as xr

from message_ix_models.types import AnyQuantity

from ._dataclasses import asdict
from .context import Context
from .scenarioinfo import ScenarioInfo

    from pathlib import Path

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Controls whether cached data is returned for functions decorated with
#: :func:`.cached`. Set to :obj:`True` to force reload.

# Paths already logged, to decrease verbosity
PATHS_SEEN: set["Path"] = set()

# Show genno how to hash function arguments seen in message_ix_models

def _quantity(o: AnyQuantity):
    return tuple(o.to_series().to_dict())

# Upstream
def _enum(o: Enum):
    return repr(o)

def _sdmx_identifiable(o: sdmx.model.IdentifiableArtefact):
    return str(o)

def _sdmx_internationalstring(o: sdmx.model.InternationalString):
    return tuple(o.localizations)

# First-party
def _context(o: Context):
    return o.asdict()

def _dataclass(o: object):
    return (
        if (is_dataclass(o) and not isinstance(o, type))
        else json.JSONEncoder().default(o)

def _repr_only(o: Union[FunctionType]):
    return repr(o)

def _si(o: ScenarioInfo):
    return dict(o.set)

genno.caching.Encoder.ignore(xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset, ixmp.Platform)

[docs] def cached(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Decorator to cache the return value of a function `func`. On a first call, the data requested is returned and also cached under :meth:`.Context.get_cache_path`. On subsequent calls, if the cache exists, it is used instead of calling the (possibly slow) `func`. When :data:`.SKIP_CACHE` is true, `func` is always called. See also -------- :doc:`genno:cache` in the :mod:`genno` documentation """ # Determine and create the cache path cache_path = Context.get_instance(-1).core.cache_path assert cache_path if cache_path not in PATHS_SEEN: log.debug(f"{func.__name__}() will cache in {cache_path}") PATHS_SEEN.add(cache_path) cache_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Use the genno internals to wrap the function. cached_load = genno.caching.decorate( func, cache_path=cache_path, cache_skip=SKIP_CACHE ) if cached_load.__doc__ is not None: # Determine the indent line = cached_load.__doc__.split("\n")[-1] indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(" ")) # Add a note that the results are cached cached_load.__doc__ += ( f"\n\n{' ' * indent}Data returned by this function is cached using " ":func:`.cached`; see also :data:`.SKIP_CACHE`." ) return cached_load