Source code for message_ix_models.util._logging

"""Logging utilities."""

import atexit
import logging
import logging.config
import logging.handlers
import re
import sys
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from queue import SimpleQueue
from time import process_time
from typing import Optional, Union, cast
from warnings import warn

# NB mark_time, preserve_log_level, and silence_log are exposed by util/
__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# References to handlers
_HANDLER: dict[str, logging.Handler] = dict()

# For mark_time()
_TIMES = []

[docs] class Formatter(logging.Formatter): """Formatter for log records. Parameters ---------- use_color : bool, optional If :any:`True`, :mod:`colorama` is used to colour log messages. """ CYAN = "" DIM = "" RESET_ALL = "" _short_name = None def __init__(self, use_colour: bool = True): super().__init__() try: if use_colour: # Import and initialize colorama import colorama colorama.init() self.CYAN = colorama.Fore.CYAN self.DIM = colorama.Style.DIM self.RESET_ALL = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pass # Not installed
[docs] def format(self, record): """Format `record`. Records are formatted like:: 220 rows in 'input' ...add_par_data further messages …with the calling function name (e.g. 'add_par_data') coloured for legibility on first occurrence, then dimmed when repeated. """ # Remove the leading 'message_data.' from the module name name_parts =".") if name_parts[0] in ("message_ix_models", "message_data"): short_name = ".".join(["—"] + name_parts[1:]) else: short_name = if self._short_name != short_name: self._short_name = short_name prefix = f"{self.CYAN}{short_name}." else: prefix = f"{self.DIM}..." return f"{prefix}{record.funcName}{self.RESET_ALL} {record.getMessage()}"
class QueueHandler(logging.handlers.QueueHandler): # For typing with Python ≤ 3.11 only; from 3.12 this attribute is described listener: "QueueListener"
[docs] class QueueListener(logging.handlers.QueueListener): """:class:`.logging.QueueListener` with a :meth:`.flush` method."""
[docs] def flush(self): """Flush the queue: join the listener/monitor thread and then restart.""" if self._thread is not None: super().stop() self.start()
[docs] class SilenceFilter(logging.Filter): """Log filter that only allows records from `names` that are at or above `level`.""" __slots__ = ("level", "name_expr") def __init__(self, names: str, level: int): self.level = level # Compile a regular expression for the name self.name_re = re.compile("|".join(map(re.escape, sorted(names.split()))))
[docs] def filter(self, record) -> bool: return not (record.levelno < self.level and self.name_re.match(
[docs] class StreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """Like :class:`.logging.StreamHandler`, but retrieve the stream on each access. This avoids the case that :mod:`click`, :mod:`pytest`, or something else adjusts :py:`sys.stdout` temporarily, but the handler's stored reference to the original is not updated. """ #: Name of the :mod:`sys` stream to use, as :class:`str` rather than a direct #: reference. stream_name: str def __init__(self, stream_name: str): self.stream_name = stream_name logging.Handler.__init__(self) @property def stream(self): return getattr(sys, self.stream_name)
[docs] def mark_time(quiet: bool = False) -> None: """Record and log (if `quiet` is :obj:`True`) a time mark.""" _TIMES.append(process_time()) if not quiet and len(_TIMES) > 1: logging.getLogger(__name__).info( f" +{_TIMES[-1] - _TIMES[-2]:.1f} = {_TIMES[-1]:.1f} seconds" )
@contextmanager def preserve_log_handlers(name: Optional[str] = None): """Context manager to preserve the handlers of a `logger`.""" # Access the named logger logger = logging.getLogger(name) # Make a copy of its list of handlers handlers = list(logger.handlers) try: yield finally: # Make a list of handlers which have disappeared from the logger to_restore = list(filter(lambda h: h not in logger.handlers, handlers)) for h in to_restore: logger.addHandler(h) # Log after the handlers have been restored log.debug(f"Restore to {logger}.handlers: {to_restore or '(none)'}")
[docs] @contextmanager def preserve_log_level(): """Context manager to preserve the level of the ``message_ix_models`` logger.""" # Get the top-level logger for the package containing this file main_log = logging.getLogger(__name__.split(".")[0]) try: # Store the current level level = main_log.getEffectiveLevel() yield finally: # Restore the level main_log.setLevel(level)
def configure(): """Apply logging configuration.""" # NB We do this programmatically as logging.config.dictConfig()'s automatic steps # require adjustments that end up being more verbose and less clear. from platformdirs import user_log_path # Stream handler _HANDLER["console"] = h_console = StreamHandler(stream_name="stdout") h_console.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) h_console.setFormatter(Formatter()) # Construct the file name for the log file log_file_path = user_log_path("message-ix-models", ensure_exists=True).joinpath( .isoformat(timespec="seconds") .replace(":", "") ) # File handler _HANDLER["file"] = h_file = logging.FileHandler( filename=str(log_file_path), delay=True ) h_file.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) h_file.setFormatter(Formatter(use_colour=False)) # Queue handler queue = SimpleQueue() _HANDLER["queue"] = h_queue = QueueHandler(queue) logging.root.addHandler(h_queue) # Queue listener h_queue.listener = listener = QueueListener( queue, h_console, h_file, respect_handler_level=True ) listener.start() atexit.register(listener.stop) for name, level in ( (None, logging.DEBUG), # Ensure no level set for these packages; the level of the "console"/"file" # handlers determines outputs ("message_ix_models", logging.NOTSET), ("message_data", logging.NOTSET), # Hide lower-level messages for some upstream packages from the file log ("graphviz._tools", logging.WARNING), ("matplotlib", logging.WARNING), ("PIL", logging.INFO), ("pycountry.db", logging.WARNING), ): logging.getLogger(name).setLevel(level)
[docs] def setup( level: Union[str, int] = 99, console: bool = True, *, file: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize logging. Parameters ---------- level : str, optional Log level for the console log handler. console : bool, optional If :obj:`False`, do not print any messages to console. file : bool, optional If :obj:`False`, do not print any messages to file. """ root = logging.getLogger() if not any(isinstance(h, logging.handlers.QueueHandler) for h in root.handlers): # Not yet configured configure() # Apply settings to loggers and handlers: either just-created, or pre-existing # Set the level of the console handler _HANDLER["console"].setLevel(99 if console is False else level) if file is False: _HANDLER["file"].setLevel(99) else: _HANDLER["file"].setLevel("DEBUG")"Log to {cast(logging.FileHandler, _HANDLER['file']).baseFilename}")
def flush() -> None: """Flush the queue.""" cast(QueueHandler, _HANDLER["queue"]).listener.flush()
[docs] @contextmanager def silence_log(names: Optional[str] = None, level: int = logging.ERROR): """Context manager to temporarily quiet 1 or more loggers. Parameters ---------- names : str, optional Space-separated names of loggers to quiet. level : int, optional Minimum level of log messages to allow. Examples -------- >>> with silence_log(): >>> log.warning("This message is not recorded.") """ if isinstance(names, list): warn( "silence_log(names=…) as list of str; use a single, space-separated str", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) names = " ".join(names) # Create a filter; default, the top-level logger for the current package f = SilenceFilter(names or f"message_data {__name__.split('.')[0]}", level)"Set level={level} for logger(s): {f.name_re.pattern.replace('|', ' ')}") try: # Add the same filter to every handler of the root logger for handler in logging.root.handlers: handler.addFilter(f) yield finally: # Remove the filter for handler in logging.root.handlers: handler.removeFilter(f)"…restored.")