Source code for

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from message_ix_models.util import package_data_path

from .config import Config
from .regional_differentiation import get_raw_technology_mapping, subset_materials_map

[docs]def get_cost_reduction_data(module) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get cost reduction data from file. Raw data on cost reduction in 2100 for technologies are read from :file:`data/[module]/cost_reduction_[module].csv`, based on GEA data. Parameters ---------- module : str Model module Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with columns: - message_technology: name of technology in MESSAGEix - reduction_rate: the cost reduction rate (either very_low, low, medium, high, or very_high) - cost_reduction: cost reduction in 2100 (%) """ # Get full list of technologies from mapping tech_map = energy_map = get_raw_technology_mapping("energy") if module == "materials": materials_map = get_raw_technology_mapping("materials") materials_sub = subset_materials_map(materials_map) # Remove energy technologies that exist in materials mapping energy_map = energy_map.query( "message_technology not in @materials_sub.message_technology" ) tech_map = pd.concat([energy_map, materials_sub], ignore_index=True) # Read in raw data gea_file_path = package_data_path("costs", "energy", "cost_reduction_energy.csv") energy_rates = ( pd.read_csv(gea_file_path, header=8) .melt( id_vars=["message_technology", "technology_type"], var_name="reduction_rate", value_name="cost_reduction", ) .assign( technology_type=lambda x: x.technology_type.fillna("NA"), cost_reduction=lambda x: x.cost_reduction.fillna(0), ) .drop_duplicates() .reset_index(drop=1) ).reindex(["message_technology", "reduction_rate", "cost_reduction"], axis=1) # For materials technologies with map_tech == energy, map to base technologies # and use cost reduction data materials_rates_energy = ( tech_map.query("reg_diff_source == 'energy'") .drop(columns=["reg_diff_source", "base_year_reference_region_cost"]) .merge( energy_rates.rename( columns={"message_technology": "base_message_technology"} ), how="inner", left_on="reg_diff_technology", right_on="base_message_technology", ) .drop(columns=["base_message_technology", "reg_diff_technology"]) .drop_duplicates() .reset_index(drop=1) ).reindex(["message_technology", "reduction_rate", "cost_reduction"], axis=1) # Combine technologies that have cost reduction rates df_reduction_techs = pd.concat( [energy_rates, materials_rates_energy], ignore_index=True ) df_reduction_techs = df_reduction_techs.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=1) # Create unique dataframe of cost reduction rates # and make all cost_reduction values 0 un_rates = pd.DataFrame( { "reduction_rate": ["none"], "cost_reduction": [0], "key": "z", } ) # For remaining materials technologies that are not mapped to energy technologies, # assume no cost reduction materials_rates_noreduction = ( tech_map.query( "message_technology not in @df_reduction_techs.message_technology" ) .assign(key="z") .merge(un_rates, on="key") .drop(columns=["key"]) ).reindex(["message_technology", "reduction_rate", "cost_reduction"], axis=1) # Concatenate base and materials rates all_rates = pd.concat( [energy_rates, materials_rates_energy, materials_rates_noreduction], ignore_index=True, ).reset_index(drop=1) return all_rates
[docs]def get_technology_reduction_scenarios_data( first_year: int, module: str ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read in technology first year and cost reduction scenarios. Raw data on technology first year and reduction scenarios are read from :file:`data/costs/[module]/first_year_[module]`. The first year the technology is available in MESSAGEix is adjusted to be the base year if the original first year is before the base year. Raw data on cost reduction scenarios are read from :file:`data/costs/[module]/scenarios_reduction_[module].csv`. Assumptions are made for the materials module for technologies' cost reduction scenarios that are not given. Parameters ---------- base_year : int, optional The base year, by default set to global BASE_YEAR module : str Model module Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with columns: - message_technology: name of technology in MESSAGEix - scenario: scenario (SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP4, SSP5, or LED) - first_technology_year: first year the technology is available in MESSAGEix. - reduction_rate: the cost reduction rate (either very_low, low, medium, high, or very_high) """ energy_first_year_file = package_data_path( "costs", "energy", "first_year_energy.csv" ) df_first_year = pd.read_csv(energy_first_year_file, skiprows=3) if module == "materials": materials_first_year_file = package_data_path( "costs", "materials", "first_year_materials.csv" ) materials_first_year = pd.read_csv(materials_first_year_file) df_first_year = pd.concat( [df_first_year, materials_first_year], ignore_index=True ).drop_duplicates() tech_map = tech_energy = get_raw_technology_mapping("energy") if module == "materials": tech_materials = subset_materials_map(get_raw_technology_mapping("materials")) tech_energy = tech_energy.query( "message_technology not in @tech_materials.message_technology" ) tech_map = pd.concat([tech_energy, tech_materials], ignore_index=True) tech_map = tech_map.reindex( ["message_technology", "reg_diff_source", "reg_diff_technology"], axis=1 ).drop_duplicates() # Adjust first year: # - if first year is missing, set to base year # - if first year is after base year, then keep assigned first year all_first_year = ( pd.merge(tech_map, df_first_year, on="message_technology", how="left") .assign( first_technology_year=lambda x: np.where( x.first_year_original.isnull(), first_year, x.first_year_original, ) ) .assign( first_technology_year=lambda x: np.where( x.first_year_original > first_year, x.first_year_original, first_year ) ) .drop(columns=["first_year_original"]) ) # Create new column for scenario_technology # - if reg_diff_source == weo, then scenario_technology = message_technology # - if reg_diff_source == energy, then scenario_technology = reg_diff_technology # - otherwise, scenario_technology = message_technology adj_first_year = ( all_first_year.assign( scenario_technology=lambda x: np.where( x.reg_diff_source == "weo", x.message_technology, np.where( x.reg_diff_source == "energy", x.reg_diff_technology, x.message_technology, ), ) ) .drop(columns=["reg_diff_source", "reg_diff_technology"]) .drop_duplicates() .reset_index(drop=1) ) # Merge with energy technologies that have given scenarios energy_scen_file = package_data_path( "costs", "energy", "scenarios_reduction_energy.csv" ) df_energy_scen = pd.read_csv(energy_scen_file).rename( columns={"message_technology": "scenario_technology"} ) existing_scens = ( pd.merge( adj_first_year, df_energy_scen, on=["scenario_technology"], how="inner", ) .drop(columns=["scenario_technology"]) .melt( id_vars=[ "message_technology", "first_technology_year", ], var_name="scenario", value_name="reduction_rate", ) ) # Create dataframe of SSP1-SSP5 and LED scenarios with "none" cost reduction rate un_scens = pd.DataFrame( { "scenario": ["SSP1", "SSP2", "SSP3", "SSP4", "SSP5", "LED"], "reduction_rate": "none", "key": "z", } ) # Get remaining technologies that do not have given scenarios remaining_scens = ( adj_first_year.query( "message_technology not in @existing_scens.message_technology.unique()" ) .assign(key="z") .merge(un_scens, on="key") .drop(columns=["key", "scenario_technology"]) ) # Concatenate all technologies all_scens = ( pd.concat([existing_scens, remaining_scens], ignore_index=True) .sort_values(by=["message_technology", "scenario"]) .reset_index(drop=1) ) return all_scens
[docs]def project_ref_region_inv_costs_using_reduction_rates( regional_diff_df: pd.DataFrame, config: Config ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Project investment costs for the reference region using cost reduction rates. This function uses the cost reduction rates for each technology under each scenario to project the capital costs for each technology in the reference region. The returned data have the list of periods given by :attr:`.Config.seq_years`. Parameters ---------- regional_diff_df : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe output from :func:`get_weo_region_differentiated_costs` config : .Config The function responds to, or passes on to other functions, the fields: :attr:`~.Config.base_year`, :attr:`~.Config.module`, and :attr:`~.Config.ref_region`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with columns: - message_technology: name of technology in MESSAGEix - scenario: scenario (SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP4, SSP5, or LED) - reference_region: reference region - first_technology_year: first year the technology is available in MESSAGEix. - year: year - inv_cost_ref_region_decay: investment cost in reference region in year. """ # Get cost reduction data df_cost_reduction = get_cost_reduction_data(config.module) # Get scenarios data df_scenarios = get_technology_reduction_scenarios_data(config.y0, config.module) # Merge cost reduction data with cost reduction rates data df_cost_reduction = df_cost_reduction.merge( df_scenarios, on=["message_technology", "reduction_rate"], how="left" ) # Filter for reference region, and merge with reduction scenarios and discount rates # Calculate cost in reference region in 2100 df_ref = ( regional_diff_df.query("region == @config.ref_region") .merge(df_cost_reduction, on="message_technology") .assign( cost_region_2100=lambda x: x.reg_cost_base_year - (x.reg_cost_base_year * x.cost_reduction), b=lambda x: (1 - config.pre_last_year_rate) * x.cost_region_2100, r=lambda x: (1 / (config.final_year - config.base_year)) * np.log((x.cost_region_2100 - x.b) / (x.reg_cost_base_year - x.b)), reference_region=config.ref_region, ) ) for y in config.seq_years: df_ref = df_ref.assign( ycur=lambda x: np.where( y <= config.base_year, x.reg_cost_base_year, (x.reg_cost_base_year - x.b) * np.exp(x.r * (y - config.base_year)) + x.b, ) ).rename(columns={"ycur": y}) df_inv_ref = ( df_ref.drop( columns=[ "b", "r", "reg_diff_source", "reg_diff_technology", "region", "base_year_reference_region_cost", "reg_cost_ratio", "reg_cost_base_year", "fix_ratio", "reduction_rate", "cost_reduction", "cost_region_2100", ] ) .melt( id_vars=[ "message_technology", "scenario", "reference_region", "first_technology_year", ], var_name="year", value_name="inv_cost_ref_region_decay", ) .assign(year=lambda x: x.year.astype(int)) ).drop_duplicates() return df_inv_ref