Source code for message_ix_models.tests.util.test_node

"""Tests of :mod:`message_ix_models.util.node`."""

import re

import pandas as pd
import pytest
from genno import Quantity
from message_ix import Scenario, make_df

from message_ix_models.model.bare import create_res
from message_ix_models.model.structure import get_codes
from message_ix_models.util import (
from message_ix_models.util.node import MappingAdapter

[docs]def test_mapping_adapter(): """Generic test of MappingAdapter.""" a = MappingAdapter({"foo": [("a", "x"), ("a", "y"), ("b", "z")]}) columns = ["foo", "bar", "value"] df = pd.DataFrame([["a", "m", 1], ["b", "n", 2]], columns=columns) result = a(df) assert all(columns + ["unit"] == result.columns) with pytest.raises(TypeError): a(1.2)
PAR = "technical_lifetime" VALUE = [0.1, 0.2]
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="function") def input(): """Fixture: test data for :obj:`.adapt_R11_R14`.""" R11_all = get_codes("node/R11") R11_reg = R11_all[R11_all.index("World")].child df = make_df( PAR, technology="coal_ppl", year_vtg=[2021, 2022], value=[1.2, 3.4], unit="year" ).pipe(broadcast, node_loc=R11_reg) # Set a specific value for the regions to be broadcast df["value"] = df["value"].where(df["node_loc"] != "R11_CPA", VALUE[0]) df["value"] = df["value"].where(df["node_loc"] != "R11_FSU", VALUE[1]) return {PAR: df}
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "func,N,expected,target_nodes", [ (adapt_R11_R12, 12, VALUE[0], ("R12_CHN", "R12_RCPA")), (adapt_R11_R14, 14, VALUE[1], ("R14_CAS", "R14_RUS", "R14_SCS", "R14_UBM")), ], ) def test_adapt_df(input, func, N, expected, target_nodes): """:obj:`.adapt_R11_R14` handles :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.""" # Function runs output = func(input) # Output is a dict containing 1 entry df_out = output.pop(PAR) assert 0 == len(output) # Output covers all R14 regions all_nodes = get_codes(f"node/R{N}") regions = all_nodes[all_nodes.index("World")].child assert set(regions) == set(df_out["node_loc"]) # Output has expected length assert N * 2 == len(df_out) # Output values for new regions match input value for the base region assert (expected == df_out[df_out["node_loc"].isin(target_nodes)]["value"]).all()
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "func,expected,node_loc", [(adapt_R11_R12, VALUE[0], "R12_CHN"), (adapt_R11_R14, VALUE[1], "R14_CAS")], ) def test_adapt_qty(input, func, expected, node_loc): """:obj:`.adapt_R11_R14` handles :class:`genno.Quantity`.""" # Convert to genno.Quantity df = input[PAR] input[PAR] = Quantity.from_series(df.set_index(df.columns[:-2].tolist())["value"]) input[PAR].attrs["_unit"] = df["unit"].unique()[0] # Function runs output = func(input) # Output is a dict containing 1 entry qty_out = output.pop(PAR) assert 0 == len(output) assert isinstance(qty_out, Quantity) assert "year" == qty_out.attrs["_unit"] # Output values for new regions match input value for the base region assert ( expected == qty_out.sel(node_loc=node_loc, technology="coal_ppl", year=2022) ).all()
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("regions", ["R11", "R12", "R14"]) def test_identify_nodes(caplog, test_context, regions): ctx = test_context ctx.regions = regions scenario = create_res(ctx) # The ID of the node codelist can be recovered from scenario contents assert regions == identify_nodes(scenario) # A node like "R11_GLB" is ignored with scenario.transact(): scenario.add_set("node", f"{regions}_GLB") assert regions == identify_nodes(scenario) # Remove one element from the node set with scenario.transact(): scenario.remove_set("node", scenario.set("node").tolist()[0]) # No longer any match with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=f"IDs suggest codelist {repr(regions)}, values do not match" ): identify_nodes(scenario)
[docs]def test_identify_nodes1(test_context): mp = test_context.get_platform() scenario = Scenario( mp, model="identify_nodes", scenario="identify_nodes", version="new" ) scenario.add_set("technology", "t") scenario.add_set("year", 0) scenario.commit("") with scenario.transact(): scenario.add_set("node", "R99_ZZZ") with pytest.raises( ValueError, match=re.escape("Couldn't identify node codelist from ['R99_ZZZ', 'World']"), ): identify_nodes(scenario)