Source code for message_ix_models.tests.util.test_cache

import logging
from copy import deepcopy

import pytest
import sdmx.model.v21 as sdmx_model
import xarray as xr
from genno.caching import hash_args
from ixmp.testing import assert_logs

import message_ix_models.util.cache
from message_ix_models import ScenarioInfo
from message_ix_models.util import cached

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TestEncoder:
[docs] def test_sdmx(self): """:mod:`message_ix_models` configures :class:`.Encoder` for :class:`.Code`.""" codes0 = [sdmx_model.Code(id=f"FOO{i}", name="foo") for i in range(5)] codes1 = [f"FOO{i}" for i in range(5)] # List of codes hashes the same as a list of their string IDs expected = "40a0735385448dcbe745904ebfec7255995ca451" assert expected == hash_args(codes0, bar="baz") == hash_args(codes1, bar="baz")
[docs]def test_cached(caplog, test_context, tmp_path): """:func:`.cached` works as expected. .. todo:: test behaviour when :data:`.SKIP_CACHE` is :obj:`True` """ # Clear seen paths, so that log message below is guaranteed to occur message_ix_models.util.cache.PATHS_SEEN.clear() # Store in the temporary directory for this session, to avoid collisions across # sessions test_context.cache_path = tmp_path.joinpath("cache") # A dummy path to be hashed as an argument path_foo = tmp_path.joinpath("foo", "bar") with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="message_ix_models"): @cached def func0(ctx, a, path, b=3): """A test function.""""func0 runs") return f"{id(ctx)}, {a + b}" # Docstring is modified assert "Data returned by this function is cached" in func0.__doc__ # Message is logged assert f"func0() will cache in {tmp_path.joinpath('cache')}" in caplog.messages @cached def func1(x=1, y=2, **kwargs): # Function with defaults for all arguments"func1 runs") return x + y caplog.clear() # pathlib.Path argument is serialized to JSON as part of the argument hash; # function runs, messages logged with assert_logs(caplog, "func0 runs"): result0 = func0(test_context, 1, path_foo) caplog.clear() result1 = func0(test_context, 1, path_foo) # Function does not run assert "func0 runs" not in caplog.messages assert caplog.messages[0].startswith("Cache hit for func0") # Results identical assert result0 == result1 # Different context object with identical contents hashes equal ctx2 = deepcopy(test_context) assert id(test_context) != id(ctx2) result2 = func0(ctx2, 1, path_foo) # Function does not run assert "func0 runs" not in caplog.messages # Results are identical, i.e. including the old ID assert result0 == result2 ctx2.delete() caplog.clear() # Hash of no arguments is the same, function only runs once assert 3 == func1() == func1() assert 1 == sum(m == "func1 runs" for m in caplog.messages) # Warnings logged for unhashables; ScenarioInfo is hashed as dict caplog.clear() with assert_logs( caplog, [ "ignores <class 'xarray.core.dataset.Dataset'>", "ignores <class 'ixmp.core.platform.Platform'>", ], ): func1(ds=xr.Dataset(), mp=test_context.get_platform(), si=ScenarioInfo()) # Unserializable type raises an exception with pytest.raises( TypeError, match="Object of type slice is not JSON serializable" ): func1(arg=slice(None))