Source code for

import pytest
from genno import Computer

from import (

[docs]class TestExoDataSource: def test_abstract(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Can't instantiate"): ExoDataSource() def test_register_source(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="already registered for"): register_source(DemoSource)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("regions, N_n", [("R12", 12), ("R14", 14)]) def test_prepare_computer(test_context, regions, N_n): """:func:`.exo_data.prepare_computer` works as intended.""" test_context.model.regions = regions c = Computer() # Function runs successfully `c` keys = prepare_computer(test_context, c, "test s1", dict(measure="POP")) # print(c.describe(keys[-1])) # Computation of data runs successfully result = c.get(keys[-1]) # Data has the expected dimensions assert ("n", "y") == result.dims # Data is complete assert N_n == len(result.coords["n"]) assert 14 == len(result.coords["y"])
[docs]def test_prepare_computer_exc(test_context): c = Computer() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No source found that can handle"): prepare_computer(test_context, c, "test s1", dict(measure="FOO")) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No source found that can handle"): prepare_computer(test_context, c, "not a source")
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("regions, N_n", [("R12", 12), ("R14", 14)]) def test_operator(test_context, regions, N_n): """Exogenous data calculations can be set up through :meth:`.Computer.add`.""" test_context.model.regions = regions c = Computer() c.require_compat("") # Function runs successfully `c` keys = c.add( "exogenous_data", context=test_context, source="test s1", source_kw=dict(measure="POP"), ) # print(c.describe(keys[-1])) # Computation of data runs successfully result = c.get(keys[-1]) # Data has the expected dimensions assert ("n", "y") == result.dims # Data is complete assert N_n == len(result.coords["n"]) assert 14 == len(result.coords["y"])