Source code for message_ix_models.tests.test_report

"""Tests for :mod:``."""

import re
from importlib.metadata import version

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas.testing as pdt
import pytest
from ixmp.testing import assert_logs

from message_ix_models import ScenarioInfo, testing
from import prepare_reporter, register, report, util
from import add_simulated_solution, to_simulate
from message_ix_models.util import package_data_path

# Minimal reporting configuration for testing
    "units": {
        "replace": {"???": ""},

MARK = (
    # Used in test_operator
        condition=version("message_ix") < "3.5",
        reason="Not supported with message_ix < 3.5",

[docs] def test_register(caplog) -> None: # Exception raised for unfindable module with ( pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match=re.escape("register(…) function")), pytest.raises(ModuleNotFoundError), ): register("") # Adding a callback of the same name twice triggers a log message def _cb(*args): pass with ( pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match=re.escape("register(…) function")), ): register(_cb) with ( pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match=re.escape("register(…) function")), assert_logs(caplog, "Already registered: <function test_register.<locals>._cb"), ): register(_cb)
[docs] @prepare_reporter.minimum_version def test_report_bare_res(request, tmp_path, test_context): """Prepare and run the standard MESSAGE-GLOBIOM reporting on a bare RES.""" scenario = testing.bare_res(request, test_context, solved=True) test_context.set_scenario(scenario) from_file="global.yaml", # key="message::default", # Use a key that doesn't access model solution data key="y0", output_dir=tmp_path, ) # Prepare the reporter and compute the result report(test_context)
[docs] @prepare_reporter.minimum_version def test_report_deprecated(caplog, request, tmp_path, test_context): # Create a target scenario scenario = testing.bare_res(request, test_context, solved=False) test_context.set_scenario(scenario) # Use a key that doesn't access model solution data = "y0" # Set dry_run = True to not actually perform any calculations or modifications test_context.dry_run = True # Call succeeds, raises a warning with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match="pass a Context instead"): report(scenario, tmp_path) # Invalid call warns *and* raises TypeError with pytest.raises(TypeError), pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): report(scenario, tmp_path, "foo")
[docs] def test_report_legacy(caplog, request, tmp_path, test_context): """Legacy reporting can be invoked via :func:``.""" # Create a target scenario scenario = testing.bare_res(request, test_context, solved=False) test_context.set_scenario(scenario) # Set dry_run = True to not actually perform any calculations or modifications test_context.dry_run = True # Ensure the legacy reporting is used, with default settings["use"] = True # Call succeeds report(test_context) # Dry-run message is logged assert "DRY RUN" in caplog.messages[-1] caplog.clear() # Other deprecated usage # As called in .model.cli.new_baseline() and .model.create.solve(), with path as a # positional argument legacy_arg = dict( use=True, ref_sol="True", # Must be literal "True" or "False" merge_hist=True, xlsx=test_context.get_local_path("rep_template.xlsx"), ) with ( pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match="pass a Context instead"), pytest.raises(TypeError, match="unexpected keyword argument 'xlsx'"), ): report(scenario, tmp_path, legacy=legacy_arg) # As called in .projects.covid.scenario_runner.ScenarioRunner.solve(), with path as # a keyword argument with ( pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match="pass a Context instead"), pytest.raises(TypeError, match="unexpected keyword argument 'xlsx'"), ): report(scenario, path=tmp_path, legacy=legacy_arg)
# Common data for tests DATA_INV_COST = pd.DataFrame( [ ["R11_NAM", "coal_ppl", "2010", 10.5, "USD"], ["R11_LAM", "coal_ppl", "2010", 9.5, "USD"], ], columns="node_loc technology year_vtg value unit".split(), ) INV_COST_CONFIG = dict( iamc=[ dict( variable="Investment Cost", base="inv_cost:nl-t-yv", rename=dict(nl="region", yv="year"), collapse=dict(var=["t"]), unit="EUR_2005", ) ] )
[docs] @prepare_reporter.minimum_version @pytest.mark.parametrize("regions", ["R11"]) def test_apply_units(request, test_context, regions): test_context.regions = regions bare_res = testing.bare_res(request, test_context, solved=True) qty = "inv_cost" # Create a temporary config dict config = MIN_CONFIG.copy() # Prepare the reporter, key=qty) reporter, key = prepare_reporter(test_context, bare_res) # Add some data to the scenario inv_cost = DATA_INV_COST.copy() bare_res.remove_solution() with bare_res.transact(): bare_res.add_par("inv_cost", inv_cost) bare_res.solve() # Units are retrieved USD_2005 = reporter.unit_registry.Unit("USD_2005") assert USD_2005 == reporter.get(key).units # Add data with units that will be discarded inv_cost["unit"] = ["USD", "kg"] bare_res.remove_solution() with bare_res.transact(): bare_res.add_par("inv_cost", inv_cost) bare_res.solve() # Units are discarded assert "dimensionless" == str(reporter.get(key).units) # Update configuration, re-create the reporter["units"]["apply"] = {"inv_cost": "USD"} reporter, key = prepare_reporter(test_context, bare_res) # Units are applied assert USD_2005 == reporter.get(key).units # Update configuration, re-create the reporter reporter, key = prepare_reporter(test_context, bare_res) # Units are converted key = "Investment Cost::iamc" df = reporter.get(key).as_pandas() assert ["EUR_2005"] == df["unit"].unique()
[docs] @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Incomplete") def test_cli(mix_models_cli): # TODO complete by providing a Scenario that is reportable (with solution) mix_models_cli.assert_exit_0(["report"])
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input, exp", ( ("x Secondary Energy|Solids|Solids x", "x Secondary Energy|Solids x"), ("x Emissions|CH4|Fugitive x", "x Emissions|CH4|Energy|Supply|Fugitive x"), ( "x Emissions|CH4|Heat|foo x", "x Emissions|CH4|Energy|Supply|Heat|Fugitive|foo x", ), ( "land_out CH4|Emissions|Ch4|Land Use|Agriculture|foo x", "Emissions|CH4|AFOLU|Agriculture|Livestock|foo x", ), ("land_out CH4|foo|bar|Awm x", "foo|bar|Manure Management x"), ("x Residential|Biomass x", "x Residential|Solids|Biomass x"), ("x Residential|Gas x", "x Residential|Gases|Natural Gas x"), ("x Import Energy|Lng x", "x Primary Energy|Gas x"), ("x Import Energy|Coal x", "x Primary Energy|Coal x"), ("x Import Energy|Oil x", "x Primary Energy|Oil x"), ("x Import Energy|Liquids|Biomass x", "x Secondary Energy|Liquids|Biomass x"), ("x Import Energy|Lh2 x", "x Secondary Energy|Hydrogen x"), ), ) def test_collapse(input, exp): """Test :func:`.report.util.collapse` and use of :data:`.REPLACE_VARS`. This test is parametrized with example input and expected output strings for the ``variable`` IAMC column. There should be ≥1 example for each pattern in :data:`.REPLACE_VARS`. When adding test cases, if the pattern does not start with ``^`` or end with ``$``, then prefix "x " or suffix " x" respectively to ensure these are handled as intended. .. todo:: Extend or duplicate to also cover :data:`.REPLACE_DIMS`. """ # Convert values to data frames with 1 row and 1 column df_in = pd.DataFrame([[input]], columns=["variable"]) df_exp = pd.DataFrame([[exp]], columns=["variable"]) # collapse() transforms the "variable" column in the expected way pdt.assert_frame_equal(util.collapse(df_in), df_exp)
[docs] def simulated_solution_reporter(): """Reporter with a simulated solution for snapshot 0. This uses :func:`.add_simulated_solution`, so test functions that use it should be marked with :py:`@to_simulate.minimum_version`. """ from message_ix import Reporter rep = Reporter() # Simulated solution can be added to an empty Reporter add_simulated_solution( rep, ScenarioInfo(), path=package_data_path( "test", "snapshot-0", "MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM_1.1_R11_no-policy_baseline", ), ) return rep
[docs] @to_simulate.minimum_version def test_add_simulated_solution(test_context, test_data_path): # Simulated solution can be added to an empty Reporter rep = simulated_solution_reporter() # "out" can be calculated using "output" and "ACT" from files in `path` result = rep.get("out:*") # Has expected dimensions and length assert tuple("nl t yv ya m nd c l h hd".split()) == result.dims assert 155461 == len(result) # Compare one expected value value = result.sel( nl="R11_AFR", t="biomass_rc", yv=2020, ya=2020, m="M1", nd="R11_AFR", c="rc_therm", l="useful", h="year", hd="year", ) assert np.isclose(79.76478, value.item())
[docs] @to_simulate.minimum_version def test_prepare_reporter(test_context): rep = simulated_solution_reporter() N = len(rep.graph) # prepare_reporter() works on the simulated solution prepare_reporter(test_context, reporter=rep) # A number of keys were added assert 14299 <= len(rep.graph) - N