import logging
import sys
from genno import Computer
from ixmp.testing import assert_logs
from message_ix_models import ScenarioInfo
from message_ix_models.model.structure import get_codes
from import prepare_reporter
from import (
from import to_simulate
from ..test_report import simulated_solution_reporter
def test_compat(tmp_path, test_context):
import numpy.testing as npt
rep = simulated_solution_reporter()
prepare_reporter(test_context, reporter=rep)
rep.add("scenario", ScenarioInfo(model="Model name", scenario="Scenario name"))
# Tasks can be added to the reporter
callback(rep, test_context)
# Select a key
key = (
"transport emissions full::iamc" # IAMC structure
# "Transport" # Top level
# "Hydrogen_trp" # Second level
# "inp_nonccs_gas_tecs_wo_CCSRETRO" # Third level
# "_26" # Fourth level
# commented: Show what would be done
# print(rep.describe(key))
# rep.visualize(tmp_path.joinpath("visualize.svg"), key)
# Calculation runs
result = rep.get(key)
# print(result.to_string()) # For intermediate results
df = result.as_pandas() # For pyam.IamDataFrame, which doesn't have .to_string()
# commented: Display or save output
# print(df.to_string())
# df.to_csv(tmp_path.joinpath("transport-emissions-full.csv"), index=False)
# Check a specific value
# TODO Expand set of expected values
df.query("region == 'R11_AFR' and year == 2020")["value"].item(), 54.0532
def test_prepare_techs(test_context):
from message_ix_models.model.bare import get_spec
# Retrieve a spec with the default set of technologies
spec = get_spec(test_context)
technologies = spec.add.set["technology"]
c = Computer()
prepare_techs(c, technologies)
# Expected sets of technologies based on the default technology.yaml
assert {
"gas all": [
"gas extra": [],
# Residential and commercial
"rc gas": ["gas_rc", "hp_gas_rc"],
# Transport
"trp coal": ["coal_trp"],
"trp foil": ["foil_trp"],
"trp gas": ["gas_trp"],
"trp loil": ["loil_trp"],
"trp meth": ["meth_fc_trp", "meth_ic_trp"],
} == {k: get_techs(c, k) for k in TECH_FILTERS}
def test_prepare_techs_filter_error(caplog, monkeypatch):
""":func:`.prepare_techs` logs warnings for invalid filters."""
monkeypatch.setitem(TECH_FILTERS, "foo", "not a filter")
message = "SyntaxError('" + (
"invalid syntax"
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10)
else "unexpected EOF while parsing"
with assert_logs(caplog, message, at_level=logging.WARNING):
prepare_techs(Computer(), get_codes("technology"))