import pytest
from genno import Computer
from import GEA # noqa: F401
from import prepare_computer
from message_ix_models.util import HAS_MESSAGE_DATA as FULL
M = "Final Energy|Transportation|Total"
S = "geama_450_btr_nsink"
[docs]class TestGEA:
(dict(measure=M, model="GEA", scenario=S)),
dict(measure=M, model="IMAGE", scenario=S),
reason="Non-existent (model, scenario) combination",
"regions, aggregate, N_n, size",
# Some values are different if testing without MESSAGE_DATA, using the
# reduced/ fuzzed data
("R12", False, 18 if FULL else 4, 198 if FULL else 44),
# No mapping from GEA to MESSAGE code lists
("R12", True, 2 if FULL else 0, 22 if FULL else 0),
def test_prepare_computer(
self, test_context, source_kw, regions, aggregate, N_n, size
test_context.model.regions = regions
c = Computer()
source = "GEA"
keys = prepare_computer(test_context, c, source, source_kw)
# Keys have expected names
assert source_kw["measure"].lower() == keys[0].name
# Preparation of data runs successfully
result = c.get(keys[0])
# Data have expected size, dimensions, and coords
assert size == result.size
assert {"n", "y"} == set(result.dims)
assert N_n == len(result.coords["n"])