import pytest
from message_ix_models import ScenarioInfo, testing
from message_ix_models.model.structure import get_codes
from import get_spec, map_basin
from import main as build
from import map_basin_region_wat
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Temporary, for #106")
def test_build(request, test_context):
# This is needed below and for the RES to contain the correct number of regions
test_context.regions = "R11"
scenario = testing.bare_res(request, test_context)
# TODO If all water functions require these keys, set this up in a central location
# or via default value
# Ensure test_context has all necessary keys for build()
test_context.nexus_set = "nexus"
test_context.type_reg = "global"
test_context.time = "year"
nodes = get_codes(f"node/{test_context.regions}")
nodes = list(map(str, nodes[nodes.index("World")].child))
map_ISO_c = {test_context.regions: nodes[0]}
test_context.map_ISO_c = map_ISO_c
test_context.RCP = "6p0"
test_context.REL = "med"
test_context["water build info"] = ScenarioInfo(scenario_obj=scenario)
# Code runs on the bare RES
build(context=test_context, scenario=scenario)
# New set elements were added
assert "extract_surfacewater" in scenario.set("technology").tolist()
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("nexus_set", ["nexus", "cooling"])
def test_get_spec(test_context, nexus_set):
# Ensure test_context has all necessary keys for get_spec()
test_context.nexus_set = nexus_set
test_context.regions = "R12"
test_context.type_reg = "global"
if nexus_set == "nexus":
# Need this to prepare for running get_spec() with nexus_set == "nexus"
_ = map_basin(context=test_context)
# Code runs
spec = get_spec(context=test_context)
# Expected return type
assert isinstance(spec, dict) and len(spec) == 3
# Contents are read correctly
assert "water_supply" in spec["remove"].set["level"]
assert "water_supply" in spec["add"].set["level"]