Source code for message_ix_models.tests.model.test_structure

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path

import pytest
from iam_units import registry
from sdmx.model.v21 import Annotation, Code

from message_ix_models.model.structure import (
from message_ix_models.util import as_codes

[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "kind, exp", [ ( "node", { "ADVANCE", "B210-R11", "ISR", "R11", "R12", "R14", "R17", "R20", "R32", "RCP", "ZMB", }, ), ("relation", {"A", "B", "CD-LINKS"}), ("year", {"A", "B"}), ], ) def test_codelists(kind, exp): """:func:`.codelists` returns the expected IDs.""" assert exp == set(codelists(kind))
[docs]class TestGetCodes: """Test :func:`.get_codes` for different code lists."""
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "name", ( "cd_links/unit", "commodity", "level", "node/ISR", "node/R11", "node/R14", "node/R17", "node/R20", "node/R32", "node/RCP", "node/ZMB", "technology", "relation/A", "relation/B", "relation/CD-LINKS", "year/A", "year/B", ), ) def test_get_codes(self, name): """The included code lists can be loaded.""" get_codes(name)
[docs] def test_hierarchy(self): """get_codes() returns objects with the expected hierarchical relationship.""" codes = get_codes("node/R11") AUT = codes[codes.index("AUT")] R11_WEU = codes[codes.index("R11_WEU")] World = codes[codes.index("World")] assert R11_WEU is AUT.parent assert AUT in R11_WEU.child assert World is R11_WEU.parent assert R11_WEU in World.child
def test_commodities(self): data = get_codes("commodity") # Some expected commodities are present for check in "coal", "electr": assert check in data # Units for one commodity can be retrieved and parsed g = dict(registry=registry) coal = data[data.index("coal")] assert isinstance(coal.eval_annotation("units", globals=g), registry.Unit) # Descriptions are parsed without new lines crudeoil = data[data.index("crudeoil")] assert "\n" not in str(crudeoil.description) # Processing a second time does not double-wrap the unit expressions process_commodity_codes(data) coal = data[data.index("coal")] assert isinstance(coal.eval_annotation("units", globals=g), registry.Unit) def test_levels(self): data = get_codes("level") # Some expected commodities are present for check in "primary", "useful": assert check in data # Descriptions are parsed without new lines assert "\n" not in str(data[data.index("primary")].description)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "codelist, to_check, length, member", [ ("RCP", "R5_MAF", 69, "CIV"), ("R11", "R11_AFR", 50, "CIV"), ("R17", "R17_AFR", 50, "CIV"), ("R17", "R17_CHN", 2, "CHN"), ("R20", "R20_AFR", 50, "CIV"), ("R20", "R20_CHN", 2, "CHN"), ("R14", "R14_AFR", 51, "CIV"), ("R32", "R32SSA-L", 41, "CIV"), ], ) def test_nodes(self, codelist, to_check, length, member): """Tests of node codelists.""" # Node codelist can be loaded data = get_codes(f"node/{codelist}") # List contains a particular region assert to_check in data # Region contains the correct number of countries code = data[data.index(to_check)] assert len(code.child) == length # A specific country is present in the region assert member in code.child # get_region_codes() also works region_codes = get_region_codes(codelist) assert to_check in region_codes # Does not include codes that are not children of "World" assert member not in region_codes
[docs] def test_node_historic_country(self): """get_codes() handles ISO 3166 alpha-3 codes for historic countries.""" assert "SCG" in get_codes("node/R11")
@pytest.mark.parametrize( "codelist, length, expected", [ ("A", 20, {"emission_factor": 15, "renewable formulation": 2}), ("B", 319, {}), ("CD-LINKS", 314, {"removed": 80}), ], ) def test_relation(self, codelist, length, expected): # Codelist can be loaded data = get_codes(f"relation/{codelist}") # Number of codes is as expected assert length == len(data) # Count codes by "group" annotation group_count = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for code in data: try: group = str(code.get_annotation(id="group").text) except KeyError: continue group_count[group] += 1 # print(groups) # Each group has the expected number of members for group, N in expected.items(): assert N == group_count[group] def test_technologies(self): # Retrieve the tech info without calling technologies.cli data = get_codes("technology") # Check the length of the returned dataframe assert len(data) == 377 # Get info on a certain technology h2_fc_trp = data[data.index("h2_fc_trp")] assert ["transport", "useful"] == eval( str(h2_fc_trp.get_annotation(id="output").text) ) # Check that the default value for 'vintaged' is False when omitted from the # YAML file elec_exp = data[data.index("elec_exp")] assert False is eval(str(elec_exp.get_annotation(id="vintaged").text))
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("codelist, length", [("A", 16), ("B", 28)]) def test_year(self, codelist, length): """Year code lists can be loaded and contain the correct number of codes. :seealso: :meth:`.TestScenarioInfo.test_year_from_codes`. """ # Year codelist can be loaded data = get_codes(f"year/{codelist}") # List contains the expected number of codes assert len(data) == length
[docs]def test_cli_techs(session_context, mix_models_cli): """Test the `techs` CLI command.""" # Command runs without error result = mix_models_cli.assert_exit_0(["techs"]) # Result test assert "\n[5 rows x 8 columns]\n" in result.output # Path to the temporary file written by the command path = Path("Write to (.*.csv)", result.output)[1]) # File was written in the local data directory assert Path("technology.csv") == path.relative_to(session_context.local_data) # File was written with the expected contents assert path.read_text().startswith( "id,name,description,type,vintaged,sector,output,input\n" "CF4_TCE,CF4_TCE,Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) Total Carbon Emissions," "primary,False,dummy,\"['dummy', 'primary']\",\n" )
GSE_DATA = { "colour": {"add": as_codes(["blue", "green", "red"])}, # This is configuration to generate codes based on the colour set "technology": {"add": [Code(id="foo-{}"), Code(id="bar")]}, }
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "colour_expr, expected", [ (None, {"foo-blue", "foo-green", "foo-red", "bar"}), ("red", {"bar"}), # "red" has no .child codes ("^.*(?<!red)$", {"foo-blue", "foo-green", "bar"}), ], ) def test_generate_set_elements(colour_expr, expected): data = deepcopy(GSE_DATA) # Add a _generate annotation data["technology"]["add"][0].annotations = [ Annotation(id="_generate", text=repr(dict(colour=colour_expr))) ] # Code runs generate_set_elements(data, "technology") # Codes are generated according to the contents of the _generate annotation assert expected == set(map(str, data["technology"]["add"]))
[docs]def test_process_units_anno(): # Prepare 2 codes: the parent has a units annotation, the child has none codes = as_codes({"foo": {"units": "kg"}, "bar": {"parent": "foo"}}) process_units_anno("", codes[0]) # Parents' units are propagated to the child assert registry.Unit("kg") == codes[1].eval_annotation( "units", dict(registry=registry) )