Source code for message_ix_models.tests.model.test_emissions

import numpy as np
import pytest
from message_ix import make_df
from message_ix.models import MACRO

from message_ix_models import testing
from message_ix_models.model.emissions import add_tax_emission, get_emission_factors

[docs] def add_test_data(scenario): scenario.platform.add_unit("") with scenario.transact(): scenario.add_set("node", "foo") scenario.add_set("type_emission", "TCE") name = "interestrate" df = make_df(name, year=scenario.set("year"), value=0.05, unit="") scenario.add_par(name, df) # Initialize drate MACRO.initialize(scenario) name = "drate" df = scenario.add_par( name, make_df(name, node=["World", "foo"], value=[0.05, 0.03], unit="") )
[docs] def test_add_tax_emission(request, caplog, test_context): test_context.regions = "R12" s = testing.bare_res(request, test_context, solved=False) add_test_data(s) value = 1.1 add_tax_emission(s, value, drate_parameter="interestrate") # Retrieve the added data data = s.par("tax_emission").set_index("type_year") y0 = min(data.index) y_max = max(data.index) # First model period value is converted from [money] / t CO₂ to [money] / t C v0 = value * 44.0 / 12 assert np.isclose(v0, data.loc[y0, "value"]) # Final period value is the same, inflated by the number of intervening years assert np.isclose(v0 * 1.05 ** (int(y_max) - int(y0)), data.loc[y_max, "value"]) # Same using drate add_tax_emission(s, value) # Warning is logged about multiple drates assert ( "Using the first of multiple discount rates: drate=[0.05 0.03]" == caplog.messages[-1] )
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "units, exp_coal", ( (None, 25.8), # Unit expressions and values appearing in the message_doc table ("tC / TJ", 25.8), ("t CO2 / TJ", 94.6), ("t C / kWa", 0.8142), ), ) def test_get_emission_factors(units, exp_coal): # Data are loaded result = get_emission_factors(units=units) assert 8 == result.size # Expected values are obtained assert np.isclose(exp_coal, result.sel(c="coal").item(), rtol=1e-4)