Source code for message_ix_models.tests.model.test_disutility

"""Tests of :mod:`.model.disutility`."""

from itertools import product

import pandas as pd
import pandas.testing as pdt
import pytest
from message_ix import make_df
from sdmx.model.v21 import Annotation, Code

from message_ix_models import ScenarioInfo, testing
from message_ix_models.model import disutility
from message_ix_models.util import (

# Common data and fixtures for test_minimal() and other tests

COMMON = dict(

[docs] @pytest.fixture def groups(): """Fixture: list of 2 consumer groups.""" yield [Code(id="g0"), Code(id="g1")]
[docs] @pytest.fixture def techs(): """Fixture: list of 2 technologies for which groups can have disutility.""" yield [Code(id="t0"), Code(id="t1")]
[docs] @pytest.fixture def template(): """Fixture: :class:.`Code` with annotations, for :func:`.disutility.get_spec`.""" # Template for inputs of conversion technologies, from a technology-specific # commodity input = dict(commodity="output of {technology}", level="useful", unit="kg") # Template for outputs of conversion technologies, to a group–specific demand # commodity output = dict(commodity="demand of group {group}", level="useful", unit="kg") # Code's ID is itself a template for IDs of conversion technologies yield Code( id="usage of {technology} by {group}", annotations=[ Annotation(id="input", text=repr(input)), Annotation(id="output", text=repr(output)), ], )
[docs] @pytest.fixture def spec(groups, techs, template): """Fixture: a prepared spec for the minimal test case.""" yield disutility.get_spec(groups, techs, template)
[docs] @pytest.fixture def scenario(request, test_context, techs): """Fixture: a :class:`.Scenario` with technologies given by :func:`techs`.""" test_context.regions = "R14" s = testing.bare_res(request, test_context, solved=False) s.check_out() s.add_set("technology", ["t0", "t1"]) s.commit("Test fixture for .model.disutility") yield s
[docs] def test_add(scenario, groups, techs, template): """:func:`.disutility.add` runs on the bare RES; the result solves.""" disutility.add(scenario, groups, techs, template) # Scenario solves (no demand) scenario.solve(quiet=True) assert (scenario.var("ACT")["lvl"] == 0).all()
[docs] def minimal_test_data(scenario): """Generate data for :func:`test_minimal`.""" common = COMMON.copy() common.pop("node_loc") common.update(dict(mode="all")) data = dict() info = ScenarioInfo(scenario) y0 = info.Y[0] y1 = info.Y[1] # Output from t0 and t1 for t in ("t0", "t1"): common.update(dict(technology=t, commodity=f"output of {t}")) merge_data(data, make_source_tech(info, common, output=1.0, var_cost=1.0)) # Disutility input for each combination of (tech) × (group) × (2 years) input_data = pd.DataFrame( [ ["usage of t0 by g0", y0, 0.1], ["usage of t0 by g0", y1, 0.1], ["usage of t1 by g0", y0, 0.1], ["usage of t1 by g0", y1, 0.1], ["usage of t0 by g1", y0, 0.1], ["usage of t0 by g1", y1, 0.1], ["usage of t1 by g1", y0, 0.1], ["usage of t1 by g1", y1, 0.1], ], columns=["technology", "year_vtg", "value"], ) data["input"] = make_df( "input", **input_data, commodity="disutility", **COMMON ).assign(node_origin=copy_column("node_loc"), year_act=copy_column("year_vtg")) # Demand c, y = zip(*product(["demand of group g0", "demand of group g1"], [y0, y1])) data["demand"] = make_df("demand", commodity=c, year=y, value=1.0, **COMMON) # Constraint on activity in the first period t = sorted(input_data["technology"].unique()) for bound in ("lo", "up"): par = f"bound_activity_{bound}" data[par] = make_df(par, value=0.5, technology=t, year_act=y0, **COMMON) # Constraint on activity growth annual = (1.1 ** (1.0 / 5.0)) - 1.0 for bound, factor in (("lo", -1.0), ("up", 1.0)): par = f"growth_activity_{bound}" data[par] = make_df( par, value=factor * annual, technology=t, year_act=y1, **COMMON ) return data, y0, y1
[docs] def test_minimal(scenario, groups, techs, template): """Expected results are generated from a minimal test case.""" # Set up structure disutility.add(scenario, groups, techs, template) # Add test-specific data data, y0, y1 = minimal_test_data(scenario) scenario.check_out() add_par_data(scenario, data) scenario.commit("Disutility test 1") # commented: pre-solve debugging output # for par in ("input", "output", "technical_lifetime", "var_cost"): # scenario.par(par).to_csv(f"debug-{par}.csv") scenario.solve(quiet=True) # Helper function to retrieve ACT data and condense for inspection def get_act(s): result = ( scenario.var("ACT") .query("lvl > 0") .drop(columns=["node_loc", "mode", "time", "mrg"]) .sort_values(["year_vtg", "technology"]) .reset_index(drop=True) ) # No "stray" activity of technologies beyond the vintage periods pdt.assert_series_equal( result["year_act"], result["year_vtg"], check_names=False ) result = result.drop(columns=["year_vtg"]).set_index(["technology", "year_act"]) # Return the activity and its inter-period delta return result, ( result.xs(y1, level="year_act") - result.xs(y0, level="year_act") ) # Post-solve debugging output TODO comment before merging ACT1, ACT1_delta = get_act(scenario) # Increase the disutility of for t0 for g0 in period y1 data["input"].loc[1, "value"] = 0.2 # Re-solve scenario.remove_solution() scenario.check_out() scenario.add_par("input", data["input"]) scenario.commit("Disutility test 2") scenario.solve(quiet=True) # Compare activity ACT2, ACT2_delta = get_act(scenario) merged = ACT1.merge(ACT2, left_index=True, right_index=True) merged["lvl_diff"] = merged["lvl_y"] - merged["lvl_x"] merged_delta = ACT1_delta.merge(ACT2_delta, left_index=True, right_index=True) # commented: for debugging # print(merged, merged_delta) # Group g0 decreases usage of t0, and increases usage of t1, in period y1 vs. y0 assert merged_delta.loc["usage of t0 by g0", "lvl_y"] < 0 assert merged_delta.loc["usage of t1 by g0", "lvl_y"] > 0 # Group g0 usage of t0 is lower when the disutility is higher assert merged.loc[("usage of t0 by g0", y1), "lvl_diff"] < 0 # Group g0 usage of t1 is correspondingly higher assert merged.loc[("usage of t1 by g0", y1), "lvl_diff"] > 0
[docs] def test_data_conversion(scenario, spec): """:func:`~.disutility.data_conversion` runs.""" info = ScenarioInfo(scenario) disutility.data_conversion(info, spec)
[docs] def test_data_source(scenario, spec): """:func:`~.disutility.data_source` runs.""" info = ScenarioInfo(scenario) disutility.data_source(info, spec)
[docs] def test_get_data(scenario, spec): """:func:`~.disutility.get_data` runs.""" data = disutility.get_data(scenario, spec) # Test that the code will not encounter #45 / iiasa/ixmp#425 for name, df in data.items(): assert "" not in df["unit"].unique(), ( f"{repr(name)} data has dimensionless units" )
[docs] def test_get_spec(groups, techs, template): """:func:`~.disutility.get_spec` runs and produces expected output.""" spec = disutility.get_spec(groups, techs, template) # Spec requires the existence of the base technologies assert {"technology"} == set(spec["require"].set.keys()) assert techs == spec["require"].set["technology"] # Spec removes nothing assert set() == set(spec["remove"].set.keys()) # Spec adds the "disutility" commodity; and adds (if not existing) the output # commodities for t[01] and demand commodities for g[01] assert { "disutility", "output of t0", "output of t1", "demand of group g0", "demand of group g1", } == set(map(str, spec["add"].set["commodity"])) # Spec adds the "distuility source" technology, and "usage of {tech} by {group}" # for each tech × group, per the template assert { "disutility source", "usage of t0 by g0", "usage of t0 by g1", "usage of t1 by g0", "usage of t1 by g1", } == set(map(str, spec["add"].set["technology"]))