Source code for

"""Plots for MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM reporting.

The current set functions on time series data stored on the scenario by
:mod:`` or :mod:`message_data` legacy reporting.

import logging
import re
from import Sequence
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

import genno.compat.plotnine
import pandas as pd
import plotnine as p9
from genno import Computer, Key

    from genno.core.key import KeyLike
    from message_ix import Scenario

    # NB The following is itself within an if TYPE_CHECKING block; mypy can't find it
    from plotnine.typing import PlotAddable  # type: ignore [attr-defined]

    from message_ix_models import Context

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Plot(genno.compat.plotnine.Plot): """Base class for plots based on reported time-series data. Subclasses should be used like: .. code-block:: python class MyPlot(Plot): ... c.add("plot myplot", MyPlot, "scenario") …that is, giving "scenario" or another key that points to a :class:`.Scenario` object with stored time series data. See the examples in this file. """ #: 'Static' geoms: list of plotnine objects that are not dynamic. static: list["PlotAddable"] = [ p9.theme(figure_size=(23.4, 16.5)), # A3 paper in landscape [inches] # p9.theme(figure_size=(11.7, 8.3)), # A4 paper in landscape ] #: Fixed plot title string. If not given, the first line of the class docstring is #: used. title = None #: Units expression for plot title. unit = None #: Scenario URL for plot title. url: Optional[str] = None # NB only here to narrow typing inputs: Sequence[str] = [] #: List of regular expressions corresponding to :attr:`inputs`. These are passed as #: the `expr` argument to :func:`.filter_ts` to filter the entire set of time series #: data. inputs_regex: list[re.Pattern] = []
[docs] @classmethod def add_tasks( cls, c: "Computer", key: "KeyLike", *inputs, strict: bool = False ) -> "KeyLike": from copy import copy from itertools import zip_longest scenario_key = inputs[0] # Retrieve all time series data, for advanced filtering all_data = Key(scenario_key) + "iamc" c.add(all_data, "get_ts", scenario_key) if len(cls.inputs_regex): # Iterate over matched items from `inputs` and `inputs_regex` for k, expr in zip_longest(cls.inputs, cls.inputs_regex): if expr is None: break # Filter the data given by `expr` from all::iamc c.add(k, "filter_ts", all_data, copy(expr)) else: for k in map(Key, cls.inputs): # Add a computation to get the time series data for a specific variable c.add(k, "get_ts", scenario_key, dict( # Add the plot itself return super().add_tasks(c, key, *inputs[1:], strict=strict)
[docs] def ggtitle(self, value=None) -> p9.ggtitle: """Return :class:`plotnine.ggtitle` including the current date & time.""" title_pieces = [ (self.title or self.__doc__ or "").splitlines()[0].rstrip("."), f"[{self.unit}]" if self.unit else None, value, "\n", self.url, f"({'minutes')})", ] return p9.ggtitle(" ".join(filter(None, title_pieces)))
[docs] def groupby_plot(self, data: pd.DataFrame, *args): """Combination of groupby and ggplot(). Groups by `args` and yields a series of :class:`plotnine.ggplot` objects, one per group, with :attr:`static` geoms and :func:`ggtitle` appended to each. """ for group_key, group_df in data.groupby(*args): yield ( group_key, ( p9.ggplot(group_df) + self.static + self.ggtitle( group_key if isinstance(group_key, str) else repr(group_key) ) ), )
[docs] class EmissionsCO2(Plot): """CO₂ Emissions.""" basename = "emission-CO2" inputs = ["Emissions|CO2::iamc", "scenario"] static = Plot.static + [ p9.aes(x="year", y="value", color="region"), p9.geom_line(), p9.geom_point(), p9.labs(x="Period", y="", color="Region"), ]
[docs] def generate(self, data: pd.DataFrame, scenario: "Scenario"): self.url = scenario.url self.unit = data["unit"].unique()[0] for _, ggplot in self.groupby_plot(data, data.region.str.contains("GLB")): y_max = max(["value"]) yield ggplot + p9.expand_limits(y=[0, y_max]) + self.ggtitle("")
[docs] class FinalEnergy0(EmissionsCO2): """Final Energy.""" basename = "fe0" inputs = ["Final Energy::iamc", "scenario"]
[docs] class FinalEnergy1(Plot): """Final Energy.""" basename = "fe1" inputs = ["fe1-0::iamc", "scenario"] _c = [ "Electricity", "Gases", "Geothermal", "Heat", "Hydrogen", "Liquids", "Solar", "Solids", ] inputs_regex = [re.compile(rf"Final Energy\|({'|'.join(_c)})")] static = Plot.static + [ p9.aes(x="year", y="value", fill="variable"), p9.geom_bar(stat="identity", size=5.0), # 5.0 is the minimum spacing of "year" p9.labs(x="Period", y="", fill="Commodity"), ]
[docs] def generate(self, data: pd.DataFrame, scenario: "Scenario"): self.url = scenario.url self.unit = data["unit"].unique()[0] for _, ggplot in self.groupby_plot(data, "region"): yield ggplot
[docs] class PrimaryEnergy0(EmissionsCO2): """Primary Energy.""" basename = "pe0" inputs = ["Primary Energy::iamc", "scenario"]
[docs] class PrimaryEnergy1(FinalEnergy1): """Primary Energy.""" basename = "pe1" inputs = ["pe1-0::iamc", "scenario"] _omit = ["Fossil", "Non-Biomass Renewables", "Secondary Energy Trade"] inputs_regex = [re.compile(rf"Primary Energy\|((?!{'|'.join(_omit)})[^\|]*)")]
#: All plot classes. PLOTS = ( EmissionsCO2, FinalEnergy0, FinalEnergy1, PrimaryEnergy0, PrimaryEnergy1, )
[docs] def callback(c: Computer, context: "Context") -> None: """Add all :data:`PLOTS` to `c`. Also add a key "plot all" to triggers the generation of all plots. """ all_keys = [c.add(f"plot {p.basename}", p, "scenario") for p in PLOTS] c.add("plot all", all_keys)"Add 'plot all' collecting {len(all_keys)} plots")