import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from yaml.loader import SafeLoader
from message_ix_models import Context
from message_ix_models.util import package_data_path
from message_ix_models.util.compat.message_data.get_historical_years import main as get_historical_years
from message_ix_models.util.compat.message_data.get_nodes import get_nodes
from message_ix_models.util.compat.message_data.get_optimization_years import main as get_optimization_years
from message_ix_models.util.compat.message_data.utilities import retrieve_region_mapping
from . import postprocess
from . import pp_utils
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def report(
context: Optional[Context] = None,
"""Main reporting function.
This function will run reporting for specific "tables" as specified in the
configuration file `run_config`.
Outputs will be stored as an xlsx file in IAMC format for upload to a scenario
database/explorer instance.
IMPORTANT!! If extending the variable template, please ensure
NOT to overwrite the existing file as this is used for global model
intercomparison projects.
Only variables defined in the variable template are reported. All other
variables will be excluded.
mp : :class:`ixmp.Platform`
Database connection where scenario object is located.
scen : :class:`message_ix.Scenario`
Scenario object for which reporting should be run.
ref_sol : boolean (default: False)
Option whether to process historical results or optimization results.
model_out : str (default: None)
Model name of the scenario in the output file.
scenario_out : str (default: None)
Scenario name of the scenario in the output file.
out_dir : str (default: None)
Directory where the result file should be written to.
merge_hist : boolean (default: False)
Switch to determine whether the reporting results should be merged with
already processed histroical results, which are then, additionally, stored
as Timeseries with the scenario object.
merge_ts : boolean (default: False)
Switch to use data stored as TS to overwrite results from reporting.
var_def : str (default: None)
Name of file to be used to define allowed variables.
aggr_def : str (default=None)
Name of file to be used to define aggregate mapping.
unit_yaml : str (default: None)
Directory incl file name of unit conversion factors from model units
to output units.
run_config : str (default: None)
Directory incl file name of which reporting tables are to be run.
urban_perc : str (default: None)
Regional urban shares in %.
kyoto_hist : str (default: None)
Historic Kyoto Gas emissions excl. land-use emissions for regions.
lu_hist : str (default: None)
Historic land-use GHG emissions for regions.
verbose : str (default: False)
Option whther to print onscreen messages.
context : .Context
Only the ``dry_run`` setting is respected. If :data:`True`, configuration is
read, but nothing is done.
nds0 = get_nodes(scen)
nds = [n for n in nds0 if "|" not in n]
region_id, reg_ts = retrieve_region_mapping(scen, mp, include_region_id=False)
# --------------------
# Set global variables
# --------------------
model_nm = model_out if model_out else scen.model
scen_nm = scenario_out if scenario_out else scen.scenario
run_history = ref_sol
path = package_data_path("report", "legacy")
# ----------------------------
# Read reporting configuration
# ----------------------------
# Default config
with open(path / "default_run_config.yaml") as f:
config = yaml.load(f, Loader=SafeLoader)
# Alternative config
# If an alternative config has been defined, then ONLY
# those items specified will replace or be added to the
# default config
if run_config:
with open(path / run_config) as f:
tmp_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=SafeLoader)
for i in tmp_config:
for j in tmp_config[i]:
if j in config[i]:
config[i][j] = tmp_config[i][j]
# Config: Reset path
if "path" in config["report_config"]:
path = config["report_config"]["path"]
# Config: urban/rural share
# The standard file corresponds to data for R11-SSP2
# taken from the SSP2-database. Values in %.
if urban_perc is None:
if config["report_config"]["urban_perc"] is not False:
urban_perc_data = path / config["report_config"]["urban_perc"]
urban_perc_data = False
# Config: historic emissions
# The standard file corresponds to data for R11-SSP1/2/3
# taken from the activity of `TCE` less the historic
# land-use emissions.
# Historic land-use emissions (CO2) correspond to
# R11-SSP1/2/3
if run_history == "True":
if kyoto_hist is None:
if config["report_config"]["kyoto_hist"] is not False:
kyoto_hist_data = path / config["report_config"]["kyoto_hist"]
kyoto_hist_data = False
if lu_hist is None:
if config["report_config"]["lu_hist"] is not False:
lu_hist_data = path / config["report_config"]["lu_hist"]
lu_hist_data = False
# Config: Define unit conversion factors
unit_yaml = (
path / config["report_config"]["unit_yaml"] if not unit_yaml else unit_yaml
# Config: Define which tables to be run
run_tables = config["run_tables"]
# Config: Define which variable aggregation should be used
aggr_def = path / config["report_config"]["aggr_def"] if not aggr_def else aggr_def
# Config: Define which variable definition should be used
var_def = path / config["report_config"]["var_def"] if not var_def else var_def
# If dry_run is requested, leave here
if context and context.dry_run:"(DRY RUN) Would write to {out_dir}")
# --------------------------------
# Set global variables in pp_utils
# --------------------------------
if run_history != "True":
# Configures reporting tools to retrieve results from optimization (var)
pp = postprocess.PostProcess(scen)
pp_utils.firstmodelyear = scen.firstmodelyear
pp_utils.years = get_optimization_years(scen)
# Configures reporting tools to retrieve results from "reference_solution" (par)
pp = postprocess.PostProcess(scen, ix=False)
pp_utils.years = get_historical_years(scen) + get_optimization_years(scen)
# Passes all model years to reporting tools
pp_utils.all_years = scen.set("year").tolist()
pp_utils.globalname = "{}_GLB".format(region_id)
# Provides option to rename model years for output
regions = {n: (n.split("_")[1] if "GLB" not in n else "World") for n in nds}
pp_utils.regions = regions
pp_utils.region_id = region_id
pp_utils.all_tecs = scen.set("technology")
pp_utils.model_nm = model_nm
pp_utils.scen_nm = scen_nm
pp_utils.verbose = verbose
# ----------------------------
# Read in unit conversion file
# ----------------------------
with open(unit_yaml) as f:
data = yaml.load(f, Loader=SafeLoader)
global mu
mu = data["model_units"]
for i in mu:
mu[i] = eval(mu[i])
except Exception:
data_cf = data["conversion_factors"]
for u in data_cf:
for i in list(data_cf[u].keys()):
trgt = i
fnd = 0
trgt = eval(trgt)
fnd = 1
except Exception:
trgt = trgt
if type(data_cf[u][i]) == str:
data_cf[u][trgt] = eval(data_cf[u][i])
if fnd == 1:
pp_utils.unit_conversion = data_cf
# ------------------------
# Compile reporting tables
# ------------------------
# Based on the default config, populate func_dict, which
# has all the function required for running the reporting.
DEFAULT_table_def = ""
dflt_tbl = __import__(DEFAULT_table_def, fromlist=[None])
dflt_tbl.pp = pp = mu
dflt_tbl.run_history = run_history
dflt_tbl.urban_perc_data = urban_perc_data
if run_history == "True":
dflt_tbl.kyoto_hist_data = kyoto_hist_data
dflt_tbl.lu_hist_data = lu_hist_data
func_dict = dflt_tbl.return_func_dict()
if config["report_config"]["table_def"] != DEFAULT_table_def:
tmp_tbl = __import__(config["report_config"]["table_def"], fromlist=[None])
tmp_tbl.pp = pp = mu
tmp_tbl.run_history = run_history
tmp_tbl.urban_perc_data = urban_perc_data
if run_history == "True":
tmp_tbl.kyoto_hist_data = kyoto_hist_data
tmp_tbl.lu_hist_data = lu_hist_data
tmp_func_dict = tmp_tbl.return_func_dict()
# Replace default functions with alternatives
for f in tmp_func_dict:
if f in func_dict:
func_dict[f] = tmp_func_dict[f]
# --------------------
# Run reporting tables
# --------------------
dfs = {}
for i in run_tables:
if run_tables[i]["active"] is True:
print("processing Table:", run_tables[i]["root"])
if (
"condition" in run_tables[i]
and eval(run_tables[i]["condition"]) is True
dfs[i] = (
if "args" not in run_tables[i]
else func_dict[run_tables[i]["function"]](**run_tables[i]["args"])
# ---------------------------------
# Convert dataframes to IAMC-format
# ---------------------------------
mapping = pd.read_csv(aggr_def)
allowed_var = pd.read_csv(var_def)["Variable"].unique().tolist()
df = []
if merge_ts:
# Retrieve ts
ts = scen.timeseries()
if merge_hist:
ts = ts[ts["year"].isin(get_optimization_years(scen))]
# Rename for compatibility
ts = ts.rename(
"model": "Model",
"scenario": "Scenario",
"region": "Region",
"variable": "Variable",
"unit": "Unit",
# Convert synonym region names
ts.Region =
iamc_index = ["Model", "Scenario", "Region", "Variable", "Unit"]
# Flip from short to long format
ts = ts.pivot_table(
index=iamc_index, columns="year", values="value"
for i in dfs:
if merge_ts:
# Filter out timeseries entries which exist for a certain variable
var = config["run_tables"][i]["root"]
tmp = ts[ts.Variable.str.find(var) >= 0]
tmp.Variable = tmp.Variable.str.replace(f"{var}|".replace("|", r"\|"), "")
if not tmp.empty:
dfs[i] = (
# Remove newly added timeseries from ts dataframe, to avoid double counting
ts = ts[ts.Variable.str.find(var) < 0]
if run_tables[i]["root"] == "Emissions|HFC":
pp_utils.iamc_it(dfs[i], run_tables[i]["root"], mapping, rm_totals=True)
df.append(pp_utils.iamc_it(dfs[i], run_tables[i]["root"], mapping))
df = pd.concat(df, sort=True)
# --------------
# Process output
# --------------
# Ensure that only variables included in the template are included
# in the final output
df = df.loc[df.Variable.isin(allowed_var)]
# -------------------------------
# Merge with historical TS values
# -------------------------------
if merge_hist:
ix_upload = df.reset_index()
ix_upload = ix_upload.drop(["index", "Model", "Scenario"], axis=1)
ix_upload = ix_upload.rename(
"Region": "region",
"Variable": "variable",
"Unit": "unit",
col_yr = pp_utils.numcols(df)
model_year = int(
scen.set("cat_year", {"type_year": ["firstmodelyear"]})["year"]
ix_regions = {regions[n]: n for n in regions}
ix_upload.region = ix_upload.region.replace(ix_regions)
if run_history == "True":
cols = ["region", "variable", "unit"] + [int(yr) for yr in col_yr]
cols = ["region", "variable", "unit"] + [
int(yr) for yr in col_yr if yr >= model_year
ix_upload = ix_upload[cols]
# ix_mp._jobj.unlockRunid(11473)
print("Starting to upload timeseries")
print("Finished uploading timeseries")
scen.commit("Reporting uploaded as timeseries")
df = scen.timeseries(iamc=True)
df = df.rename(
"model": "Model",
"scenario": "Scenario",
"region": "Region",
"variable": "Variable",
"unit": "Unit",
df["Model"] = model_nm
df["Scenario"] = scen_nm
df.Region =
df = df.set_index(
["Model", "Scenario", "Region", "Variable", "Unit"]
if "subannual" in df.columns:
df = df.drop("subannual", axis=1)
if not out_dir:
out_dir = package_data_path("report", "legacy", "reporting_output")
out_dir = Path(out_dir)
if not out_dir.exists():
pp_utils.write_xlsx(df, out_dir)