Source code for

"""Compatibility code that emulates legacy reporting."""

import logging
from import Mapping
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain, count
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional

from genno import Key, Quantity, quote
from genno.core.key import iter_keys, single_key

    from genno import Computer
    from ixmp import Reporter
    from sdmx.model.common import Code

    from message_ix_models import Context

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Filters for determining subsets of technologies.
#: Each value is a Python expression :func:`eval`'d in an environment containing
#: variables derived from the annotations on :class:`Codes <.Code>` for each technology.
#: If the expression evaluates to :obj:`True`, then the code belongs to the set
#: identified by the key.
#: See also
#: --------
#: get_techs
#: prepare_techs
    "gas all": "c_in == 'gas' and l_in in 'secondary final' and '_ccs' not in id",
    "gas extra": "False",
    # Residential and commercial
    "trp coal": "sector == 'transport' and c_in == 'coal'",
    "trp gas": "sector == 'transport' and c_in == 'gas'",
    "trp foil": "sector == 'transport' and c_in == 'fueloil'",
    "trp loil": "sector == 'transport' and c_in == 'lightoil'",
    "trp meth": "sector == 'transport' and c_in == 'methanol'",
    # Transport
    "rc gas": "sector == 'residential/commercial' and c_in == 'gas'",

# Counter for anon()
_ANON = map(lambda n: Key(f"_{n}"), count())

def anon(name: Optional[str] = None, dims: Optional[Key] = None) -> Key:
    """Create an ‘anonymous’ :class:`.Key`, optionally with `dims` from another Key."""
    result = next(_ANON) if name is None else Key(name)

    return result.append(*getattr(dims, "dims", []))

[docs] def get_techs(c: "Computer", prefix: str, kinds: Optional[str] = None) -> list[str]: """Return a list of technologies. The list is assembled from lists in `c` with keys like "t::{prefix} {kind}", with one `kind` for each space-separated item in `kinds`. If no `kinds` are supplied, "t::{prefix}" is used. See also -------- prepare_techs """ _kinds = kinds.split() if kinds else [""] return list(chain(*[c.graph[f"t::{prefix} {k}".rstrip()][0].data for k in _kinds]))
def make_shorthand_function( base_name: str, to_drop: str, default_unit_key: Optional[str] = None ): """Create a shorthand function for adding tasks to a :class:`.Reporter`.""" _to_drop = to_drop.split() def func( c: "Computer", technologies: list[str], *, name: Optional[str] = None, filters: Optional[dict] = None, unit_key: Optional[str] = default_unit_key, ) -> Key: f"""Select data from "{base_name}:*" and apply units. The returned key sums the result over the dimensions {_to_drop!r}. Parameters ---------- technologies : List of technology IDs to include. name : str, optional If given, the name of the resulting key. Default: a name like "_123" generated with :func:`anon`. filters : dict, optional Additional filters for selecting data from "{base_name}:*". Keys are short dimension names (for instance, "c" for "commodity"); values are lists of IDs. unit_key : str, optional Key for units to apply to the result. Must appear in :attr:`.Config.units`. """ base = single_key(c.full_key(base_name)) key = anon(name, dims=base) indexers = dict(t=technologies) indexers.update(filters or {}) if unit_key: c.add(key + "sel", "select", base, indexers=indexers) c.add( key, "assign_units", key + "sel", units=c.graph["config"]["model"].units[unit_key], sums=True, ) else: c.add(key, "select", base, indexers=indexers, sums=True) # Return the partial sum over some dimensions return key.drop(*_to_drop) return func inp = make_shorthand_function("in", "c h ho l no t", "energy") emi = make_shorthand_function("rel", "nr r t yr") out = make_shorthand_function("out", "c h hd l nd t", "energy")
[docs] def eff( c: "Computer", technologies: list[str], filters_in: Optional[dict] = None, filters_out: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Key: """Throughput efficiency (input / output) for `technologies`. Equivalent to :meth:`PostProcess.eff`. Parameters ---------- filters_in : dict, optional Passed as the `filters` parameter to :func:`inp`. filters_out : dict, optional Passed as the `filters` parameter to :func:`out`. """ # TODO Check whether append / drop "t" is necessary num = c.graph.unsorted_key(inp(c, technologies, filters=filters_in).append("t")) denom = c.graph.unsorted_key(out(c, technologies, filters=filters_out).append("t")) assert isinstance(num, Key) assert isinstance(denom, Key) key = anon(dims=num) c.add(key, "div", num, denom, sums=True) return key.drop("t")
def pe_w_ccs_retro( c: "Computer", t: str, t_scrub: str, k_share: Optional[Key], filters: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Key: """Calculate primary energy use of technologies with scrubbers. Equivalent to :func:`default_tables._pe_wCCS_retro` at L129. """ ACT: Key = single_key(c.full_key("ACT")) k0 = out(c, [t_scrub]) k1 = c.add(anon(), "mul", k0, k_share) if k_share else k0 k2 = anon(dims=ACT).drop("t") c.add(k2, "select", ACT, indexers=dict(t=t), drop=True, sums=True) # TODO determine the dimensions to drop for the numerator k3, *_ = iter_keys(c.add(anon(dims=k2), "div", k2.drop("yv"), k2, sums=True)) assert_dims(c, k3) filters_out = dict(c=["electr"], l=["secondary"]) k4 = eff(c, [t], filters_in=filters, filters_out=filters_out) k5 = single_key(c.add(anon(), "mul", k3, k4)) k6 = single_key(c.add(anon(dims=k5), "div", k1, k5)) assert_dims(c, k6) return k6
[docs] def prepare_techs(c: "Computer", technologies: list["Code"]) -> None: """Prepare sets of technologies in `c`. For each `key` → `expr` in :data:`TECH_FILTERS` and each technology :class:`Code` `t` in `technologies`: - Apply the filter expression `expr` to information about `t`. - If the expression evaluates to :obj:`True`, add it to a list in `c` at "t::{key}". These lists of technologies can be used directly or retrieve with :func:`get_techs`. """ result: Mapping[str, list[str]] = {k: list() for k in TECH_FILTERS} warned = set() # Filters that raise some kind of Exception # Iterate over technologies for t in technologies: # Assemble information about `t` from its annotations info: dict[str, Any] = dict( # Sector info["sector"] = str(t.get_annotation(id="sector").text) try: # Input commodity and level info["c_in"], info["l_in"] = t.eval_annotation("input") except (TypeError, ValueError): info["c_in"] = info["l_in"] = None # Iterate over keys and respective filters for key, expr in TECH_FILTERS.items(): try: # Apply the filter to the `info` about `t` if eval(expr, None, info) is True: # Filter evaluates to True → add `t` to the list of labels for `key` result[key].append( except Exception as e: # Warn about this filter, only once if expr not in warned: log.warning(f"{e!r} when evaluating {expr!r}") warned.add(expr) # Add keys like "t::trp gas" corresponding to TECH_FILTERS["trp gas"] for k, v in result.items(): c.add(f"t::{k}", quote(sorted(v)))
def assert_dims(c: "Computer", *keys: Key): """Check the dimensions of `keys` for an "add", "sub", or "div" task. This is a sanity check needed because :py:`c.add("name", "div", …)` does not (yet) automatically infer the dimensions of the resulting key. This is in contrast to :py:`c.add("name", "mul", …)`, which *does* infer. Use this function after manual construction of a key for a "add", "div", or "sub" task, in order to ensure the key matches the dimensionality of the quantity that will result from the task. .. deprecated:: 2025-02-17 Handled upstream in :func:`genno.operator.add_binop` with genno ≥1.20. """ from warnings import warn warn( "", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) for key in keys: task = c.graph[key] expected = Key.product("foo", *task[1:]) op = f" {task[0].__name__} " assert set(key.dims) == set(expected.dims), ( f"Task should produce {op.join(repr(k) for k in task[1:])} = " f"{str(expected).split(':')[1]}; key indicates {str(key).split(':')[1]}" )
[docs] def callback(rep: "Reporter", context: "Context") -> None: """Partially duplicate the behaviour of :func:`.default_tables.retr_CO2emi`. Currently, this prepares the following keys and the necessary preceding calculations: - "transport emissions full::iamc": data for the IAMC variable "Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Transportation|Road Rail and Domestic Shipping" """ from message_ix_models.model.bare import get_spec from . import iamc N = len(rep.graph) # Structure information spec = get_spec(context) prepare_techs(rep, spec.add.set["technology"]) # Constants from report/default_units.yaml rep.add("conv_c2co2:", 44.0 / 12.0) # dimensionless # “Carbon content of natural gas” rep.add("crbcnt_gas:", Quantity(0.482, units="Mt / GWa / a")) # Shorthand for get_techs(rep, …) techs = partial(get_techs, rep) def full(name: str) -> Key: """Return the full key for `name`.""" return single_key(rep.full_key(name)) # L3059 from message_data/tools/post_processing/ # "gas_{cc,ppl}_share": shares of gas_cc and gas_ppl in the summed output of both k0 = out(rep, ["gas_cc", "gas_ppl"]) for t in "gas_cc", "gas_ppl": k1 = out(rep, [t]) k2 = rep.add(Key(f"{t}_share", k1.dims), "div", k0, k1) assert_dims(rep, single_key(k2)) # L3026 # "in:*:nonccs_gas_tecs": Input to non-CCS technologies using gas at l=(secondary, # final), net of output from transmission and distribution technologies. c_gas = dict(c=["gas"]) k0 = inp(rep, techs("gas", "all extra"), filters=c_gas) k1 = out(rep, ["gas_t_d", "gas_t_d_ch4"], filters=c_gas) k2 = rep.add(Key("in", k1.dims, "nonccs_gas_tecs"), "sub", k0, k1) assert_dims(rep, single_key(k2)) # L3091 # "Biogas_tot_abs": absolute output from t=gas_bio [energy units] # "Biogas_tot": above converted to its CO₂ content = CO₂ emissions from t=gas_bio # [mass/time] Biogas_tot_abs = out(rep, ["gas_bio"], name="Biogas_tot_abs") rep.add("Biogas_tot", "mul", Biogas_tot_abs, "crbcnt_gas", "conv_c2co2") # L3052 # "in:*:all_gas_tecs": Input to all technologies using gas at l=(secondary, final), # including those with CCS. k0 = inp( rep, ["gas_cc_ccs", "meth_ng", "meth_ng_ccs", "h2_smr", "h2_smr_ccs"], filters=c_gas, ) k1 = rep.add( Key("in", k0.dims, "all_gas_tecs"), "add", full("in::nonccs_gas_tecs"), k0 ) assert_dims(rep, k1) # L3165 # "Hydrogen_tot:*": CO₂ emissions from t=h2_mix [mass/time] k0 = emi( rep, ["h2_mix"], name="_Hydrogen_tot", filters=dict(r=["CO2_cc"]), unit_key="CO2 emissions", ) # NB Must alias here, otherwise full("Hydrogen_tot") below gets a larger set of # dimensions than intended rep.add(Key("Hydrogen_tot", k0.dims), k0) # L3063 # "in:*:nonccs_gas_tecs_wo_ccsretro": "in:*:nonccs_gas_tecs" minus inputs to # technologies fitted with CCS add-on technologies. filters = dict(c=["gas"], l=["secondary"]) pe_w_ccs_retro_keys = [ pe_w_ccs_retro(rep, *args, filters=filters) for args in ( ("gas_cc", "g_ppl_co2scr", full("gas_cc_share")), ("gas_ppl", "g_ppl_co2scr", full("gas_ppl_share")), # FIXME Raises KeyError # ("gas_htfc", "gfc_co2scr", None), ) ] k0 = rep.add(anon(dims=pe_w_ccs_retro_keys[0]), "add", *pe_w_ccs_retro_keys) k1 = rep.add( Key("in", k0.dims, "nonccs_gas_tecs_wo_ccsretro"), "sub", full("in::nonccs_gas_tecs"), k0, ) assert_dims(rep, k0, k1) # L3144, L3234 # "Biogas_trp", "Hydrogen_trp": transportation shares of emissions savings from # biogas production/use, and from hydrogen production, respectively. # X_trp = X_tot * (trp input of gas / `other` inputs) k0 = inp(rep, techs("trp gas"), filters=c_gas) for name, other in ( ("Biogas", full("in::all_gas_tecs")), ("Hydrogen", full("in::nonccs_gas_tecs_wo_ccsretro")), ): k1 = rep.add(anon(dims=other), "div", k0, other) k2 = rep.add(f"{name}_trp", "mul", f"{name}_tot", k1) assert_dims(rep, single_key(k1)) # L3346 # "FE_Transport": CO₂ emissions from all transportation technologies directly using # fossil fuels. FE_Transport = emi( rep, techs("trp", "coal foil gas loil meth"), name="FE_Transport", filters=dict(r=["CO2_trp"]), unit_key="CO2 emissions", ) # L3886 # "Transport": CO₂ emissions from transport. "FE_Transport" minus emissions saved by # use of biogas in transport, plus emissions from production of hydrogen used in # transport. k0 = rep.add(anon(dims=FE_Transport), "sub", FE_Transport, full("Biogas_trp")) k1, *_ = iter_keys( rep.add(Key("Transport", k0.dims), "add", k0, full("Hydrogen_trp"), sums=True) ) assert_dims(rep, k0, k1) # TODO Identify where to sum on "h", "m", "yv" dimensions # Convert to IAMC structure var = "Emissions|CO2|Energy|Demand|Transportation|Road Rail and Domestic Shipping" info = dict(variable="transport emissions", base=k1.drop("h", "m", "yv"), var=[var]) iamc(rep, info) # TODO use store_ts() to store on scenario"Added {len(rep.graph) - N} keys")