Source code for

"""Prepare data for water use for cooling & energy technologies."""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from message_ix import Scenario, make_df

from message_ix_models import Context
from import read_water_availability
from message_ix_models.model.water.utils import map_yv_ya_lt
from message_ix_models.util import (

[docs] @minimum_version("message_ix 3.7") def map_basin_region_wat(context: "Context") -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate share of water availability of basins per each parent region. The parent region could be global message regions or country Parameters ---------- context : .Context Returns ------- data : pandas.DataFrame """ info = context["water build info"] if "year" in context.time: PATH = package_data_path( "water", "delineation", f"basins_by_region_simpl_{context.regions}.csv" ) df_x = pd.read_csv(PATH) # Adding freshwater supply constraints # Reading data, the data is spatially and temprally aggregated from GHMs path1 = package_data_path( "water", "availability", f"qtot_5y_{context.RCP}_{context.REL}_{context.regions}.csv", ) df_sw = pd.read_csv(path1) df_sw.drop(["Unnamed: 0"], axis=1, inplace=True) # Reading data, the data is spatially and temporally aggregated from GHMs df_sw["BCU_name"] = df_x["BCU_name"] df_sw["MSGREG"] = ( context.map_ISO_c[context.regions] if context.type_reg == "country" else f"{context.regions}_" + df_sw["BCU_name"].str.split("|").str[-1] ) df_sw = df_sw.set_index(["MSGREG", "BCU_name"]) # Calculating ratio of water availability in basin by region df_sw = df_sw.groupby(["MSGREG"]).apply(lambda x: x / x.sum()) df_sw.reset_index(level=0, drop=True, inplace=True) df_sw.reset_index(inplace=True) df_sw["Region"] = "B" + df_sw["BCU_name"].astype(str) df_sw["Mode"] = df_sw["Region"].replace(regex=["^B"], value="M") df_sw.drop(columns=["BCU_name"], inplace=True) df_sw.set_index(["MSGREG", "Region", "Mode"], inplace=True) df_sw = df_sw.stack().reset_index(level=0).reset_index() df_sw.columns = pd.Index(["region", "mode", "date", "MSGREG", "share"]) df_sw.sort_values(["region", "date", "MSGREG", "share"], inplace=True) df_sw["year"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df_sw["date"]).year df_sw["time"] = "year" df_sw = df_sw[df_sw["year"].isin(info.Y)] df_sw.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) else: # add water return flows for cooling tecs # Use share of basin availability to distribute the return flow from path3 = package_data_path( "water", "availability", f"qtot_5y_m_{context.RCP}_{context.REL}_{context.regions}.csv", ) df_sw = pd.read_csv(path3) # reading sample for assiging basins PATH = package_data_path( "water", "delineation", f"basins_by_region_simpl_{context.regions}.csv" ) df_x = pd.read_csv(PATH) # Reading data, the data is spatially and temporally aggregated from GHMs df_sw["BCU_name"] = df_x["BCU_name"] df_sw["MSGREG"] = ( context.map_ISO_c[context.regions] if context.type_reg == "country" else f"{context.regions}_" + df_sw["BCU_name"].str.split("|").str[-1] ) df_sw = df_sw.set_index(["MSGREG", "BCU_name"]) df_sw.drop(columns="Unnamed: 0", inplace=True) # Calculating ratio of water availability in basin by region df_sw = df_sw.groupby(["MSGREG"]).apply(lambda x: x / x.sum()) df_sw.reset_index(level=0, drop=True, inplace=True) df_sw.reset_index(inplace=True) df_sw["Region"] = "B" + df_sw["BCU_name"].astype(str) df_sw["Mode"] = df_sw["Region"].replace(regex=["^B"], value="M") df_sw.drop(columns=["BCU_name"], inplace=True) df_sw.set_index(["MSGREG", "Region", "Mode"], inplace=True) df_sw = df_sw.stack().reset_index(level=0).reset_index() df_sw.columns = pd.Index(["node", "mode", "date", "MSGREG", "share"]) df_sw.sort_values(["node", "date", "MSGREG", "share"], inplace=True) df_sw["year"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df_sw["date"]).year df_sw["time"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df_sw["date"]).month df_sw = df_sw[df_sw["year"].isin(info.Y)] df_sw.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return df_sw
[docs] def add_water_supply(context: "Context") -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Add Water supply infrastructure This function links the water supply based on different settings and options. It defines the supply linkages for freshwater, groundwater and salinewater. Parameters ---------- context : .Context Returns ------- data : dict of (str -> pandas.DataFrame) Keys are MESSAGE parameter names such as 'input', 'fix_cost'. Values are data frames ready for :meth:`~.Scenario.add_par`. Years in the data include the model horizon indicated by ``context["water build info"]``, plus the additional year 2010. """ # define an empty dictionary results = {} # Reference to the water configuration info = context["water build info"] # load the scenario from context # scen = context.get_scenario() scen = Scenario(context.get_platform(), **context.core.scenario_info) # year_wat = (2010, 2015) fut_year = info.Y year_wat = (2010, 2015, *info.Y) sub_time = context.time print(sub_time) # first activity year for all water technologies is 2020 first_year = scen.firstmodelyear print(" future year = ", fut_year) print(" year_wat = ", year_wat) # reading basin_delineation FILE = f"basins_by_region_simpl_{context.regions}.csv" PATH = package_data_path("water", "delineation", FILE) df_node = pd.read_csv(PATH) # Assigning proper nomenclature df_node["node"] = "B" + df_node["BCU_name"].astype(str) df_node["mode"] = "M" + df_node["BCU_name"].astype(str) df_node["region"] = ( context.map_ISO_c[context.regions] if context.type_reg == "country" else f"{context.regions}_" + df_node["REGION"].astype(str) ) # Storing the energy MESSAGE region names node_region = df_node["region"].unique() # reading groundwater energy intensity data FILE1 = f"gw_energy_intensity_depth_{context.regions}.csv" PATH1 = package_data_path("water", "availability", FILE1) df_gwt = pd.read_csv(PATH1) df_gwt["region"] = ( context.map_ISO_c[context.regions] if context.type_reg == "country" else f"{context.regions}_" + df_gwt["REGION"].astype(str) ) # reading groundwater energy intensity data FILE2 = f"historical_new_cap_gw_sw_km3_year_{context.regions}.csv" PATH2 = package_data_path("water", "availability", FILE2) df_hist = pd.read_csv(PATH2) df_hist["BCU_name"] = "B" + df_hist["BCU_name"].astype(str) if context.nexus_set == "cooling": # Add output df for surfacewater supply for regions output_df = ( make_df( "output", technology="extract_surfacewater", value=1, unit="km3", year_vtg=year_wat, year_act=year_wat, level="water_supply", commodity="freshwater", mode="M1", time="year", time_dest="year", time_origin="year", ) .pipe(broadcast, node_loc=node_region) .pipe(same_node) ) # Add output df for groundwater supply for regions output_df = pd.concat( [ output_df, make_df( "output", technology="extract_groundwater", value=1, unit="km3", year_vtg=year_wat, year_act=year_wat, level="water_supply", commodity="freshwater", mode="M1", time="year", time_dest="year", time_origin="year", ) .pipe(broadcast, node_loc=node_region) .pipe(same_node), ] ) # Add output of saline water supply for regions output_df = pd.concat( [ output_df, make_df( "output", technology="extract_salinewater", value=1, unit="km3", year_vtg=year_wat, year_act=year_wat, level="saline_supply", commodity="saline_ppl", mode="M1", time="year", time_dest="year", time_origin="year", ) .pipe(broadcast, node_loc=node_region) .pipe(same_node), ] ) results["output"] = output_df elif context.nexus_set == "nexus": # input data frame for slack technology balancing equality with demands inp = ( make_df( "input", technology="return_flow", value=1, unit="-", level="water_avail_basin", commodity="surfacewater_basin", mode="M1", year_vtg=year_wat, year_act=year_wat, ) .pipe( broadcast, node_loc=df_node["node"], time=pd.Series(sub_time), ) .pipe(same_node) .pipe(same_time) ) inp = pd.concat( [ inp, make_df( "input", technology="gw_recharge", value=1, unit="-", level="water_avail_basin", commodity="groundwater_basin", mode="M1", year_vtg=year_wat, year_act=year_wat, ) .pipe( broadcast, node_loc=df_node["node"], time=pd.Series(sub_time), ) .pipe(same_node) .pipe(same_time), ] ) # input dataframe linking water supply to energy dummy technology inp = pd.concat( [ inp, make_df( "input", technology="basin_to_reg", value=1, unit="-", level="water_supply_basin", commodity="freshwater_basin", mode=df_node["mode"], node_origin=df_node["node"], node_loc=df_node["region"], ) .pipe( broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, time=pd.Series(sub_time), ) .pipe(same_time), ] ) inp["year_act"] = inp["year_vtg"] # # input data frame for slack technology balancing equality with demands # inp = pd.concat([inp, # make_df( # "input", # technology="salinewater_return", # value=1, # unit="-", # level="water_avail_basin", # commodity="salinewater_basin", # mode="M1", # time="year", # time_origin="year", # node_origin=df_node["node"], # node_loc=df_node["node"], # ).pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, year_act=year_wat) # ]) # input data frame for freshwater supply yv_ya_sw = map_yv_ya_lt(year_wat, 50, first_year) inp = pd.concat( [ inp, make_df( "input", technology="extract_surfacewater", value=1, unit="-", level="water_avail_basin", commodity="surfacewater_basin", mode="M1", node_origin=df_node["node"], node_loc=df_node["node"], ) .pipe( broadcast, yv_ya_sw, time=pd.Series(sub_time), ) .pipe(same_time), ] ) # input dataframe for groundwater supply yv_ya_gw = map_yv_ya_lt(year_wat, 20, first_year) inp = pd.concat( [ inp, make_df( "input", technology="extract_groundwater", value=1, unit="-", level="water_avail_basin", commodity="groundwater_basin", mode="M1", node_origin=df_node["node"], node_loc=df_node["node"], ) .pipe( broadcast, yv_ya_gw, time=pd.Series(sub_time), ) .pipe(same_time), ] ) # electricity input dataframe for extract freshwater supply # low: 0.001141553, mid: 0.018835616, high: 0.03652968 inp = pd.concat( [ inp, make_df( "input", technology="extract_surfacewater", value=0.018835616, unit="-", level="final", commodity="electr", mode="M1", time_origin="year", node_origin=df_node["region"], node_loc=df_node["node"], ).pipe( broadcast, yv_ya_sw, time=pd.Series(sub_time), ), ] ) inp = pd.concat( [ inp, make_df( "input", technology="extract_groundwater", value=df_gwt["GW_per_km3_per_year"] + 0.043464579, unit="-", level="final", commodity="electr", mode="M1", time_origin="year", node_origin=df_node["region"], node_loc=df_node["node"], ).pipe( broadcast, yv_ya_gw, time=pd.Series(sub_time), ), ] ) inp = pd.concat( [ inp, make_df( "input", technology="extract_gw_fossil", value=(df_gwt["GW_per_km3_per_year"] + 0.043464579) * 2, # twice as much normal gw unit="-", level="final", commodity="electr", mode="M1", time_origin="year", node_origin=df_node["region"], node_loc=df_node["node"], ).pipe( broadcast, yv_ya_gw, time=pd.Series(sub_time), ), ] ) if context.type_reg == "global": inp.loc[ (inp["technology"].str.contains("extract_gw_fossil")) & (inp["year_act"] == 2020) & (inp["node_loc"] == "R11_SAS"), "value", ] *= 0.5 results["input"] = inp # Add output df for freshwater supply for basins output_df = ( make_df( "output", technology="extract_surfacewater", value=1, unit="-", level="water_supply_basin", commodity="freshwater_basin", mode="M1", node_loc=df_node["node"], node_dest=df_node["node"], ) .pipe( broadcast, yv_ya_sw, time=pd.Series(sub_time), ) .pipe(same_time) ) # Add output df for groundwater supply for basins output_df = pd.concat( [ output_df, make_df( "output", technology="extract_groundwater", value=1, unit="-", level="water_supply_basin", commodity="freshwater_basin", mode="M1", node_loc=df_node["node"], node_dest=df_node["node"], ) .pipe( broadcast, yv_ya_gw, time=pd.Series(sub_time), ) .pipe(same_time), ] ) # Add output df for groundwater supply for basins output_df = pd.concat( [ output_df, make_df( "output", technology="extract_gw_fossil", value=1, unit="-", level="water_supply_basin", commodity="freshwater_basin", mode="M1", node_loc=df_node["node"], node_dest=df_node["node"], time_origin="year", ) .pipe( broadcast, yv_ya_gw, time=pd.Series(sub_time), ) .pipe(same_time), ] ) # Add output of saline water supply for regions output_df = pd.concat( [ output_df, make_df( "output", technology="extract_salinewater", value=1, unit="km3", year_vtg=year_wat, year_act=year_wat, level="saline_supply", commodity="saline_ppl", mode="M1", time="year", time_dest="year", time_origin="year", ) .pipe(broadcast, node_loc=node_region) .pipe(same_node), ] ) hist_new_cap = make_df( "historical_new_capacity", node_loc=df_hist["BCU_name"], technology="extract_surfacewater", value=df_hist["hist_cap_sw_km3_year"] / 5, # n period unit="km3/year", year_vtg=2015, ) hist_new_cap = pd.concat( [ hist_new_cap, make_df( "historical_new_capacity", node_loc=df_hist["BCU_name"], technology="extract_groundwater", value=df_hist["hist_cap_gw_km3_year"] / 5, unit="km3/year", year_vtg=2015, ), ] ) results["historical_new_capacity"] = hist_new_cap # output data frame linking water supply to energy dummy technology output_df = pd.concat( [ output_df, make_df( "output", technology="basin_to_reg", value=1, unit="-", level="water_supply", commodity="freshwater", time_dest="year", node_loc=df_node["region"], node_dest=df_node["region"], mode=df_node["mode"], ).pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, time=pd.Series(sub_time)), ] ) output_df["year_act"] = output_df["year_vtg"] results["output"] = output_df # dummy variable cost for dummy water to energy technology var = make_df( "var_cost", technology="basin_to_reg", mode=df_node["mode"], node_loc=df_node["region"], value=20, unit="-", ).pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, time=pd.Series(sub_time)) var["year_act"] = var["year_vtg"] # # Dummy cost for extract surface ewater to prioritize water sources # var = pd.concat([var, make_df( # "var_cost", # technology='extract_surfacewater', # value= 0.0001, # unit="USD/km3", # mode="M1", # time="year", # ).pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, # year_act=year_wat, node_loc=df_node["node"] # ) # ]) # # Dummy cost for extract groundwater # var = pd.concat([var, make_df( # "var_cost", # technology='extract_groundwater', # value= 0.001, # unit="USD/km3", # mode="M1", # time="year", # ).pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, # year_act=year_wat, node_loc=df_node["node"] # ]) # ) results["var_cost"] = var # load the share of sw df_sw = map_basin_region_wat(context) share = make_df( "share_mode_up", shares="share_basin", technology="basin_to_reg", mode=df_sw["mode"], node_share=df_sw["MSGREG"], time=df_sw["time"], value=df_sw["share"], unit="%", year_act=df_sw["year"], ) results["share_mode_up"] = share tl = ( make_df( "technical_lifetime", technology="extract_surfacewater", value=50, unit="y", ) .pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, node_loc=df_node["node"]) .pipe(same_node) ) tl = pd.concat( [ tl, make_df( "technical_lifetime", technology="extract_groundwater", value=20, unit="y", ) .pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, node_loc=df_node["node"]) .pipe(same_node), ] ) tl = pd.concat( [ tl, make_df( "technical_lifetime", technology="extract_gw_fossil", value=20, unit="y", ) .pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, node_loc=df_node["node"]) .pipe(same_node), ] ) results["technical_lifetime"] = tl # Prepare dataframe for investments inv_cost = make_df( "inv_cost", technology="extract_surfacewater", value=155.57, unit="USD/km3", ).pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, node_loc=df_node["node"]) inv_cost = pd.concat( [ inv_cost, make_df( "inv_cost", technology="extract_groundwater", value=54.52, unit="USD/km3", ).pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, node_loc=df_node["node"]), ] ) inv_cost = pd.concat( [ inv_cost, make_df( "inv_cost", technology="extract_gw_fossil", value=54.52 * 150, # assume higher as normal GW unit="USD/km3", ).pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year_wat, node_loc=df_node["node"]), ] ) results["inv_cost"] = inv_cost fix_cost = make_df( "fix_cost", technology="extract_gw_fossil", value=300, # assumed unit="USD/km3", ).pipe(broadcast, yv_ya_gw, node_loc=df_node["node"]) results["fix_cost"] = fix_cost return results
[docs] def add_e_flow(context: "Context") -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Add environmental flows This function bounds the available water and allocates the environmental flows.Environmental flow bounds are calculated using Variable Monthly Flow (VMF) method. The VMF method is applied to wet and dry seasonal runoff values. These wet and dry seasonal values are then aggregated to annual values.Environmental flows in the model will be incorporated as bounds on 'return_flow' technology. The lower bound on this technology will ensure that certain amount of water remain Parameters ---------- context : .Context Returns ------- data : dict of (str -> pandas.DataFrame) Keys are MESSAGE parameter names such as 'input', 'fix_cost'. Values are data frames ready for :meth:`~.Scenario.add_par`. Years in the data include the model horizon indicated by ``context["water build info"]``, plus the additional year 2010. """ # define an empty dictionary results = {} info = context["water build info"] # Adding freshwater supply constraints # Reading data, the data is spatially and temprally aggregated from GHMs df_sw, df_gw = read_water_availability(context) # reading sample for assiging basins PATH = package_data_path( "water", "delineation", f"basins_by_region_simpl_{context.regions}.csv" ) df_x = pd.read_csv(PATH) dmd_df = make_df( "demand", node="B" + df_sw["Region"].astype(str), commodity="surfacewater_basin", level="water_avail_basin", year=df_sw["year"], time=df_sw["time"], value=df_sw["value"], unit="km3/year", ) dmd_df = dmd_df[dmd_df["year"] >= 2025].reset_index(drop=True) dmd_df["value"] = dmd_df["value"].apply(lambda x: x if x >= 0 else 0) if "year" in context.time: # Reading data, the data is spatially and temporally aggregated from GHMs path1 = package_data_path( "water", "availability", f"e-flow_{context.RCP}_{context.regions}.csv", ) df_env = pd.read_csv(path1) df_env.drop(["Unnamed: 0"], axis=1, inplace=True) df_env.index = df_x["BCU_name"].index df_env = df_env.stack().reset_index() df_env.columns = pd.Index(["Region", "years", "value"]) df_env.sort_values(["Region", "years", "value"], inplace=True) df_env.fillna(0, inplace=True) df_env.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_env["year"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df_env["years"]).year df_env["time"] = "year" df_env2210 = df_env[df_env["year"] == 2100].copy() df_env2210.loc["year"] = 2110 df_env = pd.concat([df_env, df_env2210]) df_env = df_env[df_env["year"].isin(info.Y)] else: # Reading data, the data is spatially and temporally aggregated from GHMs path1 = package_data_path( "water", "availability", f"e-flow_5y_m_{context.RCP}_{context.regions}.csv", ) df_env = pd.read_csv(path1) df_env.drop(["Unnamed: 0"], axis=1, inplace=True) # new_cols = pd.to_datetime(df_env.columns, format="%Y/%m/%d") # df_env.columns = new_cols df_env.index = df_x["BCU_name"].index df_env = df_env.stack().reset_index() df_env.columns = pd.Index(["Region", "years", "value"]) df_env.sort_values(["Region", "years", "value"], inplace=True) df_env.fillna(0, inplace=True) df_env.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_env["year"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df_env["years"]).year df_env["time"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df_env["years"]).month df_env2210 = df_env[df_env["year"] == 2100].copy() df_env2210.loc["year"] = 2110 df_env = pd.concat([df_env, df_env2210]) df_env = df_env[df_env["year"].isin(info.Y)] # Return a processed dataframe for env flow calculations if context.SDG != "baseline": # dataframe to put constraints on env flows eflow_df = make_df( "bound_activity_lo", node_loc="B" + df_env["Region"].astype(str), technology="return_flow", year_act=df_env["year"], mode="M1", time=df_env["time"], value=df_env["value"], unit="km3/year", ) eflow_df["value"] = eflow_df["value"].apply(lambda x: x if x >= 0 else 0) eflow_df = eflow_df[eflow_df["year_act"] >= 2025].reset_index(drop=True) dmd_df.sort_values(by=["node", "year"], inplace=True) dmd_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) eflow_df.sort_values(by=["node_loc", "year_act"], inplace=True) eflow_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) eflow_df["value"] = np.where( eflow_df["value"] >= 0.7 * dmd_df["value"], 0.7 * dmd_df["value"], eflow_df["value"], ) results["bound_activity_lo"] = eflow_df return results