Source code for

"""Prepare data for water use for cooling & energy technologies."""

import logging
from typing import Literal, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from message_ix import make_df

from message_ix_models import Context
from import map_basin_region_wat
from message_ix_models.util import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def missing_tech(x: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: """Assign values to missing data. It goes through the input data frame and extract the technologies which don't have input values and then assign manual values to those technologies along with assigning them an arbitrary level i.e dummy supply """ data_dic = { "geo_hpl": 1 / 0.850, "geo_ppl": 1 / 0.385, "gas_hpl": 1 / 0.3, "foil_hpl": 1 / 0.25, "nuc_hc": 1 / 0.326, "nuc_lc": 1 / 0.326, "solar_th_ppl": 1 / 0.385, "csp_sm1_res": 1 / 0.385, "csp_sm3_res": 1 / 0.385, } if pd.notna(x["technology"]): # Find a matching key in `data_dic` using substring matching matched_key = next((key for key in data_dic if key in x["technology"]), None) if matched_key: value = data_dic[matched_key] if x["value"] < 1: value = max(x["value"], value) # for backwards compatibility return ( pd.Series({"value": value, "level": "dummy_supply"}) if x["level"] == "cooling" else pd.Series({"value": value, "level": x["level"]}) ) # Return the original values if no match is found return pd.Series({"value": x["value"], "level": x["level"]})
[docs] def cooling_fr(x: pd.Series) -> float: """Calculate cooling fraction Returns ------- The calculated cooling fraction after for two categories; 1. Technologies that produce heat as an output cooling_fraction(h_cool) = input value(hi) - 1 Simply subtract 1 from the heating value since the rest of the part is already accounted in the heating value 2. Rest of technologies h_cool = hi -Hi* h_fg - 1, where: h_fg (flue gasses losses) = 0.1 (10% assumed losses) """ try: if "hpl" in x["parent_tech"]: return x["value"] - 1 else: return x["value"] - (x["value"] * 0.1) - 1 except KeyError: return x["value"] - (x["value"] * 0.1) - 1
[docs] def shares( x: pd.Series, context: "Context", search_cols_cooling_fraction: list, hold_df: pd.DataFrame, search_cols: list, ) -> pd.Series: """Process share and cooling fraction. Returns ------- Product of value of shares of cooling technology types of regions with corresponding cooling fraction """ for col in search_cols_cooling_fraction: col2 = context.map_ISO_c[col] if context.type_reg == "country" else col # Filter the cooling fraction cooling_fraction = hold_df[ (hold_df["node_loc"] == col2) & (hold_df["technology_name"] == x["technology"]) ]["cooling_fraction"] # Log unmatched rows if cooling_fraction.empty: f"No cooling_fraction found for node_loc: {col2}, " f"technology: {x['technology']}" ) cooling_fraction = pd.Series([0]) # Ensure the Series is not empty before accessing its first element # # Default to 0 if cooling_fraction is empty x[col] = ( x[col] * cooling_fraction.iloc[0] if not cooling_fraction.empty else x[col] * 0 ) # Construct the output results = [] for i in x: if isinstance(i, str): results.append(i) else: results.append(float(i) if not isinstance(i, pd.Series) else i.iloc[0]) return pd.Series(results, index=search_cols)
[docs] def hist_act(x: pd.Series, context: "Context", hold_cost: pd.DataFrame) -> list: """Calculate historical activity of cooling technology. The data for shares is read from ``cooltech_cost_and_shares_ssp_msg.csv`` Returns ------- hist_activity(cooling_tech) = hist_activitiy(parent_technology) * share *cooling_fraction """ tech_df = hold_cost[ hold_cost["technology"].str.startswith( ] # [x.node_loc] node_search = context.regions if context.type_reg == "country" else x["node_loc"] node_loc = x["node_loc"] technology = x["technology"] cooling_technologies = list(tech_df["technology"]) new_values = tech_df[node_search] * x.value return [ [ node_loc, technology, cooling_technology, x.year_act, x.value, new_value, x.unit, ] for new_value, cooling_technology in zip(new_values, cooling_technologies) ]
[docs] def hist_cap(x: pd.Series, context: "Context", hold_cost: pd.DataFrame) -> list: """Calculate historical capacity of cooling technology. The data for shares is read from ``cooltech_cost_and_shares_ssp_msg.csv`` Returns ------- hist_new_capacity(cooling_tech) = historical_new_capacity(parent_technology)* share * cooling_fraction """ tech_df = hold_cost[ hold_cost["technology"].str.startswith( ] # [x.node_loc] if context.type_reg == "country": node_search = context.regions else: node_search = x["node_loc"] # R11_EEU node_loc = x["node_loc"] technology = x["technology"] cooling_technologies = list(tech_df["technology"]) new_values = tech_df[node_search] * x.value return [ [ node_loc, technology, cooling_technology, x.year_vtg, x.value, new_value, x.unit, ] for new_value, cooling_technology in zip(new_values, cooling_technologies) ]
[docs] def relax_growth_constraint( ref_hist: pd.DataFrame, scen, cooling_df: pd.DataFrame, g_lo: pd.DataFrame, constraint_type: Literal[Union["activity", "new_capacity", "total_capacity"]], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Checks if the parent technologies are shut down and require relaxing the growth constraint. Parameters ---------- ref_hist : pd.DataFrame Historical data in the reference scenario. scen : Scenario Scenario object to retrieve necessary parameters. cooling_df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing information on cooling technologies and their parent technologies. g_lo : pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing growth constraints for each technology. constraint_type : {"activity", "new_capacity"} Type of constraint to check, either "activity" for operational limits or "new_capacity" for capacity expansion limits. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Updated `g_lo` DataFrame with relaxed growth constraints. """ year_type = "year_vtg" if constraint_type == "new_capacity" else "year_act" year_hist = "year_act" if constraint_type == "activity" else "year_vtg" print(year_type) bound_param = ( "bound_activity_lo" if constraint_type == "activity" else "bound_new_capacity_lo" if constraint_type == "new_capacity" else "bound_total_capacity_lo" ) print(bound_param) # keep rows with max year_type max_year_hist = ( ref_hist.loc[ref_hist.groupby(["node_loc", "technology"])[year_hist].idxmax()] .drop(columns="unit") .rename(columns={year_hist: "hist_year", "value": "hist_value"}) ) # Step 2: Check for bound_activity_up or bound_new_capacity_up conditions bound_up_pare = scen.par(bound_param, {"technology": cooling_df["parent_tech"]}) # Get a set with unique year_type values and order them years = np.sort(bound_up_pare[year_type].unique()) # In max_year_hist add the next year from years matching the hist_year columns max_year_hist["next_year"] = max_year_hist["hist_year"].apply( lambda x: years[years > x][0] if any(years > x) else None ) # Merge the max_year_hist with bound_up_pare bound_up = pd.merge(bound_up_pare, max_year_hist, how="left") # subset of first year after the historical # if next_year = None (single year test case) bound_up1 is simply empty bound_up1 = bound_up[bound_up[year_type] == bound_up["next_year"]] # Categories that might break the growth constraints bound_up1 = bound_up1[bound_up1["value"] > 0.9 * bound_up1["hist_value"]] # not look ad sudden contraints after sthe starting year bound_up = bound_up.sort_values(by=["node_loc", "technology", year_type]) # Check if value for a year is greater than the value of the next year bound_up["next_value"] = bound_up.groupby(["node_loc", "technology"])[ "value" ].shift(-1) bound_up2 = bound_up[bound_up["value"] < 0.9 * bound_up["next_value"]] bound_up2 = bound_up2.drop(columns=["next_value"]) # combine bound 1 and 2 combined_bound = ( pd.concat([bound_up1, bound_up2]).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) ) # Keep only node_loc, technology, and year_type combined_bound = combined_bound[["node_loc", "technology", year_type]] # Add columns with value "remove" to be able to use make_matched_dfs combined_bound["rem"] = "remove" combined_bound.rename(columns={"technology": "parent_tech"}, inplace=True) # map_par tec to parent tec map_parent = cooling_df[["technology_name", "parent_tech"]] map_parent.rename(columns={"technology_name": "technology"}, inplace=True) # expand bound_up to all cooling technologies in map_parent combined_bound = pd.merge(combined_bound, map_parent, how="left") # rename tear_type to year_act, because g_lo use it combined_bound.rename(columns={year_type: "year_act"}, inplace=True) # Merge to g_lo to be able to remove the technologies g_lo = pd.merge(g_lo, combined_bound, how="left") g_lo = g_lo[g_lo["rem"] != "remove"] # Remove column rem and parent_tech g_lo = g_lo.drop(columns=["rem", "parent_tech"]) return g_lo
[docs] def cooling_shares_SSP_from_yaml( context: "Context", # Aligning with the style of the functions provided ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Populate a DataFrame for 'share_commodity_up' from a YAML configuration file. Parameters ---------- context : Context Context object containing SSP information (e.g., context.SSP) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame populated with values from the YAML configuration file. """ # Load the YAML file FILE = "ssp.yaml" yaml_file_path = package_data_path("water", FILE) try: with open(yaml_file_path, "r") as file: yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(file) except FileNotFoundError: log.warning(f"YAML file '{FILE}' not found. Please, check your data.") # Read the SSP from the context ssp = context.ssp # Navigate to the scenarios section in the YAML file macro_regions_data = yaml_data.get("macro-regions", {}) scenarios = yaml_data.get("scenarios", {}) # Validate that the SSP exists in the YAML data if ssp not in scenarios: log.warning( f"SSP '{ssp}' not found in the 'scenarios' section of the YAML file." ) return pd.DataFrame() # Extract data for the specified SSP ssp_data = scenarios[ssp]["cooling_tech"] # Initialize an empty list to hold DataFrames df_region = pd.DataFrame() info = context["water build info"] year_constraint = [year for year in info.Y if year >= 2050] # Loop through all regions and shares for macro_region, region_data in ssp_data.items(): share_data = region_data.get("share_commodity_up", {}) reg_shares = macro_regions_data[macro_region] # filter reg shares that are also in info.N reg_shares = [ node for node in info.N if any(node.endswith(reg_share) for reg_share in reg_shares) ] for share, value in share_data.items(): # Create a DataFrame for the current region and share df_region = pd.concat( [ df_region, make_df( "share_commodity_up", shares=[share], time=["year"], value=[value], unit=["-"], ).pipe(broadcast, year_act=year_constraint, node_share=reg_shares), ] ) return df_region
# water & electricity for cooling technologies
[docs] @minimum_version("message_ix 3.7") def cool_tech(context: "Context") -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Process cooling technology data for a scenario instance. The input values of parent technologies are read in from a scenario instance and then cooling fractions are calculated by using the data from ``tech_water_performance_ssp_msg.csv``. It adds cooling technologies as addons to the parent technologies. The nomenclature for cooling technology is <parenttechnologyname>__<coolingtype>. E.g: `coal_ppl__ot_fresh` Parameters ---------- context : .Context Returns ------- data : dict of (str -> pandas.DataFrame) Keys are MESSAGE parameter names such as 'input', 'fix_cost'. Values are data frames ready for :meth:`~.Scenario.add_par`. Years in the data include the model horizon indicated by ``context["water build info"]``, plus the additional year 2010. """ #: Name of the input file. # The input file mentions water withdrawals and emission heating fractions for # cooling technologies alongwith parent technologies: FILE = "tech_water_performance_ssp_msg.csv" # Investment costs & regional shares of hist. activities of cooling # technologies FILE1 = ( "cooltech_cost_and_shares_" + (f"ssp_msg_{context.regions}" if context.type_reg == "global" else "country") + ".csv" ) # define an empty dictionary results = {} # Reference to the water configuration info = context["water build info"] sub_time = context.time # reading basin_delineation FILE2 = f"basins_by_region_simpl_{context.regions}.csv" PATH = package_data_path("water", "delineation", FILE2) df_node = pd.read_csv(PATH) # Assigning proper nomenclature df_node["node"] = "B" + df_node["BCU_name"].astype(str) df_node["mode"] = "M" + df_node["BCU_name"].astype(str) df_node["region"] = ( context.map_ISO_c[context.regions] if context.type_reg == "country" else f"{context.regions}_" + df_node["REGION"].astype(str) ) node_region = df_node["region"].unique() # reading ppl cooling tech dataframe path = package_data_path("water", "ppl_cooling_tech", FILE) df = pd.read_csv(path) cooling_df = df.loc[df["technology_group"] == "cooling"].copy() # Separate a column for parent technologies of respective cooling # techs cooling_df["parent_tech"] = ( cooling_df["technology_name"] .apply(lambda x: pd.Series(str(x).split("__"))) .drop(columns=1) ) scen = context.get_scenario() # Extracting input database from scenario for parent technologies # Extracting input values from scenario ref_input = scen.par("input", {"technology": cooling_df["parent_tech"]}) # list of tec in cooling_df["parent_tech"] that are not in ref_input missing_tec = cooling_df["parent_tech"][ ~cooling_df["parent_tech"].isin(ref_input["technology"]) ] # some techs only have output, like csp ref_output = scen.par("output", {"technology": missing_tec}) # set columns names of ref_output to be the same as ref_input ref_output.columns = ref_input.columns # merge ref_input and ref_output ref_input = pd.concat([ref_input, ref_output]) # Extracting historical activity from scenario ref_hist_act = scen.par( "historical_activity", {"technology": cooling_df["parent_tech"]} ) # Extracting historical capacity from scenario ref_hist_cap = scen.par( "historical_new_capacity", {"technology": cooling_df["parent_tech"]} ) ref_input[["value", "level"]] = ref_input.apply(missing_tech, axis=1) # Combines the input df of parent_tech with water withdrawal data input_cool = ( cooling_df.set_index("parent_tech") .combine_first(ref_input.set_index("technology")) .reset_index() ) # Drops NA values from the value column input_cool = input_cool.dropna(subset=["value"]) # Convert year values into integers to be compatibel for model input_cool.year_vtg = input_cool.year_vtg.astype(int) input_cool.year_act = input_cool.year_act.astype(int) # Drops extra technologies from the data. backwards compatibility input_cool = input_cool[ (input_cool["level"] != "water_supply") & (input_cool["level"] != "cooling") ] # heat plants need no cooling input_cool = input_cool[ ~input_cool["technology_name"].str.contains("hpl", na=False) ] # Swap node_loc if node_loc equals "{context.regions}_GLB" input_cool.loc[input_cool["node_loc"] == f"{context.regions}_GLB", "node_loc"] = ( input_cool["node_origin"] ) # Swap node_origin if node_origin equals "{context.regions}_GLB" input_cool.loc[ input_cool["node_origin"] == f"{context.regions}_GLB", "node_origin" ] = input_cool["node_loc"] input_cool["cooling_fraction"] = input_cool.apply(cooling_fr, axis=1) # Converting water withdrawal units to Km3/GWa # this refers to activity per cooling requirement (heat) input_cool["value_cool"] = ( input_cool["water_withdrawal_mid_m3_per_output"] * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 1e-9 / input_cool["cooling_fraction"] ) input_cool["return_rate"] = 1 - ( input_cool["water_consumption_mid_m3_per_output"] / input_cool["water_withdrawal_mid_m3_per_output"] ) # consumption to be saved in emissions rates for reporting purposes input_cool["consumption_rate"] = ( input_cool["water_consumption_mid_m3_per_output"] / input_cool["water_withdrawal_mid_m3_per_output"] ) input_cool["value_return"] = input_cool["return_rate"] * input_cool["value_cool"] # only for reporting purposes input_cool["value_consumption"] = ( input_cool["consumption_rate"] * input_cool["value_cool"] ) # def foo3(x): # """ # This function is similar to foo2, but it returns electricity values # per unit of cooling for techs that require parasitic electricity demand # """ # if "hpl" in x['index']: # return x['parasitic_electricity_demand_fraction'] # # elif x['parasitic_electricity_demand_fraction'] > 0.0: # return x['parasitic_electricity_demand_fraction'] / x['cooling_fraction'] # Filter out technologies that requires parasitic electricity electr = input_cool[input_cool["parasitic_electricity_demand_fraction"] > 0.0] # Make a new column 'value_cool' for calculating values against technologies electr["value_cool"] = ( electr["parasitic_electricity_demand_fraction"] / electr["cooling_fraction"] ) # Filters out technologies requiring saline water supply saline_df = input_cool[ input_cool["technology_name"].str.endswith("ot_saline", na=False) ] # input_cool_minus_saline_elec_df con1 = input_cool["technology_name"].str.endswith("ot_saline", na=False) con2 = input_cool["technology_name"].str.endswith("air", na=False) icmse_df = input_cool[(~con1) & (~con2)] # electricity inputs inp = make_df( "input", node_loc=electr["node_loc"], technology=electr["technology_name"], year_vtg=electr["year_vtg"], year_act=electr["year_act"], mode=electr["mode"], node_origin=electr["node_origin"], commodity="electr", level="secondary", time="year", time_origin="year", value=electr["value_cool"], unit="GWa", ) # once through and closed loop freshwater inp = pd.concat( [ inp, make_df( "input", node_loc=icmse_df["node_loc"], technology=icmse_df["technology_name"], year_vtg=icmse_df["year_vtg"], year_act=icmse_df["year_act"], mode=icmse_df["mode"], node_origin=icmse_df["node_origin"], commodity="freshwater", level="water_supply", time="year", time_origin="year", value=icmse_df["value_cool"], unit="km3/GWa", ), ] ) # saline cooling technologies inp = pd.concat( [ inp, make_df( "input", node_loc=saline_df["node_loc"], technology=saline_df["technology_name"], year_vtg=saline_df["year_vtg"], year_act=saline_df["year_act"], mode=saline_df["mode"], node_origin=saline_df["node_origin"], commodity="saline_ppl", level="saline_supply", time="year", time_origin="year", value=saline_df["value_cool"], unit="km3/GWa", ), ] ) # Drops NA values from the value column inp = inp.dropna(subset=["value"]) # append the input data to results results["input"] = inp # add water consumption as emission factor, also for saline tecs emiss_df = input_cool[(~con2)] emi = make_df( "emission_factor", node_loc=emiss_df["node_loc"], technology=emiss_df["technology_name"], year_vtg=emiss_df["year_vtg"], year_act=emiss_df["year_act"], mode=emiss_df["mode"], emission="fresh_return", value=emiss_df["value_return"], unit="km3/yr", ) results["emission_factor"] = emi # add output for share contraints to introduce SSP assumptions # also in the nexus case, the share contraints are at the macro-regions out = make_df( "output", node_loc=input_cool["node_loc"], technology=input_cool["technology_name"], year_vtg=input_cool["year_vtg"], year_act=input_cool["year_act"], mode=input_cool["mode"], node_dest=input_cool["node_origin"], commodity=input_cool["technology_name"].str.split("__").str[1], level="share", time="year", time_dest="year", value=1, unit="-", ) # add water return flows for cooling tecs # Use share of basin availability to distribute the return flow from df_sw = map_basin_region_wat(context) df_sw.drop(columns={"mode", "date", "MSGREG"}, inplace=True) df_sw.rename( columns={"region": "node_dest", "time": "time_dest", "year": "year_act"}, inplace=True, ) df_sw["time_dest"] = df_sw["time_dest"].astype(str) if context.nexus_set == "nexus": for nn in icmse_df.node_loc.unique(): # input cooling fresh basin icfb_df = icmse_df[icmse_df["node_loc"] == nn] bs = list(df_node[df_node["region"] == nn]["node"]) out_t = ( make_df( "output", node_loc=icfb_df["node_loc"], technology=icfb_df["technology_name"], year_vtg=icfb_df["year_vtg"], year_act=icfb_df["year_act"], mode=icfb_df["mode"], # node_origin=icmse_df["node_origin"], commodity="surfacewater_basin", level="water_avail_basin", time="year", value=icfb_df["value_return"], unit="km3/GWa", ) .pipe(broadcast, node_dest=bs, time_dest=sub_time) .merge(df_sw, how="left") ) # multiply by basin water availability share out_t["value"] = out_t["value"] * out_t["share"] out_t.drop(columns={"share"}, inplace=True) out = pd.concat([out, out_t]) out = out.dropna(subset=["value"]) out.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # in any case save out into results results["output"] = out # costs and historical parameters path1 = package_data_path("water", "ppl_cooling_tech", FILE1) cost = pd.read_csv(path1) # Combine technology name to get full cooling tech names cost["technology"] = cost["utype"] + "__" + cost["cooling"] # Filtering out 2010 data to use for historical values input_cool_2020 = input_cool[ (input_cool["year_act"] == 2020) & (input_cool["year_vtg"] == 2020) ] # Filter out columns that contain 'mix' in column name columns = [col for col in cost.columns if "mix_" in col] # Rename column names to R11 to match with the previous df cost.rename(columns=lambda name: name.replace("mix_", ""), inplace=True) search_cols = [ col for col in cost.columns if context.regions in col or "technology" in col ] hold_df = input_cool_2020[ ["node_loc", "technology_name", "cooling_fraction"] ].drop_duplicates() search_cols_cooling_fraction = [col for col in search_cols if col != "technology"] # Apply function to the hold_cost = cost[search_cols].apply( shares, axis=1, context=context, search_cols_cooling_fraction=search_cols_cooling_fraction, hold_df=hold_df, search_cols=search_cols, ) changed_value_series = ref_hist_act.apply( hist_act, axis=1, context=context, hold_cost=hold_cost ) changed_value_series_flat = [ row for series in changed_value_series for row in series ] columns = [ "node_loc", "technology", "cooling_technology", "year_act", "value", "new_value", "unit", ] # dataframe for historical activities of cooling techs act_value_df = pd.DataFrame(changed_value_series_flat, columns=columns) act_value_df = act_value_df[act_value_df["new_value"] > 0] changed_value_series = ref_hist_cap.apply( hist_cap, axis=1, context=context, hold_cost=hold_cost ) changed_value_series_flat = [ row for series in changed_value_series for row in series ] columns = [ "node_loc", "technology", "cooling_technology", "year_vtg", "value", "new_value", "unit", ] cap_value_df = pd.DataFrame(changed_value_series_flat, columns=columns) cap_value_df = cap_value_df[cap_value_df["new_value"] > 0] # Make model compatible df for historical activitiy h_act = make_df( "historical_activity", node_loc=act_value_df["node_loc"], technology=act_value_df["cooling_technology"], year_act=act_value_df["year_act"], mode="M1", time="year", value=act_value_df["new_value"], # TODO finalize units unit="GWa", ) results["historical_activity"] = h_act # Make model compatible df for histroical new capacity h_cap = make_df( "historical_new_capacity", node_loc=cap_value_df["node_loc"], technology=cap_value_df["cooling_technology"], year_vtg=cap_value_df["year_vtg"], value=cap_value_df["new_value"], unit="GWa", ) results["historical_new_capacity"] = h_cap # Manually removing extra technologies not required # TODO make it automatic to not include the names manually techs_to_remove = [ "mw_ppl__ot_fresh", "mw_ppl__ot_saline", "mw_ppl__cl_fresh", "mw_ppl__air", "nuc_fbr__ot_fresh", "nuc_fbr__ot_saline", "nuc_fbr__cl_fresh", "nuc_fbr__air", "nuc_htemp__ot_fresh", "nuc_htemp__ot_saline", "nuc_htemp__cl_fresh", "nuc_htemp__air", ] from import Config from import create_cost_projections # Set config for cost projections # Using GDP method for cost projections cfg = Config( module="cooling", scenario=context.ssp, method="gdp", node=context.regions ) # Get projected investment and fixed o&m costs cost_proj = create_cost_projections(cfg) # Get only the investment costs for cooling technologies inv_cost = cost_proj["inv_cost"][ ["year_vtg", "node_loc", "technology", "value", "unit"] ] # Remove technologies that are not required inv_cost = inv_cost[~inv_cost["technology"].isin(techs_to_remove)] # Only keep cooling module technologies by filtering for technologies with "__" inv_cost = inv_cost[inv_cost["technology"].str.contains("__")] # Add the investment costs to the results results["inv_cost"] = inv_cost # Addon conversion adon_df = input_cool.copy() # Add 'cooling_' before name of parent technologies that are type_addon # nomenclature adon_df["tech"] = "cooling__" + adon_df["parent_tech"].astype(str) # technology : 'parent technology' and type_addon is type of addons such # as 'cooling__bio_hpl' addon_df = make_df( "addon_conversion", node=adon_df["node_loc"], technology=adon_df["parent_tech"], year_vtg=adon_df["year_vtg"], year_act=adon_df["year_act"], mode=adon_df["mode"], time="year", type_addon=adon_df["tech"], value=adon_df["cooling_fraction"], unit="km3/GWa", ) results["addon_conversion"] = addon_df # Addon_lo will remain 1 for all cooling techs so it allows 100% activity of # parent technologies addon_lo = make_matched_dfs(addon_df, addon_lo=1) results["addon_lo"] = addon_lo["addon_lo"] # technical lifetime # make_matched_dfs didn't map all technologies # tl = make_matched_dfs(inv_cost, # technical_lifetime = 30) year = info.Y if 2010 in year: pass else: year.insert(0, 2010) tl = ( make_df( "technical_lifetime", technology=inp["technology"].drop_duplicates(), value=30, unit="year", ) .pipe(broadcast, year_vtg=year, node_loc=node_region) .pipe(same_node) ) results["technical_lifetime"] = tl cap_fact = make_matched_dfs(inp, capacity_factor=1) # Climate Impacts on freshwater cooling capacity # Taken from # # pii/S0959378016301236?via%3Dihub#sec0080 if context.RCP == "no_climate": df = cap_fact["capacity_factor"] else: df = cap_fact["capacity_factor"] # reading ppl cooling impact dataframe path = package_data_path( "water", "ppl_cooling_tech", "power_plant_cooling_impact_MESSAGE.xlsx" ) df_impact = pd.read_excel(path, sheet_name=f"{context.regions}_{context.RCP}") for n in df_impact["node"]: conditions = [ df["technology"].str.contains("fresh") & (df["year_act"] >= 2025) & (df["year_act"] < 2050) & (df["node_loc"] == n), df["technology"].str.contains("fresh") & (df["year_act"] >= 2050) & (df["year_act"] < 2070) & (df["node_loc"] == n), df["technology"].str.contains("fresh") & (df["year_act"] >= 2070) & (df["node_loc"] == n), ] choices = [ df_impact[(df_impact["node"] == n)]["2025s"], df_impact[(df_impact["node"] == n)]["2050s"], df_impact[(df_impact["node"] == n)]["2070s"], ] df["value"] =, choices, default=df["value"]) results["capacity_factor"] = df # results = {par_name: pd.concat(dfs) for par_name, dfs in results.items()} # growth activity up to avoid sudden switch in the cooling techs g_up = make_df( "growth_activity_up", technology=inp["technology"].drop_duplicates(), value=0.05, unit="%", time="year", ).pipe(broadcast, year_act=info.Y, node_loc=node_region) # relax growth constraints for activity jumps of parent technologies g_up = relax_growth_constraint(ref_hist_act, scen, cooling_df, g_up, "activity") # relax growth constraints for capacity jumps of parent technologies g_up = relax_growth_constraint(ref_hist_cap, scen, cooling_df, g_up, "new_capacity") g_up = relax_growth_constraint( ref_hist_cap, scen, cooling_df, g_up, "total_capacity" ) results["growth_activity_up"] = g_up # add share constraints for cooling technologies based on SSP assumptions df_share = cooling_shares_SSP_from_yaml(context) if not df_share.empty: results["share_commodity_up"] = df_share return results
# Water use & electricity for non-cooling technologies
[docs] def non_cooling_tec(context: "Context") -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Process data for water usage of power plants (non-cooling technology related). Water withdrawal values for power plants are read in from ``tech_water_performance_ssp_msg.csv`` Parameters ---------- context : .Context Returns ------- data : dict of (str -> pandas.DataFrame) Keys are MESSAGE parameter names such as 'input', 'fix_cost'. Values are data frames ready for :meth:`~.Scenario.add_par`. Years in the data include the model horizon indicated by ``context["transport build info"]``, plus the additional year 2010. """ results = {} FILE = "tech_water_performance_ssp_msg.csv" path = package_data_path("water", "ppl_cooling_tech", FILE) df = pd.read_csv(path) cooling_df = df.copy() cooling_df = cooling_df.loc[cooling_df["technology_group"] == "cooling"] # Separate a column for parent technologies of respective cooling # techs cooling_df["parent_tech"] = ( cooling_df["technology_name"] .apply(lambda x: pd.Series(str(x).split("__"))) .drop(columns=1) ) non_cool_df = df[ (df["technology_group"] != "cooling") & (df["water_supply_type"] == "freshwater_supply") ] scen = context.get_scenario() tec_lt = scen.par("technical_lifetime") all_tech = list(tec_lt["technology"].unique()) # all_tech = list(scen.set("technology")) tech_non_cool_csv = list(non_cool_df["technology_name"]) techs_to_remove = [tec for tec in tech_non_cool_csv if tec not in all_tech] non_cool_df = non_cool_df[~non_cool_df["technology_name"].isin(techs_to_remove)] non_cool_df = non_cool_df.rename(columns={"technology_name": "technology"}) non_cool_df["value"] = ( non_cool_df["water_withdrawal_mid_m3_per_output"] * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * (1e-9) ) non_cool_tech = list(non_cool_df["technology"].unique()) n_cool_df = scen.par("output", {"technology": non_cool_tech}) n_cool_df = n_cool_df[ (n_cool_df["node_loc"] != f"{context.regions}_GLB") & (n_cool_df["node_dest"] != f"{context.regions}_GLB") ] n_cool_df_merge = pd.merge(n_cool_df, non_cool_df, on="technology", how="right") n_cool_df_merge.dropna(inplace=True) # Input dataframe for non cooling technologies # only water withdrawals are being taken # Only freshwater supply is assumed for simplicity inp_n_cool = make_df( "input", technology=n_cool_df_merge["technology"], value=n_cool_df_merge["value_y"], unit="km3/GWa", level="water_supply", commodity="freshwater", time_origin="year", mode="M1", time="year", year_vtg=n_cool_df_merge["year_vtg"].astype(int), year_act=n_cool_df_merge["year_act"].astype(int), node_loc=n_cool_df_merge["node_loc"], node_origin=n_cool_df_merge["node_dest"], ) # append the input data to results results["input"] = inp_n_cool return results