Source code for message_ix_models.model.water.cli

import logging

import click

from message_ix_models import Context
from message_ix_models.model.structure import get_codes
from import common_params

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# allows to activate water module"water-ix")
@click.option("--time", help="Manually defined time")
def cli(context: "Context", regions, time):
    """MESSAGEix-Water and Nexus variant."""
    water_ini(context, regions, time)

[docs]def water_ini(context: "Context", regions, time): """Add components of the MESSAGEix-Nexus module This function modifies model name & scenario name and verifies the region setup Parameters ---------- context : `class`:message.Context Information about target Scenario. regions : str (if not defined already in context.regions) Specifies what region definition is used ['R11','R12','ISO3'] """ from .utils import read_config # Ensure water model configuration is loaded read_config(context) if not context.scenario_info: context.scenario_info.update( dict(model="ENGAGE_SSP2_v4.1.7", scenario="baseline_clone_test") ) context.output_scenario = context.scenario_info["scenario"] context.output_model = context.scenario_info["model"] # Handle --regions; use a sensible default for MESSAGEix-Nexus if regions:"Regions choice {regions}") if regions in ["R14", "R32", "RCP"]: log.warning( "the MESSAGEix-Nexus module might not be compatible" "with your 'regions' choice" ) else:"Use default --regions=R11") regions = "R11" # add an attribute to distinguish country models if regions in ["R11", "R12", "R14", "R32", "RCP"]: context.type_reg = "global" else: context.type_reg = "country" context.regions = regions # create a mapping ISO code : # a region name, for other scripts # only needed for 1-country models nodes = get_codes(f"node/{context.regions}") nodes = list(map(str, nodes[nodes.index("World")].child)) if context.type_reg == "country": map_ISO_c = {context.regions: nodes[0]} context.map_ISO_c = map_ISO_c"mapping {context.map_ISO_c[context.regions]}") # deinfe the timestep if not time: sc_ref = context.get_scenario() time = sc_ref.set("time") sub_time = list(time[time != "year"]) if len(sub_time) == 0: context.time = ["year"] else: context.time = sub_time else: context.time = [time]"Using the following time-step for the water module: {context.time}")
# setting the time information in context _RCPS = ["no_climate", "6p0", "2p6", "7p0"] _REL = ["low", "med", "high"] @cli.command("nexus") @click.pass_obj @click.option( "--rcps", default="no_climate", type=click.Choice(_RCPS), show_default=True, help="Specifies the climate scenario used ['no_climate','6p0','2p6']", ) @click.option( "--rels", default="low", type=click.Choice(_REL), show_default=True, help="Specifies the reliability of hydrological data ['low','mid','high']", ) @click.option( "--sdgs", default="baseline", help="Defines if and what water SDG measures are activated", ) @click.option( "--macro", is_flag=True, help="Defines whether the model solves with macro", ) @common_params("regions") def nexus_cli(context: "Context", regions, rcps, sdgs, rels, macro=False): """ Add basin structure connected to the energy sector and water balance linking different water demands to supply. """ nexus(context, regions, rcps, sdgs, rels, macro)
[docs]def nexus(context: "Context", regions, rcps, sdgs, rels, macro=False): """Add basin structure connected to the energy sector and water balance linking different water demands to supply. Use the --url option to specify the base scenario. Parameters ---------- context : `class`:message.Context Information about target Scenario. regions : str (if not defined already in context.regions) Specifies what region definition is used ['R11','R12','ISO3'] RCP : str Specifies the climate scenario used ['no_climate','6p0','2p6'] SDG : Str Defines if and what water SDG measures are activated REL: str Specifies the reliability of hydrological data ['low','mid','high'] """ # add input information to the class context context.nexus_set = "nexus" if not context.regions: context.regions = regions context.RCP = rcps context.SDG = sdgs context.REL = rels"RCP assumption is {context.RCP}. SDG is {context.SDG}") from .build import main as build # Determine the output scenario name based on the --url CLI option. If the # user did not give a recognized value, this raises an error output_scenario_name = context.output_scenario + "_nexus" output_model_name = context.output_model # Clone and build sc_ref = context.get_scenario() scen = sc_ref.clone( model=output_model_name, scenario=output_scenario_name, keep_solution=False ) f" clone from {sc_ref.model}.{sc_ref.scenario} to {scen.model}.{scen.scenario}" ) # Exporting the built model (Scenario) to GAMS with an optional case name caseName = scen.model + "__" + scen.scenario + "__v" + str(scen.version) # Build build(context, scen) # Set scenario as default scen.set_as_default() # Solve if macro: scen.solve( model="MESSAGE-MACRO", solve_options={"lpmethod": "4", "scaind": "1"}, case=caseName, ) else: scen.solve(solve_options={"lpmethod": "4"}, case=caseName)
# if options["report"]: # # Also output diagnostic reports # from message_data.model.water import report, run_old_reporting # # old reporting # run_old_reporting(scen) #"Report plots to {rep.graph['config']['output_dir']}") # mark_time() @cli.command("cooling") @common_params("regions") @click.option( "--rcps", default="no_climate", type=click.Choice(_RCPS), show_default=True, help="Specifies the climate scenario used ['no_climate','6p0','2p6']", ) @click.option( "--rels", default="low", type=click.Choice(_REL), show_default=True, help="Specifies the reliability of hydrological data ['low','mid','high']", ) @click.pass_obj def cooling_cli(context, regions, rcps, rels): """Build and solve model with new cooling technologies.""" cooling(context, regions, rcps, rels)
[docs]def cooling(context, regions, rcps, rels): """Build and solve model with new cooling technologies. Use the --url option to specify the base scenario. Parameters ---------- context : `class`:message.Context Information about target Scenario. regions : str (if not defined already in context.regions) Specifies what region definition is used ['R11','R12','ISO3'] RCP : str Specifies the climate scenario used ['no_climate','6p0','2p6'] """ context.nexus_set = "cooling" context.RCP = rcps context.REL = rels from .build import main as build # Determine the output scenario name based on the --url CLI option. If the # user did not give a recognized value, this raises an error. output_scenario_name = context.output_scenario + "_cooling" output_model_name = context.output_model # Clone and build scen = context.get_scenario().clone( model=output_model_name, scenario=output_scenario_name, keep_solution=False ) print(scen.model) print(scen.scenario) # Exporting the built model (Scenario) to GAMS with an optional case name caseName = scen.model + "__" + scen.scenario + "__v" + str(scen.version) # Build build(context, scen) # Solve scen.solve(solve_options={"lpmethod": "4"}, case=caseName)
@cli.command("report") @click.pass_obj @click.option( "--sdgs", default="baseline", help="Defines if and what water SDG measures are activated", ) @click.option( "--water", is_flag=True, help="Default running legacy and water (full) otherwise only water, if specified", ) @common_params("output_model") def report_cli(context: "Context", output_model, sdgs, water=False): """function to run the water report_full from cli to the scenario defined by the user with --url Parameters ---------- context : `class`:message.Context Information about target Scenario. output_model : str (optional, otherwise default args used) Specifies the model name of the scenarios which are run. SDG : Str Defines if and what water SDG measures are activated """ reg = context.model.regions sc = context.get_scenario() if water: from import report report(sc, reg, sdgs) else: from import report_full report_full(sc, reg, sdgs)