Source code for message_ix_models.model.transport.non_ldv

"""Data for transport modes and technologies outside of LDVs."""

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from import Mapping
from functools import lru_cache, partial
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from genno import Computer, Key, KeySeq, MissingKeyError, Quantity, quote
from genno.core.key import KeyLike, iter_keys, single_key
from message_ix import make_df
from sdmx.model.v21 import Code

from message_ix_models.util import (

from . import files as exo
from .emission import ef_for_input

    from message_ix_models import Context
    from message_ix_models.types import ParameterData

    from .config import Config

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Target units for data produced for non-LDV technologies.
#: .. todo: this should be read from general model configuration.
UNITS = dict(
    # Appearing in input file
    inv_cost="GUSD_2010 / (Gv km)",  # Gv km of CAP
    fix_cost="GUSD_2010 / (Gv km)",  # Gv km of CAP
    var_cost="GUSD_2010 / (Gv km)",  # Gv km of ACT
    input="1.0 GWa / (Gv km)",
    output="Gv km",

ENERGY_OTHER_HEADER = """2020 energy demand for OTHER transport

Source: Extracted from IEA EWEB, 2022 OECD edition

Units: TJ

#: Shorthand for tags on keys
Oi = "::O+ixmp"
Pi = "::P+ixmp"

[docs] def prepare_computer(c: Computer): from . import files as exo from .key import n, t_modes, y context: "Context" = c.graph["context"] source = context.transport.data_source.non_LDV"non-LDV data from {source}") keys: list[KeyLike] = [] if source == "IKARUS": keys.append("transport nonldv::ixmp+ikarus") elif source is None: pass # Don't add any data else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown source for non-LDV data: {source!r}") # Dummy/placeholder data for 2-wheelers (not present in IKARUS) keys.append(single_key(c.add("transport 2W::ixmp", get_2w_dummies, "context"))) # Compute CO₂ emissions factors for k in map(Key, list(keys[:-1])): c.add(k + "input", itemgetter("input"), k) c.add(k + "emi", ef_for_input, "context", k + "input", species="CO2") keys.append(k + "emi") # Data for usage technologies k_usage = f"transport usage{Pi}" keys.append(k_usage) c.add(k_usage, usage_data, exo.load_factor_nonldv, t_modes, n, y) # Data for non-specified transport technologies #### NB lines below duplicated from .transport.base e_iea = Key("energy:n-y-product-flow:iea") e_fnp = KeySeq(e_iea.drop("y")) e = KeySeq("energy:commodity-flow-node_loc:iea") # Transform IEA EWEB data for comparison c.add(e_fnp[0], "select", e_iea, indexers=dict(y=2020), drop=True) c.add(e_fnp[1], "aggregate", e_fnp[0], "groups::iea to transport", keep=False) c.add( e[0], "rename_dims", e_fnp[1], quote(dict(n="node_loc", product="commodity")), sums=True, ) #### c.add(e[1] / "flow", "select", e[0], indexers=dict(flow="OTHER"), drop=True) path = package_data_path("transport", context.regions, "energy-other.csv") kw = dict(header_comment=ENERGY_OTHER_HEADER) c.add("energy other csv", "write_report", e[1] / "flow", path=path, kwargs=kw) # Handle data from the file energy-other.csv try: keys.extend(iter_keys(c.apply(other, exo.energy_other))) except MissingKeyError: log.warning(f"No key {k!r}; unable to add data for 'transport other *' techs") # Add minimum activity for transport technologies keys.extend(iter_keys(c.apply(bound_activity_lo))) k_constraint = f"constraints{Pi}" keys.append(k_constraint) c.add(k_constraint, constraint_data, "t::transport", t_modes, n, y, "config") # Add other constraints on activity of non-LDV technologies keys.extend(bound_activity(c)) # Add to the scenario k_all = f"transport{Pi}" c.add(k_all, "merge_data", *keys) c.add("transport_data", __name__, key=k_all)
[docs] def get_2w_dummies(context) -> "ParameterData": """Generate dummy, equal-cost output for 2-wheeler technologies. **NB** this is analogous to :func:`.ldv.get_dummy`. """ # Information about the target structure config: "Config" = context.transport info = config.base_model_info # List of years to include years = list(filter(lambda y: y >= 2010, info.set["year"])) # List of 2-wheeler technologies all_techs = config.spec.add.set["technology"] techs = list(map(str, all_techs[all_techs.index("2W")].child)) # 'output' parameter values: all 1.0 (ACT units == output units) # - Broadcast across nodes. # - Broadcast across LDV technologies. # - Add commodity ID based on technology ID. output = ( make_df( "output", value=1.0, commodity="transport vehicle 2w", year_act=years, year_vtg=years, unit="Gv * km", level="useful", mode="all", time="year", time_dest="year", ) .pipe(broadcast, node_loc=info.N[1:], technology=techs) .pipe(same_node) ) # Add matching data for 'capacity_factor' and 'var_cost' data = make_matched_dfs(output, capacity_factor=1.0, var_cost=1.0) data["output"] = output return data
[docs] def bound_activity(c: "Computer") -> list[Key]: """Constrain activity of non-LDV technologies based on :file:`act-non_ldv.csv`.""" base = exo.act_non_ldv # Produce MESSAGE parameters bound_activity_{lo,up}:nl-t-ya-m-h kw = dict( dims=dict(node_loc="n", technology="t", year_act="y"), common=dict(mode="all", time="year"), ) k_bau = Key(f"bound_activity_up{Pi}") c.add(k_bau, "as_message_df", base,, **kw) return [k_bau]
[docs] def bound_activity_lo(c: Computer) -> list[Key]: """Set minimum activity for certain technologies to ensure |y0| energy use. Responds to values in :attr:`.Config.minimum_activity`. """ @lru_cache def techs_for(mode: Code, commodity: str) -> list[Code]: """Return techs that are (a) associated with `mode` and (b) use `commodity`.""" result = [] for t in mode.child: if input_info := t.eval_annotation(id="input"): if input_info["commodity"] == commodity: result.append( return result def _(nodes, technologies, y0, config: dict) -> Quantity: """Quantity with dimensions (c, n, t, y), values from `config`.""" # Extract MESSAGEix-Transport configuration cfg: "Config" = config["transport"] # Construct a set of all (node, technology, commodity) to constrain rows: list[list] = [] cols = ["n", "t", "c", "value"] for (n, modes, c), value in cfg.minimum_activity.items(): for m in ["2W", "BUS", "F ROAD"] if modes == "ROAD" else ["RAIL"]: m_idx = technologies.index(m) rows.extend([n, t, c, value] for t in techs_for(technologies[m_idx], c)) # Assign y and value; convert to Quantity return Quantity( pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=cols) .assign(y=y0) .set_index(cols[:3] + ["y"])["value"], units="GWa", ) k = KeySeq("bound_activity_lo:n-t-y:transport minimum") c.add(next(k), _, "n::ex world", "t::transport", "y0", "config") # Produce MESSAGE parameter bound_activity_lo:nl-t-ya-m-h kw = dict( dims=dict(node_loc="n", technology="t", year_act="y"), common=dict(mode="all", time="year"), ) c.add(k["ixmp"], "as_message_df", k[0],, **kw) return [k["ixmp"]]
def _inputs(technology: Code, commodity: str) -> bool: """Return :any:`True` if `technology` has an ‘input’ annotation with `commodity`. :func:`.filter` helper for sequences of technology codes. """ if input_info := technology.eval_annotation(id="input"): return commodity in input_info["commodity"] else: return False
[docs] def constraint_data( t_all, t_modes: list[str], nodes, years: list[int], genno_config: dict ) -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Return constraints on growth of CAP_NEW for non-LDV technologies. Responds to the :attr:`.Config.constraint` keys :py:`"non-LDV *"`; see description there. """ config: Config = genno_config["transport"] # Non-LDV modes passenger modes modes = set(t for t in t_modes if t != "LDV") # Freight modes modes.add("F ROAD") # Lists of technologies to constrain # All technologies under the non-LDV modes t_0: set[Code] = set(filter(lambda t: t.parent and in modes, t_all)) # Only the technologies that input c=electr t_1: set[Code] = set(filter(partial(_inputs, commodity="electr"), t_0)) # Aviation technologies only t_2: set[Code] = set(filter(lambda t: t.parent and == "AIR", t_all)) # Only the technologies that input c=gas t_3: set[Code] = set(filter(partial(_inputs, commodity="electr"), t_0)) common = dict(year_act=years, year_vtg=years, time="year", unit="-") dfs = defaultdict(list) # Iterate over: # 1. Parameter name # 2. Set of technologies to be constrained. # 3. A fixed value, if any, to be used. for name, techs, fixed_value in ( # These 2 entries set: # - 0 for the t_1 (c=electr) technologies # - The value from config for all others ("growth_activity_lo", list(t_0 - t_1), np.nan), ("growth_activity_lo", list(t_1), 0.0), # This 1 entry sets the value from config for all technologies # ("growth_activity_lo", t_0, np.nan), # This entry sets the value from config for certain technologies ("growth_activity_up", list(t_1 | t_2 | t_3), np.nan), # For this parameter, no differentiation ("growth_new_capacity_up", list(t_0), np.nan), ): # Use the fixed_value, if any, or a value from configuration value = np.nan_to_num(fixed_value, nan=config.constraint[f"non-LDV {name}"]) # Assemble the data dfs[name].append( make_df(name, value=value, **common).pipe( broadcast, node_loc=nodes, technology=techs ) ) # Add initial_* values corresponding to growth_{activity,new_capacity}_up, to # set the starting point of dynamic constraints. if name.endswith("_up"): name_init = name.replace("growth", "initial") value = config.constraint[f"non-LDV {name_init}"] for n, df in make_matched_dfs(dfs[name][-1], **{name_init: value}).items(): dfs[n].append(df) return {k: pd.concat(v) for k, v in dfs.items()}
[docs] def other(c: Computer, base: Key) -> list[Key]: """Generate MESSAGE parameter data for ``transport other *`` technologies.""" from .key import gdp_index # Keys assert {"c", "n"} == set(base.dims) bcast = Key("broadcast:c-t:other transport") k_cnt = (base + "0") * "t" # with added dimension "t" k_cnty = KeySeq(base * ("t", "y") + "1") # with added dimensions "t", "y" def broadcast_other_transport(technologies) -> Quantity: """Transform e.g. c="gas" to (c="gas", t="transport other gas").""" rows = [] cols = ["c", "t", "value"] for code in filter(lambda code: "other" in, technologies): rows.append([code.eval_annotation(id="input")["commodity"],, 1.0]) return Quantity(pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=cols).set_index(cols[:-1])[cols[-1]]) c.add(bcast, broadcast_other_transport, "t::transport") c.add(k_cnt, "mul", base, bcast) # Project values across y using GDP PPP index c.add(k_cnty[0], "mul", k_cnt, gdp_index) # Convert units to GWa c.add(k_cnty[1], "convert_units", k_cnty[0], quote("GWa")) # Produce MESSAGE parameters bound_activity_{lo,up}:nl-t-ya-m-h kw = dict( dims=dict(node_loc="n", technology="t", year_act="y"), common=dict(mode="all", time="year"), ) k_bal = Key(f"bound_activity_lo{Oi}") c.add(k_bal, "as_message_df", k_cnty.prev,, **kw) k_bau = Key(f"bound_activity_up{Oi}") c.add(k_bau, "as_message_df", k_cnty.prev,, **kw) # Divide by self to ensure values = 1.0 but same dimensionality c.add(k_cnty[2], "div", k_cnty[0], k_cnty[0]) # Results in dimensionless; re-assign units c.add(k_cnty[3], "assign_units", k_cnty[2], quote("GWa")) # Produce MESSAGE parameter input:nl-t-yv-ya-m-no-c-l-h-ho kw["dims"].update(commodity="c", node_origin="n", year_vtg="y") kw["common"].update(level="final", time_origin="year") k_input = Key(f"input{Oi}") c.add(k_input, "as_message_df", k_cnty.prev,, **kw) result = Key(f"transport{Oi}") c.add(result, "merge_data", k_bal, k_bau, k_input) return [result]
[docs] def usage_data( load_factor: Quantity, modes: list[Code], nodes: list[str], years: list[int] ) -> Mapping[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Generate data for non-LDV usage "virtual" technologies. These technologies convert commodities like "transport vehicle rail" (i.e. vehicle-distance traveled) into "transport pax rail" (i.e. passenger-distance traveled), through use of a load factor in the ``output`` efficiency. They are "virtual" in the sense they have no cost, lifetime, or other physical properties. """ common = dict(year_vtg=years, year_act=years, mode="all", time="year") data = [] for mode in filter(lambda m: m != "LDV", map(str, modes)): data.append( make_io( src=(f"transport vehicle {mode.lower()}", "useful", "Gv km"), dest=(f"transport pax {mode.lower()}", "useful", "Gp km"), efficiency=load_factor.sel(t=mode.upper()).item(), on="output", technology=f"transport {mode.lower()} usage", # Other data **common, ) ) result: dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = dict() merge_data(result, *data) for k, v in result.items(): result[k] = v.pipe(broadcast, node_loc=nodes).pipe(same_node).pipe(same_time) return result