Source code for message_ix_models.model.transport.files

"""Input data flows for MESSAGEix-Transport, read from CSV files.

See :ref:`transport-data-files` for documentation of the data flows in :data:`FILES`.

import logging
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union, cast

from genno import Key

from message_ix_models.util import package_data_path
from message_ix_models.util.ixmp import get_reversed_rename_dims

from .key import pdt_cap

    import genno
    import pint
    import sdmx.message
    import sdmx.model.common
    from genno.core.key import KeyLike
    from sdmx.model.common import ConceptScheme

    from message_ix_models import Context
from message_ix_models.types import MaintainableArtefactArgs

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: List of all :class:`.ExogenousDataFile`.
FILES: list["ExogenousDataFile"] = []

[docs] class ExogenousDataFile: """Exogenous/input data for MESSAGEix-Transport expected in a file. .. todo:: - Generate documentation (docstrings or snippets) in reStructuredText format. - Accept an argument that sets :attr:`dfd` directly; skip handling other arguments. - Annotate certain dimensions as optional; expand :meth:`.add_tasks` to automatically handle insertion of these dimensions. - Merge with, or make a subclass of, :class:`.ExoData`. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data flow. units : str Units for observations in the data flow. key : KeyLike, optional Key at which the data from the file will be present in a :class:`.Computer`. dims : tuple of str, optional Dimensions of the data. path : str or tuple of str, optional Path at which the file is located. If not supplied, :attr:`path` is constructed from `key`, `dims`, and the tag "exo". description : str, optional Human-readable description of the data flow, including any notes about required properties or contents or methods used to handle the data. required : bool, optional If :any:`True` (the default), the file **must** be present for the build to succeed. """ #: :class:`sdmx.Dataflow <sdmx.model.common.BaseDataflowDefinition>` describing the #: input data flow. df: "sdmx.model.common.BaseDataflow" # Access to annotations of DFD @property def key(self) -> Key: """:class:`genno.Key`, including preferred dimensions.""" return Key(str(self.df.get_annotation(id="genno-key").text)) @property def path(self) -> Path: """Path fragment for the location of a file containing the data.""" return Path(str(self.df.get_annotation(id="file-path").text)) @property def required(self) -> bool: """:any:`True` if the data must be present for :func:``.""" return self.df.eval_annotation(id="required-for-build") @property def units(self) -> "pint.Unit": """Preferred units.""" import pint return pint.get_application_registry().Unit( self.df.eval_annotation(id="preferred-units") )
[docs] def __init__( self, *, name: str, units: str, key: Optional["KeyLike"] = None, dims: Optional[tuple[str, ...]] = None, path: Union[str, tuple[str, ...], None] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, required: bool = True, ): import pint from sdmx.model.common import Annotation from sdmx.model.v21 import DataflowDefinition, DataStructureDefinition # Collection of annotations for the data flow anno = [Annotation(id="required-for-build", text=repr(required))] # Handle `path` argument if isinstance(path, str): _path = Path(path) elif path: _path = Path(*path) # Parse and store units ureg = pint.get_application_registry() try: units = ureg.Unit(units) except Exception as e:"Replace units {units!r} with 'dimensionless' due to {e}") units = ureg.dimensionless anno.append(Annotation(id="preferred-units", text=f"{units}")) if not key: # Determine from file path key = Key(" ".join("-", " "), dims or (), "exo") else: # Convert to Key object key = Key(key) if path is None: _path = Path(" ", "-")) anno.append(Annotation(id="genno-key", text=str(key))) _path = _path.with_suffix(".csv") anno.append(Annotation(id="file-path", text=str(_path))) # Retrieve the shared concept scheme common = common_structures() cs: "ConceptScheme" = common.concept_scheme["CS_MESSAGE_TRANSPORT"] # Reuse its properties for maintainable artefacts kw: "MaintainableArtefactArgs" = dict( maintainer=cs.maintainer, version=cs.version, is_final=cs.is_final, is_external_reference=cs.is_external_reference, ) # SDMX IDs for the data flow and data structure name_for_id =" ", "_") df_id = f"DF_{name_for_id}" ds_id = f"DS_{name_for_id}" # Create a data structure definition dsd = DataStructureDefinition(id=ds_id, **kw, name=f"Structure of {df_id}") # Add dimensions _rrd = get_reversed_rename_dims() for dim in key.dims: # Symbol ('n') → Dimension ID ('node') → upper case dim_id = _rrd.get(dim, dim).upper() # Add to the concept scheme concept = cs.setdefault(id=dim_id) # Add the dimension to the DSD dsd.dimensions.getdefault(id=dim_id, concept_identity=concept) if description is not None: desc = f"{description.strip()}\n\n" else: desc = "" desc += "Input data for MESSAGEix-Transport." # Create and store a data flow definition self.df = DataflowDefinition( id=df_id, **kw, name=name, description=desc, structure=dsd, annotations=anno )
# Does nothing except ensure callable(…) == True for inspection by genno def __call__(self): ... def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ExogenousDataFile {self.path}{self.key}>"
[docs] def add_tasks( self, c: "genno.Computer", *args, context: "Context" ) -> tuple["KeyLike", ...]: """Prepare `c` to read data from a file like :attr:`.path`.""" from message_ix_models.util.ixmp import rename_dims from .util import path_fallback # Identify the path try: path = path_fallback(context, self.path) except FileNotFoundError: if self.required: raise else: return () # Use standard RENAME_DIMS from ixmp config dims = rename_dims().copy() values = set(dims.values()) dims.update({d: d for d in self.key.dims if d not in values}) c.add("load_file", path, key=self.key, dims=dims, return (self.key,)
[docs] def generate_csv_template(self) -> Path: """Generate a CSV template file.""" raise NotImplementedError
# 1. In the current format.abs # 2. In SDMX-CSV. # dm = DataMessage() # # template =
[docs] def add(*, replace: bool = False, **kwargs) -> "Key": """Add or replace an entry in :data:`FILES`. Parameters ---------- replace : bool, *optional* If :any:`True`, replace any existing entry in :data:`FILES` that targets an equivalent key to the one implied by `kwargs`. Otherwise (default), raise an exception. kwargs : Passed on to :class:`ExogenousDataFile`. Returns ------- Key The :attr:`ExogenousDataFile.key` at which the loaded and transformed data will be available. """ edf = ExogenousDataFile(**kwargs) if duplicate := list(filter(lambda x: x[1].key == edf.key, enumerate(FILES))): i, existing = duplicate[0] if replace:"Replace existing entry for {existing.key} at index {i}") FILES[i] = edf else: raise RuntimeError(f"Definition of {edf} duplicates existing {existing}") else: # Add to the list of FILES FILES.append(edf) return edf.key
[docs] @lru_cache() def common_structures() -> "sdmx.message.StructureMessage": """Return common structures for use in the current module.""" from importlib.metadata import version from packaging.version import parse from sdmx.message import StructureMessage from sdmx.model.common import ConceptScheme from message_ix_models.util.sdmx import read # Create a shared concept scheme with… # - Same maintainer "IIASA_ECE" as in "IIASA_ECE:AGENCIES". # - Version based on the current version of message_ix_models. # - Final and not an external reference cs = ConceptScheme( id="CS_MESSAGE_TRANSPORT", maintainer=read("IIASA_ECE:AGENCIES")["IIASA_ECE"], version=parse(version("message_ix_models")).base_version, is_final=False, is_external_reference=False, ) # Return encapsulated in a StructureMessage sm = StructureMessage() sm.add(cs) return sm
[docs] def collect_structures() -> "sdmx.message.StructureMessage": """Collect all SDMX data structures from :data:`FILES` and store. The structural metadata are written to :file:`transport-in.xml`. """ from message_ix_models.util.sdmx import write sm = common_structures() for file in FILES: # Add both the DFD and DSD sm.add(file.df) sm.add(file.df.structure) write(sm, basename="transport-in") return sm
[docs] def read_structures() -> "sdmx.message.StructureMessage": """Read structural metadata from :file:`transport-in.xml`.""" import sdmx with open(package_data_path("sdmx", "transport-in.xml"), "rb") as f: return cast("sdmx.message.StructureMessage", sdmx.read_sdmx(f))
activity_freight = add( key="freight activity:n:exo", name="Freight transport activity", units="Gt / km", ) activity_ldv = add( key="ldv activity:n:exo", name="Activity (driving distance) per light duty vehicle", units="km / year", ) pdt_cap_proj = add( key="P activity:scenario-n-t-y:exo", path="pdt-cap", name="Projected passenger-distance travelled (PDT) per capita", units="km / passenger / year", required=False, ) pdt_cap_ref = add( key=(pdt_cap / "y") + "ref", path="pdt-cap-ref", name="Reference (historical) passenger-distance travelled (PDT) per capita", units="km / year", ) disutility = add( key="disutility:n-cg-t-y:per vehicle", name="Disutility cost of LDV usage", units="kUSD / vehicle", ) demand_scale = add( key="demand-scale:n-y", name="Scaling of total demand relative to base year levels", units="dimensionless", ) # NB This differs from fuel_emi_intensity in including (a) a 't[echnology]' dimension # and (b) more and non-GHG species. emi_intensity = add( key="emissions intensity:t-c-e:transport", path="emi-intensity", name="Emissions intensity of fuel use", units="g / EJ", ) energy_other = add( key="energy:c-n:transport other", path="energy-other", name="2020 demand for other transport energy", units="TJ", required=False, ) # NB This differs from emi_intensity in (a) having no 't[echnology]' dimension and (b) # including only CO₂. fuel_emi_intensity = add( key="fuel-emi-intensity:c-e", name="GHG emissions intensity of fuel use", description="""Values are in GWP-equivalent mass of carbon, not in mass of the emissions species.""", units="tonne / kWa", ) lifetime_ldv = add( key="lifetime:nl-yv:ldv+exo", path="lifetime-ldv", name="Technical lifetime (maximum age) of LDVs", description="""Values are filled forwards. In MESSAGE(V)-Transport, this quantity had the additional dimension of driver_type, and values were 20 years for driver_type='average', 15 y for 'moderate', and 10 y for 'frequent'.""", units="year", ) mode_share_freight = add( key="freight mode share:n-t:exo", path="freight-mode-share-ref", name="Mode shares of freight activity in the model base period", units="dimensionless", ) ikarus_availability = add( path=("ikarus", "availability"), dims=("source", "t", "c", "y"), name="Availability of non-LDV transport technologies", description="""- 'source' is either "IKARUS" or "Krey/Linßen".""", units="km / a", ) ikarus_fix_cost = add( path=("ikarus", "fix_cost"), dims=("source", "t", "c", "y"), name="Fixed cost of non-LDV transport technologies", description="Costs are per vehicle.", units="kEUR_2000", ) ikarus_input = add( path=("ikarus", "input"), dims=("source", "t", "c", "y"), name="Input energy intensity of non-LDV transport technologies", units="GJ / (100 vehicle km)", ) ikarus_inv_cost = add( path=("ikarus", "inv_cost"), dims=("source", "t", "c", "y"), name="Investment/capital cost of non-LDV transport technologies", units="MEUR_2000", ) ikarus_technical_lifetime = add( path=("ikarus", "technical_lifetime"), dims=("source", "t", "c", "y"), name="Technical lifetime of non-LDV transport technologies", units="year", ) ikarus_var_cost = add( path=("ikarus", "var_cost"), dims=("source", "t", "c", "y"), name="Variable cost of non-LDV transport technologies", units="EUR_2000 / (100 vehicle km)", ) input_base = add( path="input-base", key="input:t-c-h:base", name="Base model input efficiency", units="GWa", ) age_ldv = add( path="ldv-age", key="age:n-t-y:ldv+exo", name="Mean age of LDVs as of the model base period", units="years", ) class_ldv = add( path="ldv-class", dims=("n", "vehicle_class"), name="Share of light-duty vehicles by class", units="dimensionless", required=False, ) input_adj_ldv = add( key="ldv input adj:n-scenario:exo", name="Calibration factor for LDV fuel economy", units="dimensionless", ) input_ref_ldv = add( path="ldv-input-ref", key="fuel economy:nl-m:ldv+ref", name="Reference fuel economy for LDVs", units="GWa / (Gvehicle km)", required=False, ) cap_new_ldv = add( path="ldv-new-capacity", key="cap_new:nl-t-yv:ldv+exo", name="New capacity values for LDVs", description="""Applied as historical_new_capacity and bound_new_capacity_{lo,up} values for LDVs""", units="MVehicle", required=False, ) t_share_ldv = add( path="ldv-t-share", key="tech share:n-t:ldv+exo", name="Share of total stock for LDV technologies", description=""" - Values must sum to 1 across the 't' dimension. - Technology codes annotated "historical-only: True" (e.g. ICE_L_ptrp) must be omitted or have zero values. If not, incompatible/infeasible constraint values are created. """, units="dimensionless", ) act_non_ldv = add( path="act-non_ldv.csv", key="activity:n-t-y:non-ldv+exo", name="Fixed activity of non-LDV technologies.", units="dimensionless", ) load_factor_ldv = add( key="load factor ldv:scenario-n-y:exo", name="Load factor (occupancy) of LDVs", description="""Units are implicity passengers per vehicle.""", units="dimensionless", ) load_factor_nonldv = add( key="load factor nonldv:t:exo", name="Load factor (occupancy) of non-LDV passenger vehicles", units="passenger / vehicle", ) pop_share_attitude = add( path=("ma3t", "attitude"), dims=("attitude",), name="Share of population by technology propensity/attitude", units="dimensionless", ) pop_share_driver = add( path=("ma3t", "driver"), dims=("census_division", "area_type", "driver_type"), name="Share of population by driver type, census_division, and area_type", description="""Values sum to roughly 1 across 'area_type' for each combination of other dimensions.""", units="dimensionless", ) pop_share_cd_at = add( path=("ma3t", "population"), dims=("census_division", "area_type"), name="Share of population by census division and area type", description="Values sum to roughly 1 across 'area_type' for each census_division.", units="dimensionless", ) mer_to_ppp = add( key="mer to ppp:n-y", name="Convertion from market exchange rate (MER) to PPP", units="dimensionless", required=False, ) pdt_elasticity = add( key="pdt elasticity:scenario-n:exo", name="“Elasticity” of PDT-capita with respect to GDP", units="dimensionless", ) population_suburb_share = add( key="population suburb share:n-y:exo", name="Share of MSA population that is suburban", units="dimensionless", required=False, ) speed = add( key="speed:scenario-n-t-y:exo", name="Vehicle speed", description=""" - This is the mean value for all vehicles of all technologies for the given mode. - The code that handles this file interpolates on the ‘year’ dimension.""", units="km / hour", )