test_as_codes ()
Forward reference to a child is silently dropped. |
test_as_codes_invalid (data)
as_codes() rejects invalid data. |
test_broadcast (caplog)
test_check_support (test_context)
check_support() raises an exception for missing/non-matching values.
test_convert_units (recwarn)
convert_units() works.
test_copy_column ()
test_ffill ()
test_iter_parameters (test_context)
Parameters indexed by set 'node' can be retrieved. |
test_load_package_data (path)
Existing package data can be loaded. |
test_load_package_data_invalid ()
load_package_data() raises an exception for an unsupported file type. |
test_load_package_data_twice (caplog)
Loading the same data twice logs a message. |
test_load_private_data (*parts[, suffix])
test_local_data_path (tmp_path_factory, ...)
test_make_source_tech0 ()
test_make_source_tech1 (test_mp)
Test make_source_tech() with a Scenario object as input. |
test_maybe_query ()
maybe_query() works as intended.
test_package_data_path ()
test_path_fallback (caplog)
test_private_data_path ()
test_replace_par_data (caplog, test_context)
Test replace_par_data() . |
test_same (name, func, col)
Test both same_node() and same_time() . |
test_strip_par_data (caplog, test_context)
Test the "dry run" feature of strip_par_data() . |