"""Tools for modeling workflows."""
import logging
import re
from typing import (
from genno import Computer
from message_ix import Scenario
from message_ix_models.util.context import Context
from message_ix_models.util.ixmp import parse_url
from click import Command
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# commented: this conflicts with option keyword arguments to workflow step functions
# CallbackType = Callable[[Context, Scenario], Scenario]
CallbackType = Callable
[docs]class WorkflowStep:
"""Single step in a multi-scenario workflow.
Nothing occurs when the WorkflowStep is instantiated.
name : str
``"model name/scenario name"`` for the :class:`.Scenario` produced by the step.
action : CallbackType, optional
Function to be executed to modify the base into the target Scenario.
clone : bool, optional
:obj:`True` to clone the base scenario the target.
target : str, optional
URL for the scenario produced by the workflow step. Parsed to
:attr:`scenario_info` and :attr:`platform_info`.
Keyword arguments for `action`.
#: Function to be executed on the subject scenario. If :obj:`None`, the target
#: scenario is loaded via :meth:`Context.get_scenario`.
action: Optional[CallbackType] = None
#: :obj:`True` or a :class:`dict` with keyword arguments to clone before
#: :attr:`action` is executed. Default: :obj:`False`, do not clone.
clone: Union[bool, dict] = False
#: Keyword arguments passed to :attr:`action`.
kwargs: dict
#: Target platform name and additional options.
platform_info: dict
#: Target model name, scenario name, and optional version.
scenario_info: dict
def __init__(
self, action: Optional[CallbackType], target=None, clone=False, **kwargs
# Store platform and scenario info by parsing the `target` URL
self.platform_info, self.scenario_info = parse_url(target)
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
if clone is not False:
raise TypeError("target= must be supplied for clone=True")
self.platform_info = dict()
self.scenario_info = dict()
# Store the callback and options
self.action = action
self.clone = clone
self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def __call__(
self, context: Context, scenario: Optional[Scenario] = None
) -> Scenario:
"""Execute the workflow step."""
if scenario is None:
# No base scenario
if self.action:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Step with action {self.action!r} requires a base scenario"
# Use Context to retrieve the identified scenario
s = context.get_scenario()
log.info(f"Loaded ixmp://{s.platform.name}/{s.url}")
# Modify the context to identify destination scenario; possibly nothing
s = scenario
log.info(f"Step runs on ixmp://{s.platform.name}/{s.url}")
if context.dest_scenario:
log.info(f" with context.dest_scenario={context.dest_scenario}")
if self.clone is not False:
# Clone to target model/scenario name
log.info("Clone to {model}/{scenario}".format(**self.scenario_info))
kw = self.scenario_info.copy()
# If clone contains keyword arguments, e.g. shift_first_model_year, use them
# NB user code should give clone = dict(keep_solution=True) if desired
if isinstance(self.clone, dict)
else dict(keep_solution=False)
s = s.clone(**kw)
if not self.action:
return s
log.info(f"Execute {self.action!r}")
# Modify context to identify the target scenario
# Invoke the callback
result = self.action(context, s, **self.kwargs)
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
s.platform.close_db() # Avoid locking the scenario
if result is None:
log.info(f"…nothing returned, workflow will continue with {s.url}")
result = s
return result
def __repr__(self):
action = f"{self.action.__name__}()" if self.action else "load"
dest = ""
if self.scenario_info:
dest = " -> {model}/{scenario}".format(**self.scenario_info)
return f"<Step {action}{dest}>"
[docs]class Workflow(Computer):
"""Workflow for operations on multiple :class:`Scenarios <message_ix.Scenario>`.
context : Context
Context object with settings common to the entire workflow.
def __init__(self, context: Context):
self.add_single("context", context)
[docs] def add_step(
name: str,
base: Optional[str] = None,
action: Optional[CallbackType] = None,
) -> str:
"""Add a :class:`WorkflowStep` to the workflow.
name : str
Name for the new step.
base : str or None
Previous step that produces the a pre-requisite scenario for this step.
action : CallbackType
Function to be executed to modify the base into the target Scenario.
replace : bool
:data:`True` to replace an existing step.
Keyword arguments for `action`; passed to and stored on the
:class:`WorkflowStep` until used.
The same as `name`.
if the step `name` already exists. Use `replace` to force overwriting an
existing step.
# Create the workflow step
step = WorkflowStep(action, **kwargs)
if replace:
# Remove any existing step
self.graph.pop(name, None)
# Add to the Computer; return the name of the added step
return str(self.add_single(name, step, "context", base, strict=True))
[docs] def run(self, name_or_names: Union[str, List[str]]):
"""Run all workflow steps necessary to produce `name_or_names`.
name_or_names: str or list of str
Identifier(s) of steps to run.
return self.get(name_or_names)
[docs] def truncate(self, name: str):
"""Truncate the workflow at the step `name`.
The step `name` is replaced with a new :class:`WorkflowStep` that simply loads
the target :class:`.Scenario` that would be produced by the original step.
if step `name` does not exist.
# Generate a new step that merely loads the scenario identified by `name` or its
# base
step = WorkflowStep(None)
step.scenario_info.update(self.guess_target(name, "scenario")[0])
step.platform_info.update(self.guess_target(name, "platform")[0])
except KeyError as e:
if e.args[0] is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unable to locate platform info for {step.scenario_info}"
else: # pragma: no cover
raise # Something else
# Replace the existing step
self.add_single(name, step, "context", None)
[docs] def guess_target(
self, step_name: str, kind: Literal["platform", "scenario"] = "scenario"
) -> Tuple[Mapping, str]:
"""Traverse the graph looking for non-empty platform_info/scenario_info.
Returns the info, and the step name containing it. Usually, this will identify
the name of the platform, model, and/or scenario that is received and acted upon
by `step_name`. This may not be the case if preceding workflow steps perform
clone steps that are not recorded in the `target` parameter to
step_name : str
Initial step from which to work backwards.
kind : str, "platform" or "scenario"
Whether to look up :attr:`~WorkflowStep.platform_info` or
task = self.graph[step_name]
i = getattr(task[0], f"{kind}_info")
return (i.copy(), step_name) if len(i) else self.guess_target(task[2], kind)
[docs]def make_click_command(wf_callback: str, name: str, slug: str, **kwargs) -> "Command":
"""Generate a click CLI command to run a :class:`.Workflow`.
This command:
- when invoked, imports the module containing the `wf_callback`, retrieve and calls
the function. This function receives the values for any :mod:`click` parameters
(arguments and/or options) passed in `kwargs`. The module is not imported
until/unless the command is run.
- …is automatically given the parameters:
- :program:`--go`: Actually run the workflow; otherwise the workflow is only
- :program:`--from`: Truncate the workflow at any step(s) whose names are a full
match for this regular expression.
- uses the :attr:`~.Computer.default_key` (if any) of the :class:`.Workflow`
returned by `wf_callback`, if the user does not provide :program:`TARGET` on the
wf_callback : str
Fully-resolved name (module and object name) for a function that generates the
workflow; for instance "message_ix_models.project.foo.workflow.generate".
name : str
Descriptive workflow name used in the :program:`--help` text.
slug : str
File name fragment for writing the workflow diagram; the path
:file:`{slug}-workflow.svg` is used.
kwargs : optional
Passed to :func:`click.command`, for instance to define additional parameters
for the command.
import click
help_arg = f"""Run the {name} workflow up to step TARGET.
Unless --go is given, the workflow is only displayed.
--from is interpreted as a regular expression.
@click.command(name="run", help=help_arg, **kwargs)
@click.option("--go", is_flag=True, help="Actually run the workflow.")
"--from", "truncate_step", help="Truncate workflow at matching step(s)."
@click.argument("target_step", metavar="TARGET", required=False)
def _func(context, go, truncate_step, target_step, **kwargs):
from importlib import import_module
from message_ix_models.util import show_versions
# Import the module and retrieve the callback function
module_name, callback_name = wf_callback.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)
module = import_module(module_name)
callback = getattr(module, callback_name)
# Generate the workflow
wf = callback(context, **kwargs)
# Truncate the workflow
expr = re.compile(truncate_step.replace("\\", ""))
except AttributeError:
pass # truncate_step is None
for step in filter(expr.fullmatch, wf.keys()):
log.info(f"Truncate workflow at {step!r}")
# Identify the target step
if target_step:
# Compile the string into a regular expression
target_expr = re.compile(target_step)
# Select 1 or more targets based on a regular expression in `target_step`
target_steps = sorted(filter(lambda k: target_expr.fullmatch(k), wf.keys()))
if len(target_steps):
# Create a new target that collects the selected ones
target_step = "cli-targets"
wf.add(target_step, target_steps)
raise click.ClickException(
f"No step(s) matched {target_expr!r} among:\n{sorted(wf.keys())}"
# Workflow default
if not wf.default_key:
raise click.ClickException(
f"No target step provided and no default for {wf}"
target_step = wf.default_key
log.info(f"Execute workflow\n{wf.describe(target_step)}")
log.debug(f"…with package versions:\n{show_versions()}")
if not go:
path = context.get_local_path(f"{slug}-workflow.svg")
log.info(f"Workflow diagram written to {path}")
return _func
def solve(context, scenario, **kwargs):
return scenario