Source code for message_ix_models.model.material.data_buildings

from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from message_ix import make_df

from message_ix_models import ScenarioInfo
from message_ix_models.model.material.util import read_config
from message_ix_models.util import (

CASE_SENS = "ref"  # 'min', 'max'
INPUTFILE = "LED_LED_report_IAMC_sensitivity_R12.csv"
# INPUTFILE = 'LED_LED_report_IAMC_sensitivity_R11.csv'

def read_timeseries_buildings(filename, scenario, case=CASE_SENS):
    # Read the file and filter the given sensitivity case
    bld_input_raw = pd.read_csv(package_data_path("material", "buildings", filename))
    bld_input_raw = bld_input_raw.loc[bld_input_raw.Sensitivity == case]

    bld_input_mat = bld_input_raw[
        ].str.contains(  # "Floor Space|Aluminum|Cement|Steel|Final Energy"
            "Floor Space|Aluminum|Cement|Steel"
    ]  # Final Energy - Later. Need to figure out how to carve out
    bld_input_mat["Region"] = "R12_" + bld_input_mat["Region"]
    print("Check the year values")

    bld_input_pivot = (
            id_vars=["Region", "Variable"],
            value_vars=list(map(str, range(2015, 2101, 5))),
        .set_index(["Region", "Year", "Variable"])

    # Divide by floor area to get energy/material intensities
    bld_intensity_ene_mat = bld_input_pivot.iloc[:, 2:].div(
        bld_input_pivot["Energy Service|Residential|Floor Space"], axis=0
    bld_intensity_ene_mat.columns = [
        s + "|Intensity" for s in bld_intensity_ene_mat.columns
    bld_intensity_ene_mat = pd.concat(
            bld_input_pivot[["Region", "Year"]],
    ).drop(columns=["Energy Service|Residential|Floor Space|Intensity"])

    bld_intensity_ene_mat["Energy Service|Residential|Floor Space"] = bld_input_pivot[
        "Energy Service|Residential|Floor Space"

    # Material intensities are in kg/m2
    bld_data_long = bld_intensity_ene_mat.melt(
        id_vars=["Region", "Year"], var_name="Variable"
    ).rename(columns={"Region": "node", "Year": "year"})
    # Both for energy and material
    bld_intensity_long = bld_data_long[
    bld_area_long = bld_data_long[
        bld_data_long["Variable"] == "Energy Service|Residential|Floor Space"

    tmp = bld_intensity_long.Variable.str.split("|", expand=True)

    bld_intensity_long["commodity"] = tmp[3].str.lower()  # Material type
    bld_intensity_long["type"] = tmp[0]  # 'Material Demand' or 'Scrap Release'
    bld_intensity_long["unit"] = "kg/m2"

    bld_intensity_long = bld_intensity_long.drop(columns="Variable")
    bld_area_long = bld_area_long.drop(columns="Variable")

    bld_intensity_long = bld_intensity_long.drop(

    # Derive baseyear material demand (Mt/year in 2020)
    bld_demand_long = bld_input_pivot.melt(
        id_vars=["Region", "Year"], var_name="Variable"
    ).rename(columns={"Region": "node", "Year": "year"})
    tmp = bld_demand_long.Variable.str.split("|", expand=True)
    bld_demand_long["commodity"] = tmp[3].str.lower()  # Material type
    # bld_demand_long = bld_demand_long[bld_demand_long['year']=="2020"].\
    #     dropna(how='any')
    bld_demand_long = bld_demand_long.dropna(how="any")
    bld_demand_long = bld_demand_long[
        bld_demand_long["Variable"].str.contains("Material Demand")

    return bld_intensity_long, bld_area_long, bld_demand_long

def get_scen_mat_demand(
    commod, scenario, year="2020", inputfile=INPUTFILE, case=CASE_SENS
    a, b, c = read_timeseries_buildings(inputfile, scenario, case)
    if not year == "all":  # specific year
        cc = c[(c.commodity == commod) & (c.year == year)].reset_index(drop=True)
    else:  # all years
        cc = c[(c.commodity == commod)].reset_index(drop=True)
    return cc

def adjust_demand_param(scen):
    scen_mat_demand = scen.par(
        "demand", {"level": "demand"}
    )  # mat demand without buildings considered

    comms = ["steel", "cement", "aluminum"]
    for c in comms:
        mat_building = get_scen_mat_demand(c, scen, year="all").rename(
            columns={"value": "bld_demand"}
        )  # mat demand (timeseries) from buildings model (Alessio)
        mat_building["year"] = mat_building["year"].astype(int)

        sub_mat_demand = scen_mat_demand.loc[scen_mat_demand.commodity == c]
        # print("old", sub_mat_demand.loc[sub_mat_demand.year >=2025])
        sub_mat_demand = sub_mat_demand.join(
            mat_building.set_index(["node", "year", "commodity"]),
            on=["node", "year", "commodity"],
        sub_mat_demand["value"] = sub_mat_demand["value"] - sub_mat_demand["bld_demand"]
        sub_mat_demand = sub_mat_demand.drop(columns=["bld_demand"]).dropna(how="any")

        # Only replace for year >= 2025
        scen.add_par("demand", sub_mat_demand.loc[sub_mat_demand.year >= 2025])
        # print("new", sub_mat_demand.loc[sub_mat_demand.year >=2025])
    scen.commit("Building material demand subtracted")

[docs]def gen_data_buildings(scenario, dry_run=False): """Generate data for materials representation of steel industry.""" # Load configuration context = read_config() config = context["material"]["buildings"] # New element names for buildings integrations lev_new = config["level"]["add"][0] comm_new = config["commodity"]["add"][0] tec_new = config["technology"]["add"][0] # "buildings" print(lev_new, comm_new, tec_new, type(tec_new)) # Information about scenario, e.g. node, year s_info = ScenarioInfo(scenario) # Buildings raw data (from Alessio) ( data_buildings, data_buildings_demand, data_buildings_mat_demand, ) = read_timeseries_buildings(INPUTFILE, scenario, CASE_SENS) # List of data frames, to be concatenated together at end results = defaultdict(list) # For each technology there are different input and output combinations # Iterate over technologies # allyears = s_info.set['year'] #s_info.Y is only for modeling years modelyears = s_info.Y # s_info.Y is only for modeling years nodes = s_info.N # fmy = s_info.y0 nodes.remove("World") # nodes.remove("R11_RCPA") # Read field values from the buildings input data regions = list(set(data_buildings.node)) comms = list(set(data_buildings.commodity)) # types = list(set(data_buildings.type)) types = ["Material Demand", "Scrap Release"] # Order matters common = dict(time="year", time_origin="year", time_dest="year", mode="M1") # Filter only the years in the base scenario data_buildings["year"] = data_buildings["year"].astype(int) data_buildings_demand["year"] = data_buildings_demand["year"].astype(int) data_buildings = data_buildings[data_buildings["year"].isin(modelyears)] data_buildings_demand = data_buildings_demand[ data_buildings_demand["year"].isin(modelyears) ] # historical demands for rg in regions: for comm in comms: # for typ in types: val_mat = data_buildings.loc[ (data_buildings["type"] == types[0]) & (data_buildings["commodity"] == comm) & (data_buildings["node"] == rg), ] val_scr = data_buildings.loc[ (data_buildings["type"] == types[1]) & (data_buildings["commodity"] == comm) & (data_buildings["node"] == rg), ] # Material input to buildings df = ( make_df( "input", technology=tec_new, commodity=comm, level="demand", year_vtg=val_mat.year, value=val_mat.value, unit="t", node_loc=rg, **common, ) .pipe(same_node) .assign(year_act=copy_column("year_vtg")) ) results["input"].append(df) # Scrap output back to industry df = ( make_df( "output", technology=tec_new, commodity=comm, level="end_of_life", year_vtg=val_scr.year, value=val_scr.value, unit="t", node_loc=rg, **common, ) .pipe(same_node) .assign(year_act=copy_column("year_vtg")) ) results["output"].append(df) # Service output to buildings demand df = ( make_df( "output", technology=tec_new, commodity=comm_new, level="demand", year_vtg=val_mat.year, value=1, unit="t", node_loc=rg, **common, ) .pipe(same_node) .assign(year_act=copy_column("year_vtg")) ) results["output"].append(df) # Create external demand param parname = "demand" demand = data_buildings_demand df = make_df( parname, level="demand", commodity=comm_new, value=demand.value, unit="t", year=demand.year, time="year", node=demand.node, ) results[parname].append(df) # Concatenate to one data frame per parameter results = {par_name: pd.concat(dfs) for par_name, dfs in results.items()} # TODO: check the starting model/scenario, if not ENGAGE, call adjust_demand_param if scenario.scenario == "LEDXXXX": adjust_demand_param(scenario) return results