
This page is generated from inline documentation in MESSAGE/parameter_def.gms.

Parameter definition

This file contains the definition of all parameters used in MESSAGEix.

In MESSAGEix, all parameters are understood as yearly values, not as per (multi-year) period. This provides flexibility when changing the resolution of the model horizon (i.e., the set year).

General parameters of the MESSAGEix implementation


Parameters written in bold are auxiliary parameters that are either generated automatically when exporting a message_ix.Scenario to gdx or that are computed during the pre-processing stage in GAMS (see the footnotes for more individual details). These are not meant to be edited through the API when editing scenarios.

Parameter name

Index dimensions

Explanatory comments



Economy-wide interest rate or social discount rate



Duration of sub-annual time slices (relative to 1) 1

duration_period (\(|y|\)) 2


Duration of multi-year period (in number of years) 3


year | year

Number of years between two periods 4


time | time

Relative duration between sub-annual time slices 4



Cumulative discount factor over period duration 4



Discount factor of the last year in the period 4


The element ‘year’ in the set of subannual time slices time has the value of 1. This value is assigned by default when creating a new ixmp.Scenario based on the MESSAGE scheme.


The short-hand notation \(|y|\) is used for the parameters \(duration\_period_y\) in the mathematical model documentation for exponents.


The values for this parameter are computed automatically when exporting a MESSAGE-scheme ixmp.Scenario to gdx. Note that in MESSAGEix, the elements of the year set are understood to be the last year in a period, see this footnote.


These parameters are computed during the GAMS execution.

Parameters of the Resources section

In MESSAGEix, the volume of resources at the start of the model horizon is defined by resource_volume. The quantity of the resources that are extracted per year is dependent on two parameters. The first is bound_extraction_up, which constraints the maximum extraction of the resources (by grade) in a year. The second is resource_remaining, which is the maximum extraction of the remaining resources in a certain year, as a percentage. Extraction costs for resources are represented by resource_cost parameter.

Parameter name

Index dimensions


node | commodity | grade


node | commodity | grade | year


node | commodity | grade | year


node | commodity | level | year

commodity_stock 5

node | commodity | level | year

historical_extraction 6

node | commodity | grade | year


Commodity stock refers to an exogenous (initial) quantity of commodity in stock. This parameter allows (exogenous) additions to the commodity stock over the model horizon, e.g., precipitation that replenishes the water table.


Historical values of new capacity and activity can be used for parametrising the vintage structure of existing capacity and implement dynamic constraints in the first model period.

Parameters of the Demand section

Parameter name

Index dimensions

demand [demand_fixed] 7

node | commodity | level | year | time

peak_load_factor 8

node | commodity | year


The parameter demand in a MESSAGE-scheme ixmp.Scenario is translated to the parameter demand_fixed in the MESSAGEix implementation in GAMS. The variable DEMAND is introduced as an auxiliary reporting variable; it equals demand_fixed in a MESSAGE-standalone run and reports the final demand including the price response in an iterative MESSAGE-MACRO solution.


The parameters peak_load_factor (maximum peak load factor for reliability constraint of firm capacity) and reliability_factor (reliability of a technology (per rating)) are based on the formulation proposed by Sullivan et al., 2013 [6]. It is used in Reliability of installed capacity.

Parameters of the Technology section

Input/output mapping, costs and engineering specifications

Parameter name

Index dimensions

input 9

node_loc | tec | year_vtg | year_act | mode | node_origin | commodity | level | time | time_origin

output 9

node_loc | tec | year_vtg | year_act | mode | node_dest | commodity | level | time | time_dest

inv_cost 9

node_loc | tec | year_vtg

fix_cost 9

node_loc | tec | year_vtg | year_act

var_cost 9

node_loc | tec | year_vtg | year_act | mode | time

levelized_cost 10

node_loc | tec | year_vtg | time

construction_time 11

node_loc | tec | year_vtg


node_loc | tec | year_vtg

capacity_factor 9

node_loc | tec | year_vtg | year_act | time

operation_factor 9

node_loc | tec | year_vtg | year_act

min_utilization_factor 9

node_loc | tec | year_vtg | year_act

rating_bin 12

node | tec | year_act | commodity | level | time | rating

reliability_factor 8

node | tec | year_act | commodity | level | time | rating

flexibility_factor 13

node_loc | tec | year_vtg | year_act | mode | commodity | level | time | rating

renewable_capacity_factor 14

node_loc | commodity | grade | level | year

renewable_potential 14

node | commodity | grade | level | year


node_loc | tec | year_vtg | year_act | mode | emission


Fixed and variable cost parameters and technical specifications are indexed over both the year of construction (vintage) and the year of operation (actual). This allows to represent changing technology characteristics depending on the age of the plant.


The parameter levelized_cost is computed in the GAMS pre-processing under the assumption of full capacity utilization until the end of the technical lifetime.


The construction time only has an effect on the investment costs; in MESSAGEix, each unit of new-built capacity is available instantaneously at the beginning of the model period.


Maximum share of technology in commodity use per rating. The upper bound of a contribution by any technology to the constraints on system reliability (Reliability of installed capacity) and flexibility (Equation SYSTEM_FLEXIBILITY_CONSTRAINT) can depend on the share of the technology output in the total commodity use at a specific level.


Contribution of technologies towards operation flexibility constraint. It is used in Equation SYSTEM_FLEXIBILITY_CONSTRAINT.


renewable_capacity_factor refers to the quality of renewable potential by grade and renewable_potential refers to the size of the renewable potential per grade.

Bounds on capacity and activity

The following parameters specify upper and lower bounds on new capacity, total installed capacity, and activity. The bounds on activity are implemented as the aggregate over all vintages in a specific period (Equation ACTIVITY_BOUND_UP and Equation ACTIVITY_BOUND_LO).

Parameter name

Index names


node_loc | tec | year_vtg


node_loc | tec | year_vtg


node_loc | tec | year_act


node_loc | tec | year_act


node_loc | tec | year_act | mode | time


node_loc | tec | year_act | mode | time

Dynamic constraints on capacity and activity

The following parameters specify constraints on the growth of new capacity and activity, i.e., market penetration. The implementation of MESSAGEix includes the functionality for ‘soft’ relaxations of dynamic constraints on new-built capacity and activity (see Keppo and Strubegger, 2010 [3]). For more information, please refer to the equations in section Dynamic constraints on market penetration of the mathematical formulation.

Parameter name

Index names


node_loc | tec | year_vtg

growth_new_capacity_up 15

node_loc | tec | year_vtg

soft_new_capacity_up 15

node_loc | tec | year_vtg


node_loc | tec | year_vtg

growth_new_capacity_lo 15

node_loc | tec | year_vtg

soft_new_capacity_lo 15

node_loc | tec | year_vtg

initial_activity_up 16

node_loc | tec | year_act | time

growth_activity_up 15 16

node_loc | tec | year_act | time

soft_activity_up 15

node_loc | tec | year_act | time

initial_activity_lo 16

node_loc | tec | year_act | time

growth_activity_lo 15 16

node_loc | tec | year_act | time

soft_activity_lo 15

node_loc | tec | year_act | time


All parameters related to the dynamic constraints are understood as the bound on the rate of growth/decrease, not as in percentage points and not as (1+growth rate).


The dynamic constraints are not indexed over modes in the MESSAGEix implementation.

Parameters for the add-on technologies

The implementation of MESSAGEix includes the functionality to introduce “add-on technologies” that are specifically linked to parent technologies. This feature can be used to model mitigation options (scrubber, cooling). Upper and lower bounds of add-on technologies are defined relative to the parent: addon_up and addon_lo, respectively.


No default addon_conversion factor (conversion factor between add-on and parent technology activity) is set. This is to avoid default conversion factors of 1 being set for technologies with multiple modes, of which only a single mode should be linked to the add-on technology.

Parameter name

Index names


node | tec | year_vtg | year_act | mode | time | type_addon


node | tec | year_act | mode | time | type_addon


node | tec | year_act | mode | time | type_addon

Parameters for representing storage solutions

The MESSAGEix formulation includes “storage” solutions to model sub-annual, inter-temporal storage of commodities in each period. This feature can be used to model electricity storage (pumped hydro, batteries, compressed air energy storage, etc.), thermal energy storage, demand side management, and in general any technology for storing commodities (gas, hydrogen, water, etc.) over sub-annual timesteps. The user defines the chronological order of sub-annual time steps by assigning a number to them in parameter time_order. This order is used by storage equations to shift the stored commodity in a correct timeline, e.g., from Jan through to Dec, and not vice versa. The last sub-annual timestep is linked to the first one to close the loop of the year. Parameter storage_initial is to set an initial amount for the content of storage in any desirable timestep (optionally). This initial value is a cost-free stored media that storage can discharge in the same or following timesteps. storage_self_discharge represents the self-discharge (loss) of storage as % of the level of stored media in each timestep. This allows to model time-related losses in storage separately, in addition to charging and discharging losses.

Parameter name

Index names


node | tec | level | commodity | year_act | time


node | tec | level | commodity | year_act | time


lvl_temporal | time

Cost parameters for ‘soft’ relaxations of dynamic constraints

The implementation of MESSAGEix includes the functionality for ‘soft’ relaxations of dynamic constraints on new-built capacity and activity (see Keppo and Strubegger, 2010 [3]). Refer to the section Dynamic constraints on market penetration. Absolute cost and levelized cost multipliers are used for the relaxation of upper and lower bounds.

Parameter name

Index names


node_loc | tec | year_vtg


node_loc | tec | year_vtg


node_loc | tec | year_vtg


node_loc | tec | year_vtg


node_loc | tec | year_act | time


node_loc | tec | year_act | time


node_loc | tec | year_act | time


node_loc | tec | year_act | time

Historical capacity and activity values

Historical data on new capacity and activity levels are included in MESSAGEix for correct accounting of the vintage portfolio and a seamless implementation of dynamic constraints from historical years to model periods.

Parameter name

Index names

historical_new_capacity 6

node_loc | tec | year_vtg

historical_activity 6

node_loc | tec | year_act | mode | time

Auxiliary investment cost parameters and multipliers

Auxiliary investment cost parameters include the remaining technical lifetime at the end of model horizon (beyond_horizon_lifetime) in addition to the different scaling factors and multipliers as listed below. These factors account for remaining capacity (remaining_capacity) or construction time of new capacity (construction_time_factor), the value of investment at the end of model horizon (end_of_horizon_factor) or the discount factor of remaining lifetime beyond model horizon (beyond_horizon_factor).

Parameter name

Index names


node | tec | year


node | tec | year


node | tec | year


node | tec | year


node | tec | year

Parameters of the Emission section

The implementation of MESSAGEix includes a flexible and versatile accounting of emissions across different categories and species, with the option to define upper bounds and taxes on various (aggregates of) emissions and pollutants, (sets of) technologies, and (sets of) years.

Parameter name

Index dimensions

historical_emission 6

node | emission | type_tec | year

emission_scaling 17

type_emission | emission


node | type_emission | type_tec | type_year


node | type_emission | type_tec | type_year


The parameter emission_scaling is the scaling factor to harmonize bounds or taxes across types of emissions. It allows to efficiently aggregate different emissions/pollutants and set bounds or taxes on various categories.

Parameters of the Land-Use model emulator section

The implementation of MESSAGEix includes a land-use model emulator, which draws on exogenous land-use scenarios (provided by another model) to derive supply of commodities (e.g., biomass) and emissions from agriculture and forestry. The parameters listed below refer to the assigned land scenario.

Parameter name

Index dimensions

historical_land 6

node | land_scenario | year


node | land_scenario | year


node | land_scenario | year | commodity | level | time


node | land_scenario | year | commodity | level | time


node | land_scenario | year | land_type


node | land_scenario | year | emission


node | land_scenario | year


node | land_scenario | year


node | land_scenario | year


node | land_scenario | year


node | year | land_type


node | land_scenario | year | land_type


node | year | land_type


node | year | land_type


node | land_scenario | year | land_type


node | year | land_type

Parameters of the Share Constraints section

Share constraints define the share of a given commodity/mode to be active on a certain level. For the mathematical formulation, refer to Constraints on shares of technologies and commodities.

Parameter name

Index dimensions


shares | node_share | year_act | time


shares | node | year_act | time


shares | node_loc | technology | mode | year_act | time


shares | node_loc | technology | mode | year_act | time

Parameters of the Relations section

Generic linear relations are implemented in MESSAGEix. This feature is intended for development and testing only - all new features should be implemented as specific new mathematical formulations and associated sets & parameters. For the formulation of the relations, refer to Section of generic relations (linear constraints).

Parameter name

Index dimensions


relation | node_rel | year_rel


relation | node_rel | year_rel


relation | node_rel | year_rel


relation | node_rel | year_rel | tec


relation | node_rel | year_rel | tec


relation | node_rel | year_rel | node_loc | tec | year_act | mode

Fixed variable values

The following parameters allow to set variable values to a specific value. The value is usually taken from a solution of another model instance (e.g., scenarios where a shock sets in later to mimic imperfect foresight).

The fixed values do not override any upper or lower bounds that may be defined, so fixing variables to values outside of that range will yield an infeasible model.

Parameter name

Index dimensions


node | commodity | grade | year


node | commodity | level | year


node | technology | year_vtg


node | technology | year_vtg | year_act


node | technology | year_vtg | year_act | mode | time


node | land_scenario | year

Note that the variable \(STOCK\_CHG\) is determined implicitly by the \(STOCK\) variable and therefore does not need to be explicitly fixed.

Auxiliary reporting parameters

The following parameters are used for reporting (post-processing) solved models. They assign monetary value to the net total system costs from trading and emission taxes (total_cost). Morevoer, they also assign a value to the total trade of commodities (the difference between the revenues from exports and the costs of imports, trade_cost) and to the costs from importing (import_cost) and the revenues from exporting (export_cost) in each node and year.

Parameter name

Index dimensions


node | year


node | year


node | commodity | year


node | commodity | year