CircEUlar (:mod:`.project.circeular`) ************************************* “Developing Circular Pathways for an EU Low-Carbon Transition” Project information =================== - Website: - Duration: 2022-09–2026-08 - Funder: Horizon Europe Modeling activities may include: - Improve :doc:`representation of material cycles ` (e.g., calibrate stocks and flows) (2022-09–2025-08). - Explore circular business models and consumption for buildings, household services and mobility (2023-03–2026-02). - Soft-link with service models, dynamic MFA (`MISO2 `_), MRIO (EXIOfutures), and waste (GAINS) models (2024-06–2025-08). - Develop integrated energy-material-emissions scenarios with focus on demand side transformation (2025-01–2026-08). As of 2025-01: - Lead modeler :gh-user:`amastrucci` (buildings), :gh-user:`r-aneeque` (transport) Code reference ============== .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :template: autosummary-module.rst :recursive: message_ix_models.project.circeular message_ix_models.tests.project.circeular