from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from message_ix_models.model.transport.testing import MARK
from message_ix_models.project.ssp.transport import main
from import user_local_data # noqa: F401
from message_ix_models.util import package_data_path
import pathlib
# Enumeration/flags for codes appearing in VARIABLE
IN_ = 1 # Data appears in the input file only
OUT = 2 # Data appears in the output file *and* with a modified magnitude
I_O = IN_ | OUT # Both
edt = "Energy|Demand|Transportation"
#: IAMC 'Variable' codes appearing in the input file and/or output file.
(0, f"Emissions|CH4|{edt}"),
(OUT, f"Emissions|CH4|{edt}|Aviation"),
(0, f"Emissions|CH4|{edt}|Aviation|International"),
(I_O, f"Emissions|CH4|{edt}|Road Rail and Domestic Shipping"),
# No emissions factors available for BC
(IN_, f"Emissions|BC|{edt}"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|BC|{edt}|Aviation"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|BC|{edt}|Aviation|International"),
(I_O, f"Emissions|CO|{edt}|Aviation"),
(I_O, f"Emissions|CO|{edt}|Road Rail and Domestic Shipping"),
(OUT, f"Emissions|N2O|{edt}|Aviation"),
(I_O, f"Emissions|N2O|{edt}|Road Rail and Domestic Shipping"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|NH3|{edt}"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|NH3|{edt}|Aviation"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|NH3|{edt}|Aviation|International"),
(I_O, f"Emissions|NOx|{edt}|Aviation"),
(I_O, f"Emissions|NOx|{edt}|Road Rail and Domestic Shipping"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|OC|{edt}"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|OC|{edt}|Aviation"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|OC|{edt}|Aviation|International"),
# FIXME Should be OUT
(0, f"Emissions|Sulfur|{edt}|Aviation"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|VOC|{edt}"),
(I_O, f"Emissions|VOC|{edt}|Aviation"),
(IN_, f"Emissions|VOC|{edt}|Aviation|International"),
(I_O, f"Emissions|VOC|{edt}|Road Rail and Domestic Shipping"),
# @pytest.mark.usefixtures("user_local_data")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ("A", "B"))
def test_main(tmp_path, test_context, input_csv_path, method) -> None:
"""Code can be called from Python."""
# Locate a temporary data file
path_in = input_csv_path
path_out = tmp_path.joinpath("output.csv")
# Code runs
main(path_in=path_in, path_out=path_out, method=method)
# Output path exists
assert path_out.exists()
# Read input file
df_in = pd.read_csv(path_in)
# Identify dimension columns
dims_wide = list(df_in.columns)[:5] # …in 'wide' layout
dims = dims_wide + ["Year"] # …in 'long' layout
# Convert wide to long; sort
df_in = df_in.melt(dims_wide, var_name="Year").sort_values(dims)
# Input data already contains the variable names to be modified
exp = {v[1] for v in VARIABLE if IN_ & v[0]}
assert exp <= set(df_in["Variable"].unique())
region = set(df_in["Region"].unique())
# Read output file
df_out = pd.read_csv(path_out).melt(dims_wide, var_name="Year")
# Data have the same length
assert len(df_in) == len(df_out)
# Output has the same set of region codes as input
assert region == set(df_out["Region"].unique())
# Diff data:
# - Outer merge.
# - Compute diff and select rows where diff is larger than a certain value
df = df_in.merge(df_out, how="outer", on=dims).query(
"abs(value_y - value_x) > 1e-16"
# df.to_csv("debug0.csv") # DEBUG Dump to file
# print(df.to_string(max_rows=50)) # DEBUG Show in test output
# All of the expected 'variable' codes have been modified
exp = {v[1] for v in VARIABLE if OUT & v[0]}
assert exp == set(df["Variable"].unique())
cond = df.query("value_y < 0")
if len(cond):
msg = "Negative emissions totals after processing"
print(f"\n{msg}:", cond.to_string(), sep="\n")
assert False, msg
def test_cli(tmp_path, mix_models_cli, input_xlsx_path) -> None:
"""Code can be invoked from the command-line."""
from shutil import copyfile
# Locate a temporary data file
input_file = input_xlsx_path
path_in = tmp_path.joinpath(
# Copy the input file to the test data directory
copyfile(input_file, path_in)
# Code runs
result = mix_models_cli.invoke(["ssp", "transport", "--method=A", f"{path_in}"])
assert 0 == result.exit_code, result.output
# Output path was determined automatically and exists
path_out = tmp_path.joinpath(path_in.stem + "_out.xlsx")
assert path_out.exists()
# Messages were printed about file handling
for message in (
"Convert Excel input to ",
"No PATH_OUT given; write to ",
"Convert CSV output to ",
assert message in result.output